
南禅寺三門の上層五鳳楼の内陣の魅力を堪能 Enjoy the charm of the inner camp of the upper Gohoro of Nanzen-ji Sanmon


Nanzen-ji is a favorite temple that I have visited many times since I was young. Zen Buddhism Shichido Garan is lined up in the east and west in the vast precincts. Among the temples of the Rinzai sect, it has a special temple status that is exceptional among the five mountains of Kyoto. The entrance to the mountain gate (Sanmon) is one of the three major gates in Japan.


The three gates are said to represent the three barriers that must be passed through in order to reach enlightenment in Buddhist training. It is a name called "Sangedatsumon" of "Ku", "Muso" and "Musa". It is also called the Sanmon and is the main gate representing the temple, and is one of the Zen Buddhist temples (Sanmon, Buddhist temple, temple, monastery, Kuri, Toji, bathroom). The Sanmon Gate of Nanzen-ji Temple is also known as the "Tenka Ryumon", and the upper tower is called the Gohoro.


The current Sanmon was rebuilt in 1628, and the overwhelming sense of volume and colonnades peculiar to the Zen Buddhism style show its strength.



This time, I visited both rabbits and horns only for the purpose of going up to the upper Gohoro of the Sanmon. I've never gone upstairs it before, so take this opportunity. In addition to seeing the principal image of the Chancel (Hokashakazo Buddha statue), the 16 Rakan statues, and the Buddha statues of the side staues, you can also see the colorful drawings drawn on the pillars and ceiling, which are said to be written by Kano Tanyu and Tosa Tokuetsu. I was able to see it loosely. I couldn't enter the Chancel and enjoyed it while peeking through the small window.


In addition, the 360-degree view from the upstairs was overwhelming. To the southwest, I crossed the trees and faced the hazy city of Kyoto.



レポート & Photos / 渡邉雄二 

Reported & Photos by Yuji Watanabe


Photos of Gohoro are from the Internet
