
福禄の神を迎え入れて、平和な一年に  【一茶庵稽古追想】  In a peaceful year, welcoming the god of good fortune


Today is "Setsubun". It is a turning point day when winter and spring are separated.
I would like to call it "the day when the cold is over and spring begins", but in addition to the days of trembling in the cold, the coronavirus (Omicron strain) is on the rise.


Previously, "Setsubun" was taken up as a subject in Sencha practice.
The axis that was hung at that time was a figure of an oni(demon) running away. And on the board next to it, "Misoka Sokyu" was written by the Tang dynasty poet Yogo.


             一茶庵稽古 掛軸

いまの節分の「鬼は外 福は内」の原型のような風習なのかもしれない。

In China, it seems that there used to be an event to pray for the happiness and well-being of the year by sending out the poor oni in the house called " Binbogami sending " on New Year's Eve every month or New Year's Eve and welcomes the good fortune.
It's an old story, but even in a rich house in Osaka, there is a custom called "binbogami sending" to make two grilled miso on New Year's Eve every month and go around the house to put the disasters in the house on the grilled miso and let it flow into the river.
It is said that it was. It may be a custom like the prototype of "Oni is outside fortune is inside" in Setsubun.

New Year's Eve Sending

年年到此日   毎年この日になれば
瀝酒拜街中   酒をそそいで、街中で拝んでいる
萬戸千門看   どこの家でも
無人不送窮   貧乏神を送り出さない人は無い

送窮窮不去   貧乏神を送り出しても、貧乏神は去ってくれない
相泥欲何爲   私になじんでしまって、どうしようとするのだ
今日官家宅   私もお役人になったのだから、
淹留又幾何   この家に居座っていられるのも、もうちょっとだ

古人皆恨別   昔の人は皆んな別れを恨んだが
此別恨消魂   この別れにはがっかりしない
只是空相送   でもこれは空しく送り出すだけ
年年不出門   毎年お前はこの門から出て行かないのだから

This day of the year arrives every year on this day
In the town of Sake, pouring sake and worshiping in the city
any house
there is no one who does not send out the poor god

Even if you send out the poor god, the poor god will not leave
What are you trying to do when you get used to me?
I became an official
It's a little longer to be able to stay in this house.

All the old people have a grudge against
This farewell is not disappointed
Just send it out empty
Because you don't go out from this gate every year


            神戸長田神社 節分祭

Quoted from the Chinese Mythical Legend Encyclopedia


It is the beginning of the spring of the 4th year of Reiwa. With the arrival of calm spring, we welcome the god of good fortune and pray for a peaceful year.

リポート&写真/ 渡邉雄二・ネット画像より 場所/ 文人会一茶庵 Reported & Photos by Yuji Watanabe

※トップの写真は2018年に八坂神社で撮影したもの               ※下段の写真は、数年前の神戸長田神社で撮影されたものをネットより転載
