
my diaries

my short diary in English.


My Second Home: Hiroshima. - Mar. 25, 2024.

My university journey began with disappointment, but it turned into a blessing over these six years. Last week, I graduated from my cherished school and seminar, moving from Hiroshima to the Kansai area. In Hiroshima, I encountered many won

Our Unique Lives. - Mar. 16, 2024.

Recently, some of my high school friends have gotten married, while others have changed their jobs, each carving their unique path. As for me, I am finally graduating from graduate school next week and will start working this April. Althoug

Education and Child Labor. - Mar. 13, 2024.

This is my first diary post in March. Spending a comfortable time at my parents' house and traveling alone to Singapore has been a fulfilling end to my student life over these last two weeks. I plan to post about my Singapore trip soon beca

The Factor of Age in Political Leadership. - Feb. 29, 2024.

The article states that "polls have consistently shown that a majority of Americans are concerned Biden is too old to serve a second term and believe that he has declined cognitively and physically." This raises the question: Is the 81-year

A Turbulent of the election. - Feb. 27, 2024.

The U.S. presidential election is poised for chaos as Republican voters face the difficult decision of choosing between Haley and Trump. Haley is actively campaigning, making it essential to scrutinize their arguments. I do not wish for Tru

Stay Healthy. - Feb. 21, 2024.

I have been exercising at the gym for four years, sometimes alongside my love. Exercise clears my mind and maintains my physical condition. These four years have shown me the benefits of regular exercise. According to an article, there is a

Coexisting with Wildlife. - Feb. 17, 2024.

Our comfortable lives and production activities are putting butterflies at risk of extinction. To wildlife, we humans must seem like monsters. Our reckless development is destroying their habitats. What can halt this crisis? We seldom see

The Russian War is still ongoing. - Feb. 16, 2024.

It has already been two years since the Russian army invaded Ukraine. I have been wondering when the war will end. From my perspective, it seems that the Japanese people are not focusing much on the war these days. There are fewer articles

The Lingering Impact of Gun Violence on Society. - Feb. 15, 2024.

If I were to witness a horrific gun shooting incident in person, how would I feel? This question becomes even more significant if I were a child, as it would undoubtedly affect my emotions and development. Americans live under the constant

Irresponsible Statements on a Student's Life - Feb. 12, 2024.

I was shocked to learn that a politician falsely suggested a teen student was transgender, making the student a target of bullying. She has already deleted the post, but we must address her careless statement, as it affected a child's well-

My Thesis Journey is Done! - Feb. 10, 2024.

I have finally completed the presentation and oral examination for my master's thesis. My professor has granted me a master's degree, signifying the completion of my thesis journey and leaving no further processes to undertake. I feel relie

Is it correct? - Feb. 3, 2024.

Lately, I haven't been able to manage everything I wanted to do: preparing for my presentation and oral exam, studying English and Chinese, going to the gym, cooking, and reading books. A respected senior emphasized the importance of priori

Dogs and Genetic Mutations - Jan. 31, 2024.

I skipped writing my diary for the past two days because I was busy preparing for my thesis presentation next Thursday. Starting this April, I will have less time to do everything due to starting work, so I want to manage my time effectivel

What was the intention of the suspects? - Jan. 28, 2024.

What was the intention of the suspects? Why did they steal a statue of Jackie Robinson by cutting it at the ankles? If they wanted the sculpture, they should have taken it along with the pedestal. According to an article, authorities are s