
black and white

Today's top picture was created with Canva, Australia's first design creation tool. Easy and fun!

A design is something ingenious to realize an aim. The aim is a term that refers to a realistic goal planned with an eye toward the objective. The object of ingenuity can be color, shape, font, function, structure, etc.

That was when I went to a painting class. I was learning about how to produce color.

I had somehow chosen a polar bear from among many pictures of animals and plants, and when I was wondering how to paint the "white" a polar bear, the teacher said.

The white of a white bear is not white. Sometimes it looks blue.
Try using complementary colors. Like fireworks.

I was very convinced. The white of a polar bear is colorless and transparent.

For a long time, I had the impression that the white bears I had seen at the zoo were of various colors. Reflected in the light, reflected in the ice.

In the end, I used six colors of paint to paint the white bear. Like off-white, like beige, like ivory. Such was the color I ended up with.


White (noun)means
The color is like snow. It is clean. It is innocent. Not dyed in any color. Bright. Vivid. Lacking inexperience. Beautiful. Fine.

Black (noun) means
The color is like ink. Dark. Skin is tanned. Dirty. Bad. Black-hearted. It is a professional. It is an expert. It is chic. Suspicious of crime.

Gray (noun) means
The color is like a mouse. Unclear in its assertion. Being unclear as to whether one is doing something against the law. Gloomy and lonely. Tasteless.

These three colors alone clearly show the different meanings and images that colors have.

What color is the item that I am unconsciously taking?

Personal color is the color you intentionally choose to match your skin, but what colors are the goods you place around you? What colors make me feel good?

Spring is a conscious consideration of such things.