AIとコーヒー: 出張カフェで学ぶ未来の技術

"AIとコーヒー: 出張カフェで学ぶ未来の技術"
"教育革命: AIが生み出す新しい学習体験"
"真実と幻想: AI技術の影響と課題を探る"


openai CEOとCTOのインタビュー



あと、やはりこの技術は、教育にはかなり影響を及ぼすよねと思うと同時に、先生たちが費やしている"無駄な時間を圧縮"することと、学習 with AIで、よりよい学習体験の想像と創造ができそうな気がしてきた。


"Grate individual learning for each student."

the promise of this technology one of ones that I'm most excited about is the ability to provide individual learning. Grate individual learning for each student.


the reason to develop AI at all is that I believe this will be in terms of impact of our lives and improving our lives and upside this be the greatest technology Humanity has yet developed.


at the company continues to improve its technology, they are extremely aware of its shortcomings the possibility of biases spreading misinformation what should people not be using for right now?

the thing I try to caution people the most is what we call the hallucinations problem the model will confidently state things as if they were the facts that entirely made up
