
【DAY1】利他的リーダーシッププログラム 開催レポート | 上智大学


Hello, everyone.
We are the Altruistic Leadership Program office.
This time we introduce Day 1.

利他的リーダーシッププログラムとは? | What is Altruistic Leadership Program?


Day 1の今回はブレークアウトルームでチームに分かれ、自己紹介と現状課題のブラッシュアップ、課題解決のために自分達ができることについて話し合いました!

Altruistic Leadership Program is to learn what we can do to solve social issues in the Zero-waste town, Kamikatsu town, Tokushima Prefecture.
The program is a practical program to learn altruistic thinking through team activities.

After finishing all four sessions, applicants can go to fieldwork in the Tokyo area if they wish.
Day1 participants divided into groups at the breakout room, introduced themselves, brushed up on social issues, and discussed what we could do to solve the problem!

自分の身の回りから課題を探す | Found a problem within daily life.




First, participants looked back on their own dormitory life and explored social issues from there. One participant said “I always clean communal kitchen for everyone to use but, everyone has different values. It does not look very clean every time.” They realize they need the cooperation of others to keep a rule in conversation.

They discussed deeply about heavy water use, noise damage, and lack of detailed garbage separation problems.  

課題解決のために何をする? | What do we do to solve social problems?




At the second breakout time, they discussed how to solve social issues in the dormitories they had produced. The Kitchen Value team was impressed by the way they focused on Tokyo's measures to leave trash separation rules up to local communities and tried to find solutions from there. Among them is how to distinguish between trash and garbage?’ The topic was very interesting. Different people have different standards for the degree to which they treat food waste as their own. If you dump food waste in your own room, you find the smell offensive. But then again, if a lot of people dumped their garbage in the kitchen, the garbage can would fill up quickly. If there are rules, there are gray areas.

Participants struggled to squeeze out a solution, such as making and posting posters to communicate as clearly as possible to as many people as possible.





Thank you for reading.

We hope that each team will be able to have a deepened discussion and take action to solve the social issues that they have thought of this time.

Our next session will be on May 13th! Enjoy!
