
海外で日本のいいところを実感する Realized the good points of Japan in foreign countries


When we come to a foreign country, we have many opportunities to recognize again both good and bad things about our own country.

I would like to write about three good things about Japan that I have felt while living in Myanmar, Vietnam, the Philippines, and now in Australia as a working holiday!

These are very very personal opinions. lol

日本語はおしとやかできれいな言語 Japanese is a gentle and beautiful language

When we come to a foreign country, of course, we hear the language of that country, but basically, people of all countries have loud voices and strong tones. lol

Japanese has no strong intonation, and I feel that many people speak slowly, so I personally find it calming and pleasant to listen to.

When I lived in Vietnam, Vietnamese people are really loud, and for a while I was allergic to the Vietnamese language. lol

I also speak Korean and English, and I was surprised at the variety of bad words.

Japanese has just only few bad words, doesn't it?

I think Japanese is a gentle and mild language.

てきぱき、丁寧で迅速な対応 Quick, polite, and prompt actions

I think the Japanese service is the strongest.

It is sometimes said that they are like robots, but they provide the same quality of service at every fixed time, and when a problem arises, they respond promptly.

I feel secure in whatever they do.

When I went to the embassy in Vietnam for visa-related procedures, it was normal to have different responses depending on the person in charge. The cash registers at supermarkets in the Philippines are extremely slow, and if you are unlucky, you will have to wait for an hour or so. Basically, compared to Japanese people, many people are loose with time or don't keep their promises, so it can be frustrating at times. ( I've gotten used to it though.)

I feel that Japanese people are trusted worldwide for their diligence and punctuality.

However, I have become more and more accustomed to the sense of time in other countries, and I have become much more loose with time than I used to be.

ヘルシーで美味しい日本食、最高 Healthy and delicious Japanese food is the best!

When I was in the Philippines and Myanmar, I was very worried about food. This is because there are few vegetables and a lot of oil.

I think the diet has much to do with the long life expectancy of the Japanese people.

Meals that are well-balanced, colorful, and healthily seasoned. Awwww, I want to eat Japanese food...

Many foreigners around me also say that Japanese food is the best! I am happy to know that Japanese food is popular all over the world.

Going abroad allows me to recognize the good points and problems of my own country, and broadens my perspective more!
