
Generation Euro Students Award 2023 QA ⑬

2023年5月31日にECB主催で開催された Generation Euro Students Award での、アイルランドチームからラガルド総裁への質問。


アイルランドチームの質疑応答は、31:30 ~ 33:10


Do you have any innovative solutions for the situations that can occur where monetary policy being implemented by ECB might be suitable for German but might be exact opposite to what might be required in a peripheral region or country such as Ireland or Greece or any country like that?



That's a tricky question but a very good one.
I would observe there has been some convergence, and I think that convergence is accelerating at the moment.
And to a certain degree, inflation and the differentials of inflation
are helping.
But it's complete ... I mean it is conventional wisdom.
And I'm saying stating the obvious that in addition to monetary policy we also need fiscal policy, we also need Banking Union,  we also need Capital Market Union,  and we will never be the green economy champion and digital economy champions.
If we do not have all components which is why I think that the focus on Banking Union, Capital Market Union, mechanisms that are not particularly sexy and glamourous but which are necessary for investors to have full confidence that they can invest in Europe have to be progressed.
And Pascal Donna who is one of your compatriots and a good friend
is doing all he can to succeed on that front.


Banking Union
 いくつかのEU加盟国は元々各国が持っていた銀行行政、銀行監督の責任を Banking Union に移譲し、EUレベルでそれを行えるようにしている。ユーロ圏危機への対応として 2012 年に開始された。

Capital Market Union
