



















| English Expression                           | Explanation                                                                                                           | Example Sentence                                                                                      |
| **Tell me what's so fun about the party.**   | A request for specific details about why a party is enjoyable or entertaining.                                        | "You seem excited; tell me what's so fun about the party you attended last night!"                     |
| **Full**                                     | Completely filled; no room for more.                                                                                  | "The auditorium was full, so we had to wait for the next show."                                       |
| **How were the sales?**                      | A question asking about the performance or results of sales activities.                                               | "How were the sales during the holiday season?"                                                       |
| **Have a time?**                             | Likely a shorthand or informal way of asking if someone has free time available.                                      | "Do you have a time this afternoon to discuss the project?"                                           |
| **Thanks for your hard work**                | An expression of gratitude for someone's effort and dedication.                                                       | "The project was a success; thanks for your hard work and dedication!"                                |
| **Do you know which team this stadium is for?** | A question asking for the identity of the sports team primarily associated with a specific stadium.                  | "Do you know which team this stadium is for? I'm still learning about local sports."                  |
| **Ability to accomplish**                    | The capacity or skill to achieve tasks or goals.                                                                      | "His ability to accomplish complex tasks efficiently impressed his supervisors."                      |
| **Divide tasks into smaller tasks**          | A strategy for managing workload by breaking down larger tasks into more manageable components.                        | "To handle this project more effectively, we decided to divide tasks into smaller tasks for the team." |











| English Expression                     | Explanation                                                                                              | Example Sentence                                                                                          |
| **Acquire**                            | To buy or obtain (an object or asset) for oneself.                                                       | "She acquired a new car after her promotion."                                                            |
| **Belief**                             | An acceptance that something exists or is true, especially one without proof.                            | "His belief in the startup's potential was unshakeable."                                                 |
| **Disbelief**                          | The inability or refusal to accept that something is true or real.                                       | "She stared in disbelief as the magician performed the trick."                                           |
| **Frown**                              | To furrow one's brows in an expression indicating disapproval, displeasure, or concentration.            | "He frowned when he read the error message on his computer screen."                                      |
| **Affirm**                             | To state something as a fact strongly and publicly.                                                      | "The CEO affirmed the company's commitment to environmental sustainability."                             |
| **Admittedly**                         | Used to introduce a concession or acknowledgment that something is true or valid.                        | "Admittedly, we could have handled the situation better."                                                |
| **Misconception**                      | A view or opinion that is incorrect because it is based on faulty thinking or understanding.             | "A common misconception about rabbits is that they eat carrots primarily."                               |
| **Interesting half-time commentary**   | Engaging analysis or discussion about a game during the interval between the two halves.                 | "The sports channel provided some interesting half-time commentary on the strategies used by the teams." |
| **Extend time**                        | To lengthen the period of time allocated for something.                                                  | "Due to the complexity of the issues, the committee decided to extend the time for discussion."          |
| **This is the reason why we practiced how to react to something today** | A statement explaining the purpose behind a specific practice or exercise performed.       | "This is the reason why we practiced how to react to emergencies today—to ensure everyone's safety."     |
| **Three in a row**                     | Refers to achieving or doing something three times consecutively.                                        | "With that goal, he has now scored three in a row in the last three matches."                            |
















サッカーの「スーパーセーブ」を指す場合、「decisive moment」の方が適切です。これは、試合の行方を決定づける重要な瞬間やプレーを強調する表現だからです。例えば、

"The goalkeeper's super save was the decisive moment of the match."


「Critical juncture」も「スーパーセーブ」の文脈で使うことができますが、若干ニュアンスが異なります。「Critical juncture」は、ある決定や出来事が長期的な影響を持つ歴史的な転換点を指すため、試合全体の流れやその後のシーズンに与える影響を強調する場合に適しています。例えば、

"The goalkeeper's super save marked a critical juncture in the team's season."




| English Expression                              | Explanation                                                                                         | Example Sentence                                                                                     |
| **Supporting Austria at the Euros.**            | A statement showing backing or rooting for the Austrian team at the UEFA European Championship.     | "I'm supporting Austria at the Euros this year; I think they have a strong team."                    |
| **Whistle**                                     | A small device used to produce a sharp, piercing sound, often used by referees in sports.           | "The referee blew the whistle to signal the end of the game."                                        |
| **Going to a higher position, going to a higher level, makes people grow.** | Suggests that advancing in status or level can lead to personal or professional growth.             | "Being promoted to manager was challenging, but it made me grow as a leader."                        |
| **I hope your prediction is correct**           | Expressing a wish for someone's forecast or guess about the future to be accurate.                  | "You predicted rain for tomorrow; I hope your prediction is correct since I left the windows open."  |
| **I got no future**                             | A pessimistic statement about one's prospects or potential outcomes.                               | "He feels discouraged, often saying 'I got no future' in this job."                                  |
| **Complication**                                | A factor or element that complicates situations.                                                   | "A complication in the plan has delayed the project's completion."                                   |
| **Syntax**                                      | The arrangement of words and phrases to create well-formed sentences in a language.                | "Understanding the syntax is essential for learning a new language effectively."                     |
| **Mandatory school subject**                    | A course or subject that students are required by a school system to take.                          | "Mathematics is a mandatory school subject in most high schools."                                    |
| **Determiners & Quantifiers**                   | Functional words used before nouns to indicate quantity, possession, specificity, or definiteness. | "Articles like 'a', 'an', and 'the' are examples of determiners and quantifiers."                    |
| **Accent**                                      | A distinctive way of pronouncing a language, especially one associated with a particular country, area, or social class. | "He has a strong French accent that makes his English interesting to listen to."                     |
| **Dialect**                                     | A particular form of a language which is peculiar to a specific region or social group.             | "The southern dialect has a musical quality that I really enjoy."                                    |
| **Communicate**                                 | To share or exchange information, news, or ideas.                                                  | "It's important to communicate clearly and effectively in team meetings."                            |
| **Complexity**                                  | The state or quality of being intricate or complicated.                                            | "The complexity of the issue requires more detailed analysis."                                       |
| **Fluent**                                      | Able to express oneself easily and articulately in a language.                                     | "She is fluent in Spanish and can converse with native speakers without any difficulty."             |
| **Incentive**                                   | A thing that motivates or encourages someone to do something.                                      | "The company offers a bonus as an incentive for reaching sales targets."                             |
| **Broaden**                                     | To widen or expand in scope.                                                                       | "Traveling abroad helped to broaden his understanding of other cultures."                            |
| **Enhance**                                     | Intensify, increase, or further improve the quality, value, or extent of.                          | "Upgrading our IT systems will enhance the company's efficiency."                                    |
| **Enrich**                                      | Improve or enhance the quality or value of.                                                        | "Reading enriches the mind and can provide new perspectives."                                        |
| **Expand**                                      | Become or make larger or more extensive.                                                           | "We plan to expand our operations to include Europe next year."                                      |
| **Foster**                                      | Encourage or promote the development of something.                                                 | "The program is designed to foster creativity in young children."                                    |
| **Gain a fuller understanding**                 | To develop a more complete or comprehensive comprehension of something.                            | "By studying both sides of the argument, you can gain a fuller understanding of the issue."          |
| **Heighten**                                    | Make more intense, stronger, or more marked.                                                       | "The suspense in the novel heightens as the story progresses."                                       |
| **Hone**                                        | Refine or perfect something over a period of time.                                                 | "She honed her writing skills over the years to become a successful author."                         |
| **Be in a state of**                            | To be in a particular condition or situation.                                                      | "The city was in a state of chaos following the storm."                                              |
| **Key incentive**                               | A primary or important motivator or reason for doing something.                                    | "The key incentive for his hard work was the promise of a promotion."                                |
| **Reinforce**                                   | Strengthen or support, especially with additional material.                                        | "The teacher used quizzes to reinforce the material covered in the lecture."                         |
| **Good game, especially in the second half**    | A commendation of a game, noting it improved or was more enjoyable in the later stage.             | "That was a good game, especially in the second half when the team made a comeback."                 |
| **Stronger teams do not always win**            | A statement acknowledging that having advantages doesn't guarantee success.                        | "As we saw last night, stronger teams do not always win; anything can happen in sports."             |
| **Critical juncture**                           | A crucial or decisive point in time where significant change happens.                              | "The company is at a critical juncture and must decide its future direction."                        |
| **Decisive moment**                             | A point in time that settles or conclusively resolves a situation or event.                        | "The decision made at the meeting proved to be a decisive moment for the company's strategy."        |











| English Expression                    | Explanation                                                                                                    | Example Sentence                                                                                           |
| **Arrogant**                          | Having or revealing an exaggerated sense of one's own importance or abilities.                                 | "His arrogant attitude made it difficult for others to work with him."                                     |
| **Memorable**                         | Worth remembering or easily remembered, especially because of being special or unusual.                        | "It was a memorable concert; the performance was outstanding."                                             |
| **I want to put a load on it**        | To place a burden or significant amount of pressure or demand on something.                                    | "I want to put a load on the new software to see how it handles stress."                                    |
| **Intensely**                         | With extreme force or strength.                                                                                | "He was intensely focused on his research, working long hours."                                            |
| **Resplendently**                     | In a very beautiful and splendid manner.                                                                       | "The hall was resplendently decorated for the gala."                                                       |
| **Abundantly**                        | In large quantities; plentifully.                                                                              | "Wildflowers grew abundantly in the meadow."                                                               |
| **Hollow**                            | Having a hole or empty space inside.                                                                           | "The hollow tree trunk was home to several small birds."                                                   |
| **Dangling**                          | Hanging or swinging loosely.                                                                                   | "A pair of shoes were dangling from the telephone wire."                                                   |
| **Identical**                         | Exactly the same, or very similar.                                                                             | "They bought identical shirts to wear to the party."                                                       |
| **Lettuces**                          | Plural of lettuce, a leafy green vegetable used in salads.                                                     | "She planted a variety of lettuces in her garden."                                                         |
| **Aubergine**                         | A vegetable with a glossy, dark purple skin; also known as eggplant.                                           | "Aubergine is a key ingredient in ratatouille."                                                            |
| **Brightly colored chard**            | A type of leafy green vegetable known for its vibrant red, yellow, or orange stems.                            | "I added some brightly colored chard to the stir-fry for color."                                           |
| **Aeroponic**                         | Relating to or using a system of agriculture that grows plants in an air or mist environment without soil.     | "They experimented with an aeroponic system to grow herbs faster."                                          |
| **Significant practical constraints** | Major limitations that are practical in nature, affecting how something can be done.                           | "Significant practical constraints prevented them from completing the project on time."                    |
| **Flourish**                          | To grow or develop successfully.                                                                               | "Her small business flourished in the first year of operation."                                            |
| **Breed**                             | To cause animals to reproduce, especially in a controlled manner.                                              | "Farmers breed cattle to produce high-quality beef."                                                       |
| **Intensive**                         | Concentrated and in-depth.                                                                                     | "The course is intensive and covers a lot of material in just three weeks."                                |
| **Withstand**                         | Remain undamaged or unaffected by; resist.                                                                     | "The structure was built to withstand earthquakes."                                                        |
| **Substantial**                       | Of considerable importance, size, or worth.                                                                    | "A substantial amount of money is needed to fund the project."                                             |
| **Pump**                              | A device used to move liquids, air, or gases by mechanical action.                                             | "They had to pump water out of the flooded basement."                                                      |
| **Barely**                            | Only just; almost not.                                                                                        | "He barely managed to catch the bus."                                                                      |
| **Crop**                              | A cultivated plant that is grown as food, especially a grain, fruit, or vegetable.                             | "This year's corn crop was remarkably abundant."                                                           |
| **Resistance**                        | The refusal to accept or comply with something; the attempt to prevent something by action or argument.        | "The bacteria have developed resistance to antibiotics."                                                   |
| **Tiny fraction**                     | A very small part or amount of something.                                                                      | "Only a tiny fraction of the population was aware of the new law."                                         |
| **Nevertheless**                      | In spite of that; notwithstanding; all the same.                                                               | "The climb was difficult; nevertheless, they reached the top."                                             |
| **Pesticides**                        | Substances used for destroying insects or other organisms harmful to cultivated plants or to animals.          | "The use of pesticides in farming is often debated for its environmental impact."                          |
| **Nutrient**                          | A substance that provides nourishment essential for the growth and maintenance of life.                        | "Plants absorb nutrients from the soil."                                                                   |
| **Accessibility**                     | The quality of being able to be reached or entered easily.                                                     | "The building's accessibility was improved with the addition of a ramp."                                   |
| **Timber**                            | Wood prepared for use in building and carpentry.                                                               | "The cabin was constructed with timber from the surrounding forest."                                       |
| **Stem**                              | The main body or stalk of a plant or shrub, typically rising above ground.                                     | "The rose stem was covered with thorns."                                                                   |
| **Trunk**                             | The main woody stem of a tree as distinct from its branches and roots.                                         | "Carvings were etched into the trunk of the old oak tree."                                                 |
| **Habitat**                           | The natural home or environment of an animal, plant, or other organism.                                        | "The wetlands are an important habitat for many species of birds."                                         |
| **Likewise**                          | In the same way; also.                                                                                        | "She voted for the change; likewise, her colleague did the same."                                          |
| **Black knot disease**                | A fungal disease that primarily affects plum and cherry trees, forming black knots on branches.                | "Many trees in the orchard were affected by black knot disease."                                           |
| **Bowl**                              | A round, deep dish or basin used for food or liquid.                                                           | "He filled the bowl with fresh fruit."                                                                     |
| **Solely**                            | Not involving anyone or anything else; only.                                                                   | "He was solely responsible for the project's success."                                                     |
| **Norm**                              | Something that is usual, typical, or standard.                                                                 | "Working remotely has become the norm in many industries."                                                 |
| **Suited**                            | Well matched or appropriate for a particular purpose or situation.                                             | "The software is particularly suited for graphic designers."                                               |
| **Abundant**                          | Existing or available in large quantities; plentiful.                                                         | "Wildlife was abundant in the remote region."                                                             |
| **Shade out desirable regeneration**  | The process by which larger or older plants block light from younger or smaller plants, affecting their growth.| "The tall trees shaded out desirable regeneration of the undergrowth."                                     |
| **Combustion**                        | The process of burning something.                                                                              | "The engine's rate of combustion was optimized to improve efficiency."                                     |
| **Incorporate**                       | To include something as part of something larger.                                                             | "The new policies were incorporated into the company's operating manual."                                 |
| **Gasified**                          | Converted into gas, often for fuel.                                                                            | "The coal is gasified to produce clean energy."                                                           |
| **Ethanol**                           | A type of alcohol used as fuel.                                                                                | "Ethanol is commonly added to gasoline to reduce emissions."                                              |
| **Lorries**                           | Large vehicles for transporting goods; known as trucks in North America.                                       | "Lorries are often seen on highways carrying goods across the country."                                   |
| **Invasive**                          | (Of plants or diseases) tending to spread prolifically and undesirably or harmfully.                           | "
| **Foliage**              | Plant leaves, collectively.                                                                                             | "The dense foliage of the jungle made it difficult to see the sky."                                         |
| **Crown**                | The top part of a tree, including branches and leaves.                                                                  | "The crown of the tree swayed in the wind, casting shifting shadows on the ground."                        |
| **Coverage**             | The extent to which something is covered, such as land by vegetation or an area by wireless service.                    | "The coverage of pine trees in this forest provides excellent shade during sunny days."                    |
| **Crowded environment**  | A setting or area filled with a large number of people or objects closely spaced together.                              | "The crowded environment of the concert made it hard to move around."                                      |
| **Tailored**             | Custom-made or adjusted to meet specific requirements.                                                                  | "She had her dress tailored to fit perfectly for the event."                                               |
| **Yield**                | The full amount of an agricultural or industrial product.                                                               | "The farm's yield of corn was significantly higher this year due to improved irrigation techniques."       |
| **Thinned**              | Made less dense, typically by removing some elements or individuals.                                                    | "The forest was thinned out to reduce the risk of severe wildfires."                                       |
| **Dense**                | Closely compacted in substance or having parts that are closely packed together.                                        | "The dense underbrush made hiking through the woods challenging."                                          |
| **Retention**            | The continued possession, use, or control of something.                                                                 | "Water retention in soil is crucial for the health of many types of plants."                               |
| **Cavities**             | Hollow spaces within trees or teeth.                                                                                    | "Birds often nest in the cavities of old trees."                                                          |
| **Small mammals**        | Smaller species of mammals, typically those considered in the context of their ecosystem roles.                         | "Small mammals, such as mice and squirrels, play key roles in forest ecosystems."                          |
| **Hawthorn**             | A genus of shrubs and trees with small, sharp thorns and bright red berries, known for its medicinal properties.        | "The hawthorn tree in the garden is known for attracting a variety of birds with its berries."             |
| **Stay behind**          | To remain in a place after others have left or moved on.                                                                | "After the meeting, I decided to stay behind to organize my notes."                                        |




<writing task>
Please write an opinion essay about whether or not sign language should be a mandatory school subject in your country. Please write 180 - 220 words. Please make sure to include new vocabulary and at least one example of each of the different determiners/quantifiers.

Please try to include fact and opinion information sentences.

<my answer>
I think we should make sign language a mandatory school subject in Japan following three reasons.

First, to learn sign language is useful for understanding others. When we try to understand someone’s situation, we need to imagine not only their situation but also their how to see the world. Since we interpret the world by using languages, learning languages will be key incentive to comprehend others’ perspective.

Second, it will be an opportunity to gain a fuller understanding for minorities. Compared with other countries like England which has a lot of minorities in terms of nationalities and etc, our country is consisted of almost Japanese. Because of this, few of us tend to care about minorities. To learn sign language could be one option to foster and broaden our understanding of minorities.

Third, to learn sign language will expand def workers opportunities and enrich our economy. If most Japanese started to learn sign language, most companies will be in a state of easy to work for def people. Such companies will acquire a variety of workers and enhance their existence as developed companies.

In conclusion, we don’t need to be in fluent in sign language but it is important to know it above three reasons.



上記のライティング課題にも関係しているのだが、sign languageを学校の必修科目にすべきかどうかについて賛成派と反対派に分かれてディベートを行う。










| English Expression                       | Explanation                                                                                                    | Example Sentence                                                                                           |
| **Sharply**                              | Abruptly or sharply in manner or style.                                                                        | "He turned sharply to face his challenger."                                                                |
| **Deploy**                               | To move into position or arrange for use, especially military or strategic use, but also used in other contexts.| "The company plans to deploy a new satellite next year."                                                   |
| **Constellation**                        | A group of stars forming a recognizable pattern or, metaphorically, a group of similar things.                  | "The new telecommunications constellation will consist of several satellites."                             |
| **Shrapnel**                             | Fragments of a bomb, shell, or other object thrown out by an explosion.                                        | "Shrapnel from the exploded satellite posed a risk to other spacecraft."                                   |
| **Steer away from every potential crash**| To navigate or direct away from collisions or accidents.                                                       | "Satellite operators must constantly steer away from every potential crash in space."                      |
| **Otherwise**                            | Used to indicate that a different situation or condition would exist if the circumstances were different.      | "We need to act quickly, otherwise the opportunity might be lost."                                          |
| **Compile massive data**                 | To gather large amounts of information systematically.                                                         | "Researchers compile massive data to understand the scale of space debris."                                |
| **Taxonomies**                           | Systems of classification.                                                                                     | "Taxonomies of space objects are crucial for tracking and managing them effectively."                      |
| **Working on measuring properties**      | Engaging in the process to determine characteristics or attributes.                                            | "The team is working on measuring properties of the newly discovered mineral."                             |
| **Set off**                              | To cause something to start or to begin a journey.                                                             | "The fireworks set off a series of alarms in the neighborhood."                                            |
| **Set off a runaway cascade of fragments**| To initiate an uncontrollable sequence of events that result in numerous pieces being scattered.               | "A collision in orbit could set off a runaway cascade of fragments, threatening other satellites."          |
| **We go on like this**                   | Continuing in the same manner or repeating the same actions.                                                   | "If we go on like this, we'll never finish the project on time."                                           |
| **Astrodynamical**                       | Relating to the branch of astronomy that deals with the motion and paths of celestial objects.                 | "Astrodynamical calculations are essential for plotting satellite trajectories."                           |
| **Collaborating**                        | Working jointly on an activity or project.                                                                     | "We are collaborating with international agencies to track endangered species."                            |
| **Vent**                                 | To release or discharge a substance, typically gas or liquid.                                                  | "The system was designed to safely vent steam in case of overheating."                                     |
| **Burn up**                              | To be destroyed or consume by fire or heat.                                                                    | "The satellite will burn up in the Earth's atmosphere upon re-entry."                                      |
| **Disintegrate**                         | Break up into small parts, typically as the result of impact or decay.                                         | "The comet disintegrated as it passed close to the sun."                                                   |
| **Abided**                               | Past tense of abide, meaning to accept or act in accordance with a rule, decision, or recommendation.          | "He abided by the court's decision despite his reservations."                                              |
| **Stewards**                             | People who manage or look after something, often used in an environmental context.                             | "Forest stewards are responsible for maintaining the health of the woodland."                              |
| **Despite their best intentions**        | A phrase indicating that even with good intentions, the outcomes may not be as expected.                       | "Despite their best intentions, the policy did not solve the problem."                                     |
| **Manoeuvres**                           | Carefully planned or skillful moves, especially in a political or military context.                            | "The pilot executed complex manoeuvres during the air show."                                               |
| **Collisions**                           | Instances of one object striking violently against another.                                                    | "Traffic collisions can be reduced with better road planning."                                             |
| **Precisely**                            | Exactly, in a manner that is accurate and exact.                                                               | "The clock is set precisely to the atomic time standard."                                                  |
| **Tack off**                             | Likely a misinterpretation or typo, potentially meant to be "take off" or related to changing direction in sailing. | "We will tack off to the east to avoid the storm." (if referring to sailing)                               |
| **Choreographed**                        | Arranged or directed with precise movements that are often planned beforehand.                                 | "The dance routine was beautifully choreographed."                                                         |
| **Authoritative catalogue**              | A definitive and reliable list or record, usually implying official or recognized status.                       | "The library maintains an authoritative catalogue of all published works in the region."                  |
| **Accurately**                           | In a way that is correct in all details; precisely.                                                            | "The machine measures temperatures accurately."                                                            |
| **Draw on**                              | To use information, experience, or skills gained from something.                                               | "The novelist will draw on her own childhood experiences for her next book."                               |











コイサン語(Khoisan languages)は、アフリカ南部に住むコイコイ人とサン人(旧称:ブッシュマン)の言語群を指します。コイサン語には独特のクリック音(吸着音)が特徴的であり、多くの異なる言語が含まれています。これらの言語は、遺伝的なつながりがあると長い間考えられてきましたが、現在では必ずしもそうではないという意見もあります。















| English Expression     | Explanation                                                                                                           | Example Sentence                                                                                          |
| **Time goes by fast**  | An expression indicating that time seems to pass very quickly.                                                        | "It's hard to believe how quickly time goes by fast when you're having fun."                              |
| **Time goes fast**     | Similar to "time goes by fast," emphasizing the quick passage of time.                                                | "During our vacation, time goes fast and it's over before we know it."                                    |
| **Time goes by**       | A phrase that refers to the passage of time.                                                                          | "As time goes by, we all learn and grow from our experiences."                                             |
| **Extinguished**       | Put out, as in a fire or a light.                                                                                     | "The campfire was extinguished before we left the site."                                                   |
| **Wealth**             | An abundance of valuable possessions or money.                                                                        | "He used his wealth to help fund community projects."                                                     |
| **Convey**             | To transport or carry to a place; to communicate information or feelings.                                             | "The teacher conveyed the concepts clearly to the students."                                               |
| **Associated**         | Connected with something else; linked.                                                                                | "Risk factors associated with the disease include poor diet and lack of exercise."                        |
| **Cognition**          | The mental action or process of acquiring knowledge and understanding through thought, experience, and the senses.    | "Cognition plays a vital role in how we interact with our environment."                                    |
| **Orally**             | By means of speech; spoken rather than written.                                                                       | "The agreement was made orally and was later put into writing."                                            |
| **State-funded**       | Financed or subsidized by the government.                                                                             | "The state-funded program aims to provide housing for the homeless."                                       |
| **Transmitted**        | Passed on from one place or person to another.                                                                        | "The disease is transmitted through direct contact."                                                      |
| **Linguistics**        | The scientific study of language and its structure.                                                                   | "She studied linguistics at the university because she was fascinated by how languages evolve."           |
| **Isolated**           | Far away from other places, buildings, or people; remote.                                                             | "The isolated mountain village receives few visitors each year."                                          |
| **Unfathomable**       | Incapable of being fully explored or understood.                                                                      | "The universe is vast and unfathomable."                                                                  |
| **Landslide**          | The sliding down of a mass of earth or rock from a mountain or cliff; also used metaphorically in elections.           | "The president won the election by a landslide."                                                          |
| **Revitalization**     | The action of imbuing something with new life and vitality.                                                           | "The revitalization of the old neighborhood has attracted new businesses and residents."                   |
| **Initiative**         | The ability to assess and initiate things independently; an act or strategy intended to resolve a difficulty.          | "The new recycling initiative aims to reduce waste by 50% over the next five years."                       |
| **Passive knowledge**  | Understanding of a subject or skill without active use or engagement, often referring to language learning.           | "Although he has passive knowledge of French, he struggles to speak it fluently."                          |


Going to a higher position, going to a higher level, makes people grow. 高い地位に就くこと、高いレベルに達することは、人々を成長させる。

At least one example of each of the different determiners/quantifiers 異なる限定詞/量化詞のそれぞれについて、少なくとも一つの例を挙げる。

Determiners & Quantifiers functional words used before nouns to give them amount, type, or possession.

And satellite operators can’t steer away from every potential crash, because each move consumes time and fuel that could otherwise be used for the spacecraft’s main job.

Concern about space junk goes back to the beginning of the satellite era, but the number of objects in orbit is rising so rapidly that researchers are investigating new ways of attacking the problem.

Several teams are trying to improve methods for assessing what is in orbit, so that satellite operators can work more efficiently in ever-more-crowded space.

Set off a runaway cascade of fragments, rendering near-Earth space unusable.

Even as our ability to monitor space objects increases, so too does the total number of items in orbit.

Those include inactivating satellites at the end of their useful life by venting pressured materials or leftover fuel that might lead to explosions.

Tack off close to one another in a carefully choreographed routine choreographed
























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