
この一冊から学ぶ。未来が創造できる歴史をつくるために― 【おやじ感想文シリーズ 】 To create a history that can create the future, learning from this book.



After living for many years, I meet various people and things. And I get more interested. We meet and listen to stories, and a lot of information is input on the net, newspapers, TV, etc. I have written down the ones that moved me. I have spelled it out under the title of "Oyaji Impressions". I would like to pull out the information cut out from it and convey it with some modifications.
One of them is the advanced course "Japanese language textbook". Boomed in when I was a vocational school with a high school that I used to work for.


In the field of novels, a part of the novel published in "Shincho" in 1972, "From Okinawa's Note" was published in the theme of literature and reality. It is a work of novelist Torahiko Tamiya. I could imagine the content with the title. It depicts the situation when the American army and the Japanese army, which landed on the main island of Okinawa at the end of the Pacific War, were in an extreme state of living or dying in a fierce battle.
The main character is a military medical captain who is the commander of the medical department of the Naval Air Corps. In 1945, the content was a spectacular scene with a nurse (currently called a nurse), who was the position where the squad leader led his subordinates.



「南には、まだまだたくさんの兵隊がいます、(中略) あなたはその人たちを助けられる、いまのように私を手伝ってください」


The hero's medical squad leader said to a nurse taking care of the injured soldiers in a moat where the soldiers and other nurses went south and were empty. (Excerpt below)

"We have to go south as soon as the order comes down."
"Go south with us, and if you stay here, none of those injured can survive." (Omitted)
Her daughter (nurse) said, "I will stay here."
"You have to die if you stay here, but you're not like those soldiers."
No matter how much the squad leader persuades, the nurse stubbornly repeats,
"I will stay here."
"Why do you want to die so much, you have a dad and a mom, and if you live, you should be able to meet again." (Omitted)
"My dad and mother aren't alive anymore. They're all dead, I'm the only one who survived here ..." (Omitted)
The squad leader once again asked nurse to go south with her.
The squad leader was not a persuasive feeling, but rather a wish. "There are still many soldiers in the south ... You can help them, help me as they are now."
"Can you help me?"
"It may be tonight that the order to go south is given, please be ready to leave."
An order was given that night, and the squad leader went to the moat where his nurse was and searched for nurse.
The nurse said to the squad leader, "I will still stay here." (Omitted)
Ten days later, the squad leader went to the moat where nurse was and continued to call nurse's name. She had a skeletonized corpse that appeared to be nurse.





As I read on, tears overflow. It's also a corner of a cafe waiting for people, so l suppressed my sobbing, but l couldn't stop crying. This was also the first time.

This is a faithful excerpt from the text, but the abbreviations made it a little difficult to understand the emotions. However, in this one textbook, the reality of the time, such as the misery of the war and the appearance and thoughts of human beings at the time of the war, was conveyed in detail.
It makes us realize that war is a tragic event in which humans treat it as if it were garbage. In a world where the times are changing, the history of Japan is dominated by the history of war.
In Japan, it is still 76 years after the war. Nowadays, countries with miserable weapons that rob all of the earth, such as nuclear weapons, use it as a deterrent to power between nations.
I just pray that the time will not come when we will treat living things, including humans, like garbage.

レポート & 写真(トップ) /  渡邉雄二   写真 /  太平洋戦争 沖縄開戦 画像

Reported & Photos(Top) by Yuji Watanabe

Photos / The Pacific War at Okinawa    
