
独り茶は、「鶉鳴く」心境と重なる 【一茶庵稽古追想】  Alone tea overlaps with the feeling of "quail crying"


Speaking of birds that appear in haiku in this season, there is "quail".
Quail eggs are a common ingredient, so they are familiar. However, quail itself is rarely seen nowadays.
The quail's bark is said to be characteristic and more courageous than any bird's voice. The cry sounds like it's screaming vigorously “Chikake~”.


この鶉が煎茶稽古の題目だった。今回も漢詩ではなく、万葉集から大伴家持や藤原俊成の短歌が “雁が音” のつまみとして取り上げられた。
「鶉鳴く 古りにし里ゆ 思へども 何ぞも妹に 逢ふよしもなき」
そして藤原俊成が、[夕されば 野辺の秋風 身にしみて 鶉鳴くなり 深草の里]

This quail was the subject of sencha training. This time too, instead of Chinese poetry, tanka by Otomo Iemochi and Fujiwara no Toshinari were picked up as something to drink with tea for "Karigane(tea leaf)" from Manyoshu.
There is a song that Iemochi gave Kinoiratsume a tanka of his own feelings.
"The quail crows in the old days, and I don't see you of my sisters."
I've been thinking about it since I was in an old quail village, but why don't I have a chance to meet you?
Then, Fujiwara no Toshinari said, “In the evening, the autumn breeze of village will make you squeal and squeal Fukakusa no Sato”
A woman abandoned by a man turns into a quail and sings lonely in the scene of Fukakusa at dusk in late autumn.
All of them express the tragic love between a man and a woman with the description of a desolate land called "quail". And loneliness is exaggerated by crying.




The tea that you drink alone in this season overlaps with the feeling of "quail". My feelings inflate in such a late autumn evening.


リポート&写真/ 渡邉雄二 場所/ 文人会一茶庵 Reported & Photos by Yuji Watanabe
