自作アニメ Buttons of family business


A man in black told me about our family business when my father died. It have been longed to know but none of my family never told. It was simple work.

Every morning, I go to the cabin in remote area. There is only one room inside. There is no windows, so I am surrounded by four white walls with myriad number of black buttons which are all the same, one centimeter.

Four thousands buttons on each wall I counted several times. Cold plastic buttons sounds when I push. Click.
I have to push all buttons in a day. When it is finished, all buttons sound click. No one can imagine I push the last one and hear just single sound of click. Which means I have to find the button I missed from all the same buttons. I can have a rest anytime but I cannot do since the fear of forgetting which buttons I pushed. There may be nothing to worry about because it is just a button. But I am scared.
This job required nothing but it always give me deep sense of fatigue. I cannot do anything in my home. Even in holiday, I lie in my bed.

No sound. Just click.
No visions except walls with buttons. The only sound I can hear is faint noise of clicking.
No one to talk with.
I cannot imagine what kind of work it is.
Buttons are always cool as if it is refrigerated.
Walls are made of woods but those are also cold indifferently.

It is too easy to push buttons. From 8am to 8pm, I push every day. Saturday and Sunday are off but I cannot stop think of buttons. I am hearing click all the day.

There is no yesterday, no tomorrow for our family. There is only eternal today to the end.
