
アジアの神々が「須磨寺」に集う Asian gods gather at "Suma-dera"


The other day, I visited "Suma-dera (official name / Uenoyama Fukusho-ji)", the head temple of the Shingon sect Suma-dera school in Suma-ku, Kobe. At that time, a heterogeneous temple was attached next to the Taiko Bridge in front of the Niomon Gate. I was curious, so I looked into it and found a gate tag with the words "Pantheon of Asia". The building was lined with decorations and stone statues that I had never seen before.


At the entrance, there is a huge stupa, a ring treasure that symbolizes Buddhism, and the Buddhas and strange gods that line the surrounding area. The Pantheon Temple was displayed on the information board as a prayer corridor where Asian gods gathered, as well as the sacred existence of Buddhism. The Pantheon is a building that was just completed in 2016, imitating the Swayambhunath Temple in Kathmandu, the capital of Nepal.




It was written that it was also named the Nepal Great Earthquake Reconstruction Memorial Hall, hoping for recovery from the Great Nepal Earthquake that occurred on April 25, 2015. Inside, stone statues of Buddha, Kannon Bodhisattva, and Hindu gods meditating under the dragon were lined up, and as heterogeneous stone statues, beautiful goddess statues such as the fertile goddess Yakshi were also enshrined.




Next to it was an interesting photo panel on display. Mandala is a visual expression of Buddhist teachings and worldviews. In Tibetan Buddhism, there is a "sand mandala" in which the mandala is drawn with sand. This is a picture of the sand mandala.
Please use the video you are drawing (from Daily News Agency) and watch it if you are interested.



注) ストゥーパとは、古代インドで土饅頭(どまんじゅう)(覆鉢(ふくばち))型に土を盛り上げた墓。

注) 輪宝(りんぽう) 仏教伝説の「転輪聖王(てんりんじょうおう/ 古代インドの思想における理想的な王を指す概念)の宝」の意。転輪聖王の行くところ必ずみずから前進して外敵を破る金輪宝,銀輪宝,銅輪宝,鉄輪宝(共に王がもつ金・銀・銅・鉄の輪)の4種があるという。仏法の象徴として崇拝されるようになり,のちに紋章化された。

注) ネパールの首都、カトマンズは、「人よりも神々のほうが多く住む町」と言われるこの街には、ヒンドゥー教や仏教を中心とした宗教施設が多く点在している。

注) スワヤンブナート寺院は、世界遺産にも登録されているネパール最古の仏教寺院とも言われている。

注) 須磨寺の正式名は上野山福祥寺(じょうやさんふくしょうじ)。古くから「須磨寺」の通称で親しまれてきた。平敦盛遺愛の青葉の笛や弁慶の鐘、さらに敦盛首塚や義経腰掛の松など、多数の重宝や史跡があり「源平ゆかりの古刹」として知られている。古来より源平の浪漫を偲んで訪れる文人墨客も数多く、広い境内のあちこちに句碑・歌碑が点在する。


リポート & 写真 / 渡邉雄二 場所 / 上野山福祥寺(須磨寺) Reported & Photos by Yuji Watanabe
