【一筆珈琲店】Back Number #101-110☕

画像1 2019-09-25 に始めたブログ【一筆珈琲店】が、一周年を迎えたことを機に、これまでしたためた “一筆の想い” を、2020-09-25よりnoteでもアップはじめます♬ どうぞよろしくお願いします★ by 店主
画像2 ☕リップクリーム = Lip balm 101  I feel happy when I take care of myself, such as applying lip balm to my dry lips. I want to accumulate while cherishing such trivial things. Have a nice day ★ 2020-01-06
画像3 ☕七草粥 = Nanakusa-gayu 102  While remembering the name of the seven herbs, we will have Nanakusa-gayu in the hope of no illness. Have a nice day ★ 2020-01-07
画像4 ☕ジェットコースター = Roller coaster 103  People on the roller coaster look fun. It's scary to ride it as an adult, but if we want to enjoy the pleasure, we have to give it courage. Have a nice day ★ 2020-01-08
画像5 ☕一日の見方 = How to see a day 104  When we spend every day, our outlook on life will change depending on whether we think that we have added one day or decreased one day today. Have a nice day ★ 2020-01-09
画像6 ☕できないこと = What we can't do 105  Let's stop thinking about what we can't do and focus on what we can do. Have a nice day ★ 2020-01-10
画像7 ☕週末の夜カフェ = Weekend night cafe 106  On weekend nights when everyone wanted to play, I had something to do and went to a cafe. The people who came to the cafe were all working hard with coffee, and it was a wonderful space. Have a nice day ★ 2020-01-11
画像8 ☕準備は平時に = Preparing at normal times 107  In an emergency, we will fight with what we have prepared in normal times. Therefore, let's do our best, thinking that it is a gift for ourselves in the future. Have a nice day ★ 2020-01-12
画像9 ☕オセロのように = Like Othello game 108  I would like to do my best to send words that can turn the feelings of those who were in trouble until then, like the Othello game. Have a nice day ★ 2020-01-13
画像10 ☕好きなことしよっ! = Let's do what you like! 109  If you are having a hard time right now, do what you like first. Even a little time or simple things are OK. They will surely open a hole in the status quo. Have a nice day ★ 2020-01-14
画像11 ☕ハッピーの方へ舵を = In the direction of happiness 110  If you don't like the job and you don't get enough salary, you should move in the direction of happiness. Have a nice day ★ 2020-01-15
画像12 【Coffee Break】#10 ☕『あおい珈琲店』 -板橋- ◎チーズトースト(ナチュラルサムソチーズ 使用) ◎あおいブレンド(コロンビア, ブラジル,グァテマラ,マンデリン 配合)https://tabelog.com/tokyo/A1322/A132203/13086522/
