















12:00 - 昼食
ザ・エレファント・ハウス (The Elephant House)

13:30 - エディンバラ城 (Edinburgh Castle)

16:00 - ロイヤルマイル (Royal Mile) 散策
ロイヤルマイルの散策中に、ヴィクトリア・ストリート (Victoria Street) に立ち寄ります。この通りはダイアゴン横丁のインスピレーションを受けた場所として知られています。

17:30 - セント・ジャイルズ大聖堂 (St Giles' Cathedral)

19:00 - ディナー
「ザ・ウィッチリー・ツアー (The Witchery by the Castle)」でのディナー。

9:00 - アーサーの玉座 (Arthur's Seat)

11:00 - ホリールード宮殿 (Palace of Holyroodhouse)

12:30 - 昼食

13:30 - グレイフライアーズ・カーク (Greyfriars Kirkyard)

14:30 - スコットランド国立博物館 (National Museum of Scotland)

16:00 - プリンセス・ストリート・ガーデンズ (Princes Street Gardens)17:30 - 駅へ移動





| English Expression                     | Explanation                                                                                              | Example Sentence                                                                                           |
| **That's a lot of heat**               | A phrase used to comment on a high temperature or a heated situation (metaphorically).                   | "That's a lot of heat for a debate, let's try to keep the discussion cool and collected."                   |
| **This is linked to Japanese Buddhism, traditional beliefs, etc. Is that okay?** | A query confirming the relevance or appropriateness of a topic related to cultural or religious elements. | "This ceremony is linked to Japanese Buddhism, traditional beliefs, etc. Is that okay with everyone here?" |
| **oh dear**                            | An exclamation used to express dismay, concern, or surprise about a situation, often mildly.  | "Oh dear, I just realized I left my keys at home."                                             |
| **Dictated**                           | Something that was spoken aloud and then transcribed by another person or a machine.                     | "The letter was dictated but not read, leading to some errors."                                             |
| **Equitable**                          | Fair and impartial; ensuring equal treatment for all involved.                                            | "The resources were distributed in an equitable manner among all departments."                             |
| **Skyscraper**                         | A very tall and continuously habitable building.                                                         | "The city's skyline is dominated by skyscrapers."                                                         |
| **What a shame**                       | An expression of disappointment or regret over a situation.                                               | "What a shame that the festival was canceled due to rain."                                                 |
| **What a pity**                        | Similar to "what a shame," used to express sympathy or disappointment.                                    | "What a pity he couldn't join us for dinner."                                                             |
| **Alleviate**                          | To make something less severe, such as pain or problems.                                                  | "Taking a walk might alleviate some of the stress from work."                                              |
| **Demolished**                         | Completely destroyed, often used in the context of buildings.                                             | "The old factory was demolished to make way for a new park."                                               |
| **Neighborhood**                       | A district or community within a town or city.                                                            | "He grew up in a quiet neighborhood on the outskirts of the city."                                         |
| **Revitalize**                         | To imbue something with new life and vitality, often used in the context of urban renewal.                | "The city council hopes to revitalize the downtown area by adding new public spaces."                      |
| **Aesthetics**                         | A set of principles concerned with the nature and appreciation of beauty, especially in art.              | "The aesthetics of the new museum have attracted art lovers from around the country."                     |
| **Implementing measures**              | The act of putting specific actions into effect to achieve certain outcomes.                              | "Implementing measures to reduce traffic congestion has improved air quality in the city."                |
| **Enforce**                            | To compel observance of or obedience to a law, rule, or obligation.                                       | "The police are here to enforce the new parking regulations."                                              |
| **Vibrant**                            | Full of energy and enthusiasm; often used to describe dynamic communities and places.                     | "The market was vibrant with the colorful stalls and bustling crowds."                                     |
| **Facelift**                           | A procedure or action to make something look newer or fresher, often used metaphorically for buildings and public spaces. | "The old hotel got a facelift to attract more guests."                                                   |
| **Neglected**                          | Suffering a lack of proper care; often used to describe places or objects in disrepair.                   | "The neglected park became overgrown and littered with trash."                                             |
| **Intensive**                          | Concentrated and comprehensive, often referring to actions that are thorough and detailed.                | "The course offers an intensive introduction to Spanish language and culture."                            |









I have found that it is the small everyday deed of ordinary folks that keep the darkness at bay. Small acts of kindness and love.” ― J.R.R. Tolkien, “The Hobbit”

「暗闇を遠ざけるのは、普通の人々の小さな日々の行いであることに気づきました。小さな親切や愛の行いです。」 - J.R.R.トールキン、『ホビットの冒険』






・シャイア(The Shire) - ホビットたちが住む平和で緑豊かな地方。
・リヴェンデル(Rivendell) - エルフの隠れ里で、エルロンドの家。
・ローハン(Rohan) - 馬を愛する人々が住む広大な草原地帯。
・ゴンドール(Gondor) - 人間の王国で、白い都ミナス・ティリスがある。
・モリア(Moria) - ドワーフの古代地下王国。
・ロスロリアン(Lothlórien) - ガラドリエルとケレボルンが治める美しいエルフの森。
・モルドール(Mordor) - 暗黒の地で、冥王サウロンの本拠地。滅びの山(Mount Doom)がある。









トールキンが1911年に訪れたスイス・アルプスの風景は、霧ふり山脈(Misty Mountains)やエレボール(Erebor)の描写に影響を与えています。









| English Expression                  | Explanation                                                                                       | Example Sentence                                                                                         |
| **Dismay**                          | A feeling of unhappiness and disappointment.                                                      | "She could not hide her dismay when she lost the championship game."                                      |
| **Banter**                          | Playful and friendly exchange of teasing remarks.                                                 | "There was a lot of banter at the family reunion."                                                       |
| **Litter**                          | Trash left on the ground in public places.                                                        | "Please don't litter in the park."                                                                       |
| **Compliment**                      | A polite expression of praise or admiration.                                                      | "He received a compliment on his excellent presentation."                                                |
| **Benefactor**                      | A person who gives money or other help to a person or cause.                                      | "The library was renovated with the help of a generous benefactor."                                      |
| **Philanthropist**                  | Someone who promotes the welfare of others, especially by donating money.                         | "The philanthropist donated millions to cancer research."                                                |
| **Benevolence**                     | The quality of being well meaning; kindness.                                                      | "Her benevolence towards her employees was evident in her fair policies."                                |
| **Benefit society**                 | Activities or policies designed to promote the well-being of the community.                       | "The new public park will greatly benefit society by providing a safe place for recreation."              |
| **Provide comfort**                 | To offer solace or reassurance.                                                                   | "She provided comfort to her friend during a difficult time."                                            |
| **Seek solace**                     | To look for comfort in a time of distress.                                                        | "Many seek solace in music or art."                                                                      |
| **Give out**                        | To distribute something.                                                                          | "The teacher will give out the exam papers shortly."                                                     |
| **Distribute**                      | To give items out to a number of people.                                                          | "The company will distribute the new policies via email."                                                |
| **Chuffed**                         | British slang for being very pleased or happy.                                                    | "I was chuffed to hear that I got the job."                                                              |
| **Pleased**                         | Feeling or showing happiness and satisfaction.                                                    | "She was pleased with the feedback on her project."                                                      |
| **Ellipsis**                        | A series of dots (typically three) used to indicate an omission in text.                          | "When quoting someone, an ellipsis can be used to skip parts of the quote..."                            |
| **Contractions**                    | Shortened forms of words or phrases, used often in informal writing or speech.                    | "Don't, can't, and won't are examples of contractions."                                                  |
| **Contraction of muscles**          | The process of muscles becoming tighter, leading to movement.                                     | "A contraction of the bicep muscle pulls the forearm up."                                                |
| **Merged words**                    | Words that are formed by combining two words into one, often seen in casual language.             | "Brunch is a merged word combining breakfast and lunch."                                                 |
| **Stuff**                           | Informal term for items, things, or matter.                                                       | "We need to clean up all this stuff before the guests arrive."                                           |
| **Stuff like that**                 | Informal way of referring to things of a similar kind without being specific.                      | "She's into hiking, camping, and stuff like that."                                                       |
| **Loads of**                        | Informal term indicating a large quantity of something.                                           | "He's got loads of books in his collection."                                                             |
| **Loads of research**               | A substantial amount of study or investigation.                                                   | "She did loads of research for her thesis on climate change."                                            |
| **Tendency**                        | An inclination towards a particular characteristic or type of behavior.                           | "He has a tendency to forget appointments."                                                              |
| **Such as**                         | Used to introduce an example or series of examples.                                               | "You should try activities that relieve stress, such as yoga or meditation."                             |
| **Such as rushing headlong into burning building** | An example phrase showing extreme or heroic action.                         | "Firefighters are known for brave acts, such as rushing headlong into burning buildings to save others." |
| **Associate**                       | To connect something with something else in one's mind.                                           | "People often associate dark clouds with impending rain."                                                |
| **Heroic deeds**                    | Actions that are admirable and often involve courage.                                             | "Tales of heroic deeds from firefighters fill the pages of the community newspaper."                     |
| **To associate kindness with heroic deeds** | To link the concept of being kind with acts of heroism.                       | "We should teach children to associate kindness with heroic deeds."                                      |
| **Undivided attention**             | Complete and total focus on something or someone.                                                 | "Please give me your undivided attention while I explain the instructions."                              |
| **Permanently**                     | For all time; for always.                                                                         | "The scar remained permanently on his hand."                                                             |
| **Distracted**                      | Unable to concentrate because one's mind is preoccupied.                                          | "He was too distracted by the noise to complete his work."                                               |
| **Permanently distracted world**    | A phrase suggesting that modern life continuously diverts attention.                              | "In our permanently distracted world, it's a challenge to focus on a single task for long."              |







| English Expression                        | Explanation                                                                                               | Example Sentence                                                                                                 |
| **I sacrificed my sleep lol.**            | Informally stating that one gave up sleep, possibly for something important or enjoyable.                  | "I sacrificed my sleep to watch the lunar eclipse last night, lol."                                              |
| **Their defense was full of physical toughness and passion 🔥** | Describing a team's defensive play in sports as being vigorous and spirited.                               | "Their defense was full of physical toughness and passion, holding the opponents to zero goals."                 |
| **Move on**                               | To proceed from one part or topic to another.                                                              | "After discussing our current budget, let's move on to the projected expenses for next year."                    |
| **Go on**                                 | Continue or proceed, especially after a pause or interruption.                                             | "Please, go on with your story, I'm eager to hear the end."                                                     |
| **All in a day's work**                   | A phrase used to indicate that something is normal and not out of the ordinary for someone's routine.      | "Dealing with emergencies is all in a day's work for a firefighter."                                            |
| **Big fish in a small pond**              | Someone who is important or influential in a small or restricted context but may not be elsewhere.         | "He was a big fish in a small pond at his last job, but now he has to prove himself in a larger company."        |
| **Nuns**                                  | Members of a religious community of women, typically living under vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience. | "The nuns run a local charity that helps the homeless."                                                         |
| **Tailor**                                | To make or adapt something for a particular purpose, person, or need.                                      | "The program is tailored to meet the needs of adult learners."                                                  |
| **Afterwards**                            | At a later time; following an event that has already taken place.                                          | "We went for a walk, and afterwards we had some tea."                                                           |
| **Roll out pilot**                        | To introduce a preliminary version of a program or product to test a concept or process before wider implementation. | "The company will roll out a pilot of the new software next month."                                             |
| **How does this sound?**                  | Asking for feedback or approval on a suggestion or plan.                                                   | "We could meet at the cafe for lunch; how does this sound?"                                                     |
| **Eligible for free meal**                | Qualifying to receive a meal at no cost based on certain criteria.                                         | "Children from low-income families are eligible for free meals at school."                                      |
| **Ever wasted**                           | Used to emphasize that something is not wasted at any time.                                                | "No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted."                                                      |
| **Altruistic**                            | Showing a selfless concern for the well-being of others; unselfish.                                       | "His decision to donate his lottery winnings was truly altruistic."                                             |
| **Champion**                              | To fight or speak publicly in support of a person, belief, cause, etc.                                    | "She has long been a champion of environmental causes."                                                         |
| **Champion the underdog**                 | To support or advocate for those who are in a position of disadvantage or who are not expected to win.     | "He is known to champion the underdog, always supporting emerging artists."                                     |
| **Humanitarian aid**                      | Assistance given to people in distress, especially during natural disasters and conflicts, to save lives and alleviate suffering. | "The organization provides humanitarian aid to war-torn regions."                                               |
| **Reach out to “name”**                   | To contact or attempt to contact someone typically to offer help or get information.                      | "I'll reach out to Maria and see if she can help with the project."                                             |
| **Reach out**                             | To make an effort to communicate and establish connections with others.                                    | "If you need assistance, don't hesitate to reach out to our support team."                                      |
| **Wholesome**                             | Conducive to or suggestive of good health and physical well-being.                                        | "The movie was wholesome and suitable for all ages."                                                           |
| **Worthwhile**                            | Worth the time, money, or effort spent; of value or importance.                                           | "Volunteering at the animal shelter is a worthwhile activity that I love."                                      |
| **Done a bit of fundraising**             | Have participated in activities to collect money for a particular purpose.                                | "I've done a bit of fundraising for the new library project."                                                   |
| **Put myself forward**                    | To volunteer oneself for a task or position.                                                              | "I put myself forward as the team leader for this project."                                                     |
| **Got a lot out of it**                   | To derive great benefit or learning from an experience.                                                   | "I attended a workshop last weekend and really got a lot out of it."                                           |
| **Paying it forward**                     | Responding to a person's kindness by being kind to someone else.                                          | "After he helped me get my job, I'm paying it forward by mentoring a new graduate."                            |
| **Offer my services**                     | To volunteer one's help or assistance.                                                                    | "I will offer my services to anyone who needs help with their taxes."                                          |
| **Auxiliary do**                          | Used to add emphasis to a verb, usually in questions or negatives in English.                             | "Do you really think I should go ahead with the plan?"                                                         |
| **Imperative**                            | Giving an authoritative command; crucial.                                                                | "It's imperative that we finish the project by the deadline."                                                 |
| **Indirect question**                     | A question embedded within a statement or another question.                                              | "Could you tell me where the station is?"                                                                      |
| **Repetition**                            | The action of repeating something that has already been said or written.                                 | "His speeches are full of repetition to emphasize his points."                                                |
| **Rhetorical question**                   | A question asked to create a dramatic effect or to make a point rather than to get an answer.             | "Isn't it obvious why we need to change?"                                                                      |
| **Short sentences**                       | Concise sentences typically used for clarity or impact in writing or speech.                             | "Fire burns. Ice freezes."                                                                                    |
| **Inversion**                             | A reversal of the normal order of words, typically for rhetorical effect or to maintain meter in poetry. | "Seldom have I seen such bravery."                                                                            |
| **Indeed**                                | Used to emphasize a statement or response confirming something already suggested.                        | "It was indeed a remarkable performance."                                                                     |
| **Do matter**                             | Emphasize the importance or relevance of something.                                                      | "Small details do matter when planning a wedding."                                                            |
| **You know**                              | A filler phrase often used in conversation to engage the listener, imply shared knowledge, or allow the speaker to collect thoughts. | "You know, it might actually work if we try it your way."                                                     |
| **Anyway**                                | Used to indicate a return to an earlier subject or to move on to a different point.                      | "Anyway, as I was saying before, we need to reconsider our options."                                          |






| English Expression                     | Explanation                                                                                                      | Example Sentence                                                                                                    |
| **Check your articles**                | Reminder to review the use of 'a', 'an', and 'the' in writing.                                                   | "Before submitting your essay, check your articles to ensure they are used correctly."                              |
| **Check your plurals on nouns**        | Reminder to ensure nouns have the correct singular or plural form as needed.                                     | "When editing your document, check your plurals on nouns to avoid any grammatical errors."                          |
| **Freight**                            | Goods transported in bulk by truck, train, ship, or aircraft.                                                    | "The freight train was loaded with goods headed to the west coast."                                                |
| **Freer**                              | Comparative form of free; more free.                                                                             | "With the new regulations, we are freer to conduct our research without as many restrictions."                     |
| **Sphere**                             | A round solid figure, or its surface, with every point on its surface equidistant from its center.               | "The Earth is not a perfect sphere due to its slightly flattened poles."                                           |
| **Sequence**                           | A particular order in which related events, movements, or things follow each other.                               | "The sequence of DNA nucleotides determines genetic information."                                                   |
| **Renovate**                           | To restore something old, especially a building, to a good state of repair.                                       | "The community center was renovated to include new, modern facilities."                                            |
| **Conservative**                       | Holding to traditional attitudes and values and cautious about change or innovation.                              | "Her conservative approach to investment has preserved her savings through economic downturns."                     |
| **Conservation**                       | Prevention of wasteful use of a resource.                                                                        | "Wildlife conservation efforts have helped to preserve numerous endangered species."                               |
| **Coherence and cohesion**             | Logical connection and consistency along with the quality of being united as a whole.                            | "Your essay lacks coherence and cohesion; the ideas seem disjointed and randomly organized."                        |
| **Lexical resource**                   | Refers to the range of vocabulary a person uses.                                                                 | "Improving your lexical resource will help you express ideas more clearly and effectively."                         |
| **Grammatical range and accuracy**     | The variety and correctness of grammar used by a speaker or writer.                                              | "To score higher in language tests, focus on expanding your grammatical range and accuracy."                        |
| **Robbery**                            | The action of robbing a person or place.                                                                         | "The robbery at the bank was carried out in broad daylight."                                                       |
| **Comparison**                         | The act of comparing two or more people or things.                                                               | "The comparison between the two studies shows some interesting discrepancies."                                     |
| **Noticeable trend**                   | A trend that is clearly noticeable or that can be clearly observed.                                              | "There is a noticeable trend towards healthier eating habits in urban areas."                                      |
| **Fell dramatically over the period**  | Describes a significant decline within a specific timeframe.                                                     | "Car sales fell dramatically over the period due to the economic crisis."                                          |
| **Car theft fluctuated until 2008**    | Car theft rates varied or changed irregularly until 2008.                                                         | "Car theft fluctuated until 2008 when new security technology became widespread."                                  |
| **Steadily**                           | At an even and regular pace or rate.                                                                             | "Her performance improved steadily throughout the season."                                                         |
| **Whereas**                            | Used to contrast or compare two facts.                                                                           | "She likes to travel, whereas her brother prefers to stay home."                                                   |
| **Remained relatively**                | Stayed at a level that is comparatively unchanged.                                                               | "The prices remained relatively stable during the fiscal year."                                                    |
| **Capability**                         | The ability or qualities necessary to do something.                                                              | "The new software has the capability to process data much faster than before."                                     |
| **Feasible**                           | Possible to do easily or conveniently.                                                                           | "It is not feasible to finish the entire project in one week without additional resources."                        |
| **Possibility**                        | A thing that may happen or be the case.                                                                          | "There's a strong possibility of rain tomorrow."                                                                  |
| **Radiation**                          | The emission of energy as electromagnetic waves or as moving subatomic particles.                                | "Protection against solar radiation is crucial for astronauts on a spacewalk."                                     |
| **Microgravity**                       | Very weak gravity, typically experienced in orbit around the Earth.                                              | "Experiments in microgravity can help us understand how space travel affects the human body."                      |
| **Projected**                          | Estimated or forecasted based on current trends or data.                                                         | "The projected costs for the project have risen due to unexpected expenses."                                       |
| **Savior**                             | A person who saves someone or something from danger or difficulty.                                               | "The firefighter was hailed as a savior after rescuing three children from the burning building."                  |
| **Simulate**                           | Imitate the appearance or character of.                                                                          | "Pilots train in flight simulators to simulate actual flying conditions."                                          |
| **Mind-blowing**                       | Overwhelmingly impressive.                                                                                       | "The finale of the show was absolutely mind-blowing."                                                             |
| **Blow up**                            | To destroy or be destroyed by explosion.                                                                         | "The old bridge was blown up to make way for a new one."                                                          |
| **Atmosphere and proximity to the sun** | Refers to the layer of gases surrounding a planet and its closeness to the sun.                                  | "The atmosphere and proximity to the sun play crucial roles in a planet's climate and conditions."                 |
| **Ozone layer**                        | A layer in the earth's stratosphere containing a high concentration of ozone, which absorbs UV radiation.       | "The depletion of the ozone layer has serious consequences for the environment."                                   |









| English Expression                    | Explanation                                                                                                       | Example Sentence                                                                                                     |
| **Frozen water**                      | Water that has turned solid due to low temperatures.                                                               | "Be careful walking on the frozen water; it might be slippery."                                                      |
| **Ice**                               | Water frozen into a solid state, typically seen in cubes, sheets, or other forms.                                  | "We need more ice for the drinks at the party."                                                                     |
| **Wheat**                             | A cereal plant that is the most important kind grown in temperate countries, the grain of which is ground to make flour for bread, pasta, etc. | "Wheat fields stretch far into the horizon here."                                                                    |
| **Mess up**                           | To make a mistake or do something incorrectly.                                                                     | "I really messed up the directions and got us lost."                                                                 |
| **Linking words**                     | Words used to connect clauses or sentences or to coordinate words in the same clause.                              | "Use linking words like 'however' and 'therefore' to improve the flow of your essay."                                 |
| **Proactive**                         | Taking action by causing change and not only reacting to change when it happens.                                    | "Being proactive in your work can lead to better outcomes and fewer problems."                                        |
| **All hands on deck**                 | A phrase used to indicate that everyone's help is needed, especially in a difficult situation.                     | "We need all hands on deck to prepare for the upcoming event."                                                       |
| **What do you call someone with no body and no nose?** | A setup for a joke, often introducing a play on words or a pun.                                      | "What do you call someone with no body and no nose? Nobody knows!"                                                    |
| **Allergy**                           | A condition in which the immune system reacts abnormally to a foreign substance.                                    | "He has a severe allergy to peanuts."                                                                                |
| **Assembly point**                    | A designated safe place where people should gather in the event of an emergency.                                    | "In case of fire, everyone should meet at the assembly point located in the parking lot."                             |
| **Assembly**                          | A group of people gathered together for a common purpose, often for a formal meeting.                               | "The annual school assembly is scheduled for next Monday."                                                           |
| **Crunchiness**                       | The quality of being firm and crisp, often used to describe the texture of food.                                    | "I love the crunchiness of fresh celery."                                                                            |
| **Essence**                           | The intrinsic nature or indispensable quality of something, especially something abstract, that determines its character. | "Freedom is the very essence of our democracy."                                                                      |
| **The song is music to my ears**      | An idiomatic way of saying that something is very pleasing to hear.                                                 | "Your news about the promotion is music to my ears!"                                                                 |


















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