
古墳怪獣 トラヅゴン


古墳怪獣 コフンカイジュウ  トラヅゴン

登場回:第11話「虎塚古墳は怪獣の巣だ! 」

かつてのひたちなかの地を治めていた、名も残らぬ豪族の墓を守る守護聖獣。 主とともに虎塚古墳で悠久の眠りに付いていたが、発掘調査に怒って暴れ出した。 これはとある少女が、眠る前にベッドの中で母親から聞いた不思議な物語である。
自分の知る頃とは変わり果ててしまった現在の街の様子に怒り狂った怪獣は、全てを更地にし、主の愛したこの地のかつての姿を取り戻さんとするがごとく、破壊の限りを尽くす。 自衛隊も歯が立たず、もはやこれまでかと思われたその時、怪獣の前にひとりの少女が立ちはだかった。 首の後ろに古墳の壁画と同じ形のアザを持つ、彼女の名は虎塚コフミ。 古墳に葬られた豪族の末裔であり、『封じられし魔物暴れし時、巫女の加護を以て鎮めるべし』と古文書に記された約束の巫女であった…
少女「それからどうなったの? 」
母「続きはあした。 今日はもう寝なさい」
少女「ママ、今も怪獣さんに会える? 」
母「ええ会えるわよ。 春と秋に1週間ずつだけね。 おやすみ」

Tumulus Monster Trazugon

Height: 56.5meters
Weight: 50,000 tons
Habitat:Hitachinaka city nakane area
Special Moves:Eight-tearing Sun ring, moon ring
Weakness: Moisture
Appearance times: Episode 11 "Torazuka Tumulus is a monster's nest!" 」

Trazugon is a guardian holy monster that protects the tombs of the unnamed tribes who once ruled the land in Hitachinaka.
He and the Lord had been sleeping for a long time in the Torazuka Tumulus, but they became angry at the excavations and went on a rampage. This is a mysterious story that a girl heard from her mother in bed before she went to sleep.
The monster, angry at the state of the city today, which has changed from his time of knowing, does his best to destroy itself, as if to restore all the land he loved. The Self-Defense Forces were also toothy, and when it was thought that it was already so far, a girl stood in front of the monster. Her name is Kofumi Torazuka, who has a birthmark the same shape as the mural of the tomb on the back of her neck. It was a descendant of the great family buried in the old tomb, and it was a shrine maiden of the promise written in the old document with "It is good to calm it down with the protection of the shrine maiden at the time of the sealed demon rampage"...
Girl "What happened ? "
Mother "The next one is tomorrow. Go to bed today."
Girl "Mom,Can you still see the monster?"
 Mother "yeah. Only one week in spring and autumn. Good night," 
Said the mother,who had her hair up, and there was a birthmark in the same shape as the mural in the burial mound.
