



In my previous blog, I reported that the Trademark Act will be revised so that, in principle, an individual’s name can be registered without the consent of a person with the same name.


I would like to talk about a case related to this that demonstrates how strictly registering personal names as trademarks has been dealt with thus far.


That is the case of “Matsumoto Kiyoshi.”


An application for a sound trademark for “Matsumoto Kiyoshi” was rejected by the JPO on the grounds that it constituted “the name of another person.” The Intellectual Property High Court eventually overturned this decision, and the sound trademark was registered (Registered No. 6,516,931).

商標登録6,516,931号 J-Plat-Pat(特許庁、 INPIT)よりダウンロード
Trademark Registration No. 6,516,931 Downloaded from J-PlatPat (JPO, INPIT)

⑴ 「マツモトキヨシ」の商標は全国的に著名であったこと,「マツモトキヨシ」の言葉はCMやドラッグストアで使用された結果、広く知られていたこと


The Intellectual Property High Court judged that the trademark does not fall under Article 4(1)(viii) of the Trademark Act, which prohibits the registration of another person’s name as a trademark, for the following reasons (Reiwa 2 (Kyo-ke) No. 10126): 
(1) The “Matsumoto Kiyoshi” trademark was famous nationally, and the phrase, “Matsumoto Kiyoshi,” was widely known as a result of it being used in commercials and drugstores, and
(2) The trademark was not found to be associated with or suggest the name of a person called Kiyoshi Matsumoto written in various Chinese characters such as 松本清,松本潔,or 松本清司.


Several character trademarks for “Matsumoto Kiyoshi” had already been registered. However, the sound trademark was rejected by JPO later on due to a stricter judgment.


If the trademark had been written in katakana, like “マツモトキヨシ,” it would have been recognizable as “the drugstore Matsumoto Kiyoshi.” On the other hand, the fact that katakana characters are not recognized in a sound trademark probably influenced the decision to reject the trademark.


However, since the sound trademark is combined with an advertisement jingle, I think that it is even more recognizable as the drugstore Matsumoto Kiyoshi than just the character trademark.


Making it almost impossible to register a personal name as a trademark means that personal names cannot be used as brand names, so this revision has been very much welcomed by the manufacturing industry.

弁理士、株式会社インターブックス顧問 奥田百子
