
大林宣彦監督らが築いた礎、未来ある「尾道映画祭」  "Onomichi Film Festival" with a future, the foundation built by director Nobuhiko Obayashi and others

会場内の客席で観ていた、故大林宣彦監督の奥様で映画プロデューサーの大林恭子さんや娘さんの大林千茱萸さん、そして「ふたり」に主演した石田ひかりさんたちに対しての労いと感謝を込めての拍手だったように思う。そう思いながらも、2年前に亡くなった、尾道出身の映像の魔術師ともいわれた、同作品を監督した大林宣彦監督への “哀悼の意” がお客様の拍手に込められていたようにも聞こえた。
When I finished watching "Futari", a big applause came from the venue. There aren't many scenes of applause after the movie. A generous applause rang out at the venue for the final screening of the stage called "Onomichi Film Festival".
Thanks to the late director Nobuhiko Obayashi's wife and movie producer Kyoko Obayashi, her daughter Chigumi Obayashi, and Hikari Ishida, who starred in "Futari", who were watching in the audience seats at the venue. I think it was a big applause. With that in mind, it seems that the customer's applause was "condolences" to director Nobuhiko Obayashi, who was said to be a video magician from Onomichi who died two years ago. I heard it.

It was the first time for me to see "Futari", and it was exciting to see them in Onomichi on such an occasion. It was deeply emotional that this work, which was entirely on location in Onomichi, was released at the Onomichi Film Festival after 32 years. A story unfolded by a slightly clumsy 14-year-old Mika (Hikari Ishida) and her sister Chizuko (Tomoko Nakajima). At one point, her sister, who died in an unexpected accident, appears as a ghost and encourages her to join her, overcoming her predicament and growing up. This work was made into a movie by Director Obayashi based on the original work of the same name by Jiro Akagawa.


Director Obayashi sent out "Toki o kakeru shojo" and "Sabishinbo" starting with "Tenkosei" set in Onomichi, and these became known as Onomichi trilogy. Then, in 1991, I took this "two people" again at the Onomichi location. Then, I shot "Tomorrow" and "That Summer Day" at intervals of 4 years and produced the Onomichi series as a new Onomichi trilogy. 

小津安二郎監督の「東京物語」で “映画の街・尾道” の足掛かりをつくり、大林宣彦監督が映画の街の基礎を固めた。尾道から発信できる「映画」は次の世代の作家やクリエーターがどのように尾道とかかわり発信していくかが未来を創ることに。いまから楽しみである、何を見せてくれるのか。 

Director Yasujiro Ozu's "Tokyo Monogatari" created a foothold for "Onomichi, the city of movies," and director Nobuhiko Obayashi laid the foundations for the city of movies. "Movies" that can be transmitted from Onomichi will create the future by how the next generation of writers and creators will be involved with Onomichi. I'm looking forward to it from now on, what will you show me? 

余談話であるが、今回も、客席から遠目であるが舞台の石田ひかりさんを拝見した。20年ほど前にも、犬と散歩している石田さんを遠目から見たことを思い出した。ご主人がまだ大阪勤務のころ、西宮に住んでおられたことからそういう偶然があった。私も犬と散歩中で、たしか犬種が一緒だったことを記憶している。だから、なんだ! ということではあるが、私の拍手は石田さんへの応援の気持ちを込めて! 

As an aside, I saw Hikari Ishida on the stage, even though it was far from the audience. I remember seeing Mrs. Ishida walking with his dog from a distance about 20 years ago. There was such a coincidence because she lived in Nishinomiya when her husband was still working in Osaka. I was taking a walk with my dog, and I remember that the dog breed was the same. That's why! But my applause is with the feeling of cheering for Mrs. Ishida! 

リポート&写真/ 渡邉雄二・尾道映画祭実行委員会 Reported & Photos by Yuji Watanabe
