
Thoughts of 人間はどこまで耐えられるのか


Starting today, I will change to an English-only diary.

And I would like to follow NOTE's direction and write down my thoughts on the books I have read.

Here are today's books.

How much can a human being endure?

Author:Frances Ashcroft

How high can humans climb?
How deep can you dive?
How much heat can you withstand?
How much cold can we endure?
How fast can you run?
Can you survive in space?
How long can life endure?

The book is about the limits of human beings, such as

The author is a professor of physiology at Oxford University in England and a leading expert on insulin secretion.

He was also active outside the laboratory, organizing art exhibitions with artists using ion channels in cell membranes as a motif.

I'm the type of person who tries to see how many seconds I can hold my breath in the bath.

The other day I learned in the drama DCU that a Coast Guard officer can hold his breath at sea for 6 minutes, which made me very curious about human limitations.

What kind of training does a bare diver or a professional mermaid performing Ariel (Disney) do?

I'm the type of person who tries to see how many seconds I can hold my breath in the bath.

The other day I learned in the drama DCU that a Coast Guard officer can hold his breath at sea for 6 minutes, which made me very curious about human limitations.

What kind of training do divers and Ariel performing at Disney Sea do?

The book also has an interesting description of Sei Shonagon's concern for the ama.

It is 372 pages long, so I will be reading it from time to time in the future.

This concludes my 2nd book introduction.