

HLABサマースクールの様子を、期間中毎日お届けする「Daily Report」


本日、ついにHLAB MIYAGI-ONAGAWA 2024 サマースクール が始まりました。宮城県女川町での開催は今年で10年目となります。
Day1のテーマは、「ようこそHLAB MIYAGI-ONAGAWA 2024へ!」です。女川町で大学生に出迎えられ、、開会式の会場へと向かう高校生からはワクワクとドキドキが入り混じった表情が伺えました。




HLAB MIYAGI-ONAGAWA 2024 has finally begun, this year is the 10th anniversary of this program being held in Onagawa, Miyagi Prefecture. The title of Day 1 is "Welcome to HLAB MIYAGI-ONAGAWA 2024!"Upon arriving in Onagawa, the high school students were greeted by the university student mentors and then headed to the opening ceremony venue. Many of them seemed to be a mix of excitement and nervousness.

During the opening ceremony, a representative of the high school students gave a speech, expressing their passionate feelings towards the summer school. Following this, the ice-breaking activities allowed the high school and university students, who were meeting for the first time, to get to know each other through various activities, calming their nerves.

After that was the "Onagawa Adventure," the first opportunity for the participants to explore the town they will be spending the next seven days in. 
Students and mentors walked around with their houses. “Houses” are the groups which students will spend a lot of time in during the summer school, including meals, travel, and reflection sessions. They collaborated with house members to find designated checkpoints, noting down their observations and feelings about Onagawa, while also taking in the breathtaking nature of the area.

Onagawa is a beautiful seaside town with a very complicated history. It was part of the area that was severely affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011. Through exploring the town, the high school students learned about this history, gaining an appreciation for Onagawa’s charms, beyond just the scenic views. In the evening, we had the welcome dinner. Students enjoyed their first meal in Onagawa, engaging in conversations while eating. Despite their nervousness, the high school students were seen talking lively with other students and international university mentors. To end the night, they relaxed in Onagawa's hot spring facility, "Yupoppo.” On Day 1, the students learned about Onagawa and got to know the peers they will be spending the summer school with. Although they still seemed a bit nervous, as the day went on they seemed to get more comfortable. We are very excited to grow together with the students!


サマースクールは2日目を迎えました。2日目のテーマは、「未知の刺激で満たそう」です。高校生にとっては、新たな世界に飛び込む1日となりました。朝食の後、最初の企画は「Discover Onagawa」。2つのグループに分かれ、女川町で親しまれる地元のお店を訪れました。1つめのグループでは、ふらわ〜しょっぷ花友花育士・佐藤伶奈様による、アロマキャンドルを作成するワークショップを行いました。花友は、震災以前から女川町で花屋として愛されていましたが、震災による津波によって大きな被害を受けました。しかし、再び8年前から女川町で営業を再開されています。ワークショップでは、各々、ドライフラワーを溶かしたロウの上に装飾し、自分らしいアロマキャンドルを作り上げていました。もう一方のグループでは、女川唯一の蒲鉾屋である株式会社高政の本店にお邪魔し、笹かまぼこの焼き入れ体験をさせていただきました。その後、代表取締役社長・高橋正樹様から、高政について、そして力を入れておられるミャンマーでの学校経営についてお話しいただきました。色の変化を楽しみながら笹かまぼこを焼く間、高校生・海外大生問わず楽しそうに会話をする姿が見られました。

続いて行われたMy Core Value Sessionでは、大学生メンターが、自身の人生の”Core Value(核となる価値観)”について話しをする時間でした。女川町に集まった大学生も、これまでの過ごし方は十人十色。日常生活から、進路まで、これから多くの決断を迫られる高校生に「今」伝えたいことをぶつける熱い時間となりました。大学生メンターのプレゼンを聞いて、自分の価値観について考えたり、シェアしたりする高校生の姿が見られました。


It was the second day of the Summer School in Onagawa. Today’s theme was “Be Filled with Excitement from Something New,” and true to the theme, it was a day for high school students to step into a new and an unknown world.
After breakfast, the first activity was "Discover Onagawa." True to its name, the program involved splitting into two groups to visit local favorite shops in Onagawa Town.

In the first group, participants took part in an aromatherapy candle-making workshop led by Ms. Reina Sato, a flower educator from "Flower Shop Hanatomo." Hanatomo had been beloved as a flower shop in Onagawa before the earthquake, but it suffered significant damage from the tsunami. During the workshop, each participant created their own unique aromatherapy candle by decorating melted wax with dried flowers. The other group visited the main store of Takamasa Co., the only kamaboko (fish cake) shop in Onagawa, and participated in a grilled sasa kamaboko (bamboo leaf-wrapped fish cake) experience. Afterward, President Masaki Takahashi spoke about Takamasa and their school management efforts in Myanmar. Following Mr. Takahashi's talk, many high school students raised their hands and actively asked questions, creating a vibrant atmosphere.After lunch, we had a speed dating session designed to help students get to know each other more deeply. The limited time encouraged the high schoolers to be more proactive in learning about their peers and global students, and the session was filled with laughter. As we continued with several one-on-one sessions, students became less nervous, and the atmosphere grew warmer.

Following the speed dating, we had the “My Core Value Session.” During this session, college student mentors gave presentations about their own “core values” that guide their important decisions. After each presentation, students had the opportunity to reflect on and share their own core values.  We were pleased to see the mentees engaging deeply with their own values through this program.The final activity of the day was a self-analysis workshop. We asked students to create mind maps before coming here, and we used these as materials to explore questions such as “Who am I?”, “What values matter to me?”, and “When do I feel satisfied?”. During this time, high schoolers reflected on their own lives and thought to find something wonderful about others, showing their respect in the process.Today was filled with new stimuli as the theme suggested, and our hearts were enriched by the beauty of Onagawa and the charm of each person here. Yesterday, as it was the first day, every high schooler seemed nervous about new places and people. However, as we conclude today’s activities, they appear more relaxed. We are excited to see how the high schoolers will connect the new discoveries and learning from today to their future.






The third day of the summer school started with the seminar program. Struggling with deep and challenging questions and contents provided in the seminar, high school students tackled the program with much more proactive and enthusiastic manners than yesterday. 

After the seminar program, it was Onagawa-forum. Mr. Takahashi, Masaki, came to talk about the revival of Onagawa-city, which was completely destroyed by the Earthquake and Tsunami that happened on 3.11,2011. As a He is currently working on his business expansion to the international market. From his perspective, he told us how he had been working hard to accomplish reconstruction to the extent that high school students all over Japan came to onagawa and thought of themselves and their futures. 

Then, high school students participated in free interaction which adults working around Onagawa city discussed on their life paths. It was a rare opportunity for high school students to talk to adults engaged in the regions, so students could expand their view on the future. 

The next day will be the halfway of the summer school. So far, we have seen incredible growth of high school students. We would like to continue to cooperate to create fruitful experiences for high school students for the rest of the days. 







続いて行われたのは、「love yourself」という企画です。高校生たちは、自身の好きなところと嫌いなところを挙げ、「等身大の自分」に向き合いました。自分と素直に向き合うことで、新たな一面を発見した。嫌いだと思っていた自分の一面も少しだけ愛せるようになったという感想を聞くことができました。企画中の高校生はかなり頭を悩ませていましたが、最後には「love yourself」ができているかのような、晴れやかな表情を浮かばせていました。「等身大の自分に向き合おう」という4日目のテーマにぴったりの時間となりました。


 Day4 marks the halfway point of the summer school. The theme for Day 4 is "Face yourself."

Today also began with a seminar. After their first seminar, the high school students were eager and motivated, expressing their desire to "speak more English" and "participate more actively in the seminar." Indeed, during today's session, we saw many students bravely taking on challenges, and we were amazed at the significant growth they demonstrated in just one day.

In the afternoon,They learned about Onagawa's primary industry: fisheries. They visited a refrigeration and freezing facility called "MASKAR," which is used to preserve freshly caught seafood. The inside of the facility, which is set at a frigid -30 degrees Celsius, was an extraordinary experience for the students who normally wouldn't step into such places! Gaining knowledge from this essential aspect of Onagawa's development, the high school students seemed to have a heightened interest in the town.

Afterward, the high school students enjoyed a local specialty called "Onagawa-jiru," a type of fish cake soup made with saury, a local fish from Onagawa. The soup, lovingly prepared by the university student mentors, provided both physical and emotional comfort.

Following this, they participated in a fun activity: watermelon splitting. Despite the ongoing rainy weather, they were able to experience a summer tradition and create another memorable moment from the summer school.

In the end, we had the  program called "Love Yourself." High school students listed things they liked and disliked about themselves, confronting their "true selves." By facing themselves honestly, they discovered new aspects of their personalities. Some even shared that they could love the parts of themselves they once disliked. Although the students struggled during the program, by the end, they wore bright expressions as if they had truly embraced "Love Yourself." It was a perfect match for Day 4's theme of "Face yourself."

As the summer school program has now entered its second half, today was a day that heightened our anticipation for even more fulfilling experiences in the remaining time.







It was the fifth day today and we are definitely getting closer to the end of this summer school. The theme of the day was ‘Embrace to express yourself’. It was impressive to see our mentees expressing who they are using their whole bodies by learning some methods to express who you are through today's programs.

As with yesterday, we started the day with seminars led by global mentors. Today’s seminars were so relaxing that made us think that we might be able to continue that. Some seminars had demos, for example in the chatGPT class students made a website with it, students seemed to be excited. We felt so glad to see each high school student enjoying learning with some fellows. 

We had a talent show at night. Over the past five days, we’ve had many opportunities to visualize and express our thoughts and values. Not only were there singing and dancing performances, but we also enjoyed calligraphy, tea ceremonies, and multilingual theater. We saw new sides of high school students that we hadn’t seen in previous programs. Before the mentees performed, all the college student mentors gave a surprise performance of the regional-themed song "This Is Me" from The Greatest Showman. Until now, the high schoolers had been reflecting and sharing about themselves, including their past and future, through various events and one-on-one conversations. We believe this talent show allowed us to showcase and discover new aspects of who we are. We have now completed more than half of the planned programs, and it has been wonderful for everyone to get to know each other more deeply

After the talent show, we participated in a bon dance festival. This bon dance was organized in Onagawa Town, and we joined the local residents who gathered in front of the station. To the lively music that evoked a summer feeling, both high school students and university mentors, including those from overseas, took part in the bon dance. Some high school and university students were participating for the first time, but they enjoyed the experience by learning the traditional bon dance from the locals and trying out a modern version with more familiar, popular songs. The atmosphere was filled with excitement and energy.

We are now more than halfway done with summer school. What was the coolest today was high school students spending time by having fun through some active programmes. Also, we had the reflection time without college student mentors. We felt relief because we could make sure that students have been building a good relationship. They looked so fun talking that college student mentors seemed to want to join it. We have only a day left, but we are so excited that our mentees with lots of new discoveries and learning from here are going to spend their last day in Onagawa and are going back to the new normal after this summer school. 

【Day6】 一歩踏み出そう







It was the sixth day and it means tomorrow will be the final day of summer school. Seeing high school students trying their best to make the most out of the rest of the summer school makes us think we’ve got to work harder. As the summer school goes on, more conversation between high school students and global-side mentors have been seen, which is amazing.

Day 6 began with the last seminar program. Much different from the first day, they found their own ways to participate in discussion, yet faced tough and challenging questions. Thanks to their willingness, we had fruitful discussions on the topic taking various and unique perspectives into account. For example, one group discussed “who are you and who am I”, quite a philosophical theme. We’ve learned how important it is to respect other people’s identities and so is our own. 

After finishing all the seminars, we participated in the Onagawa Kogakukan program. Onagawa Kogakukan is a learning support facility established for children in this town who were affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake and tsunami. Today, we invited 8 students from there and split into groups to create an original guide map of Onagawa together. Each of us shared ideas or photos of our favorite places in this town. We then placed them on a large sheet of paper and added comments in English. Some high school students worked hard to communicate with the students from Onagawa Kogakukan and global mentors. 

We had an out-put program which aims students to express what they have learned during the summer school. This program is based on our philosophy:We HLAB believe that experiences need to be verbalized or put into certain forms of expression otherwise they would be lost. Every student was able to express their learning to others. This would make the gainings unforgettable and most importantly, useful in their future life. 

Then, during the Onagawa Free Interaction program, they interacted with adults living in Onagawa. It is not unusual for students to have no relationship with adults who have chosen to base themselves in regional communities. The purpose of this program is to deepen understanding of life in regional areas and to recognize that living there is unexpectedly full of possibilities. It was a great experience because the passion of the people in the growing town of Onagawa is truly powerful and energetic.

It was our final reflection time during the summer school. We rented the Onagawa Stadium and talked as much as we wanted until morning. At this point, the topics could be anything. Some people discussed what was currently on their minds, while others talked about more intimate subjects like relationships. When morning arrived and we were leaving the stadium, everyone looked sleepy but satisfied.







HLAB MIYAGI-ONAGAWA 2024 のテーマは「Affection for your stories ー愛でよう、あなたのストーリーをー」でした。1人1人の高校生が持っているストーリーは、どれも愛おしいものでした。その物語の1ページに、サマースクールが書き足されていたとしたら、そしてこのサマースクールが高校生自身のストーリーを愛でるきっかけとなったら、こんなにも嬉しいことはありません。高校生の未来に、さらなる素晴らしいストーリーが続いていくことを願っています。

The final day of summer school has arrived. The theme for Day 7 is "Start writing your story."

The "Future Workshop" held on the last day involved setting goals for the future, reflecting on the summer school experience. Students set goals for one week, three months, one year, and even ten years into the future. Looking back on the week that felt both long and short, the high school students shared various emotions—joy, amazement, lessons learned, and regrets. They discussed how to carry forward the experiences gained from the summer school, their faces shining with determination and reflection. It was deeply moving to see them so inspired.

The farewell lunch was the last opportunity for the students to dine together. Compared to the welcome dinner on the first day, the students now enjoyed their meal in a much more relaxed and lively atmosphere, engaging in conversations and cherishing the remaining moments together.

Finally, it was time for the departure ceremony. It began with words of appreciation from the people who supported the event. This was followed by a representative high school student’s speech by Chihiro Kimura, expressing their thoughts and feelings honestly. The students then made their “Ashita Declaration,” pledging their goals and a fresh start in their daily lives, inspired by their experiences at the summer school.

The moment of farewell had come. Some students shed tears as they bid farewell to their mentors and companions. Unlike the nervous expressions on the first day, they now wore smiles and looks of accomplishment. Witnessing this transformation was incredibly touching.

The theme of HLAB MIYAGI-ONAGAWA 2024 was "Affection for your stories." Each high school student's story was precious. If the summer school added a page to their story, and if it became a catalyst for them to cherish their own stories, there could be no greater joy. We wish for even more wonderful stories to unfold in their futures.
