
The Specter of Globalism is Haunting the World (English version)

The Western order is exhibiting signs of decline, seemingly in line with the Great Reset promoted by globalists. There appears to be a hidden agenda behind the Great Reset, kept away from the public eye.

Globalism casts its shadow over various world events, with seemingly unrelated occurrences intricately connected. However, this reality remains veiled due to mainstream media's control by globalist forces. People are often oblivious to truths about the coronavirus pandemic, genetic vaccinations, alleged fraud in US presidential elections, the Russia-Ukraine war, the assassination of former Prime Minister Abe, and the Israel-Hamas war.

This lack of awareness extends even to academics and experts, commonly regarded as "smart people," who dismiss globalism and the Deep State as mere conspiracy theories. They fail to perceive the bigger picture, remaining unaware of a concealed force influencing events.

The Israel-Hamas war shares structural similarities with the Russia-Ukraine war. The U.S. neoconservative forces initiated the Russia-Ukraine conflict, leading to a confrontation with Russia. Subsequently, the side under pressure utilized Hamas to instigate a conflict with Israel, but outcomes deviated from their expectations.

Those relying solely on Western media may lack insights into the true nature of the Russia-Ukraine war and Israel-Hamas war. The September 11 attacks were allegedly orchestrated by the Deep State to justify actions in Iraq, with Al Qaeda and IS purportedly linked to the DS. Similarly, there are claims of a connection between Hamas and the DS.

In the Russia-Ukraine war, Zelensky, aligned with U.S. neoconservatism, reportedly resists acknowledging the reality, causing prolonged damage to Ukraine. Even influential media figures, once trusting Western sources, seem to recognize the situation isn't unfolding as planned.

Continued reliance on globalist propaganda perpetuates a simplified narrative (e.g., "Russia = bad, Ukraine = good"). Recognizing Russia as a crucial geopolitical neighbor is essential for Japan's economic security, diplomatic, and defense strategies.

The Kishida administration in Japan, akin to the Kiev administration, is perceived by some as a puppet government of the United States. The support for the Kishida government is dropping below the critical 30% mark. Kishida, possibly recognizing the diminishing effectiveness of the DS, intends to temporarily extend the administration, possibly appointing a new figure (such as Foreign Minister Kamikawa) aligned with the DS. The goal seems to be retaining control despite the diminishing approval.

As long as DS supports Kishida, the government may endure, but his eventual departure seems inevitable. Potential successors, including Rep. Sanae Takaichi, preferred by conservatives, remain unaware of the globalist influences behind various issues. Foreign Minister Yoko Kamikawa, considered for Kishida's post, has reported ties to DS, while other candidates are similarly linked to globalism.

While former Prime Minister Abe managed to avoid interference from globalist forces during his tenure, Prime Minister Kishida appears less hesitant to acknowledge his alignment with the DS after Abe's assassination.

The globalist forces, amid setbacks in the "Russia-Ukraine War," initiated the "Israel-Hamas War." The upcoming U.S. presidential election raises concerns of potential fraud, possibly leading to civil war.

In contrast, Russia, led by anti-globalist Putin, stands firm. The next year will witness a crucial battle between globalism and anti-globalism, posing a serious threat to Japan's political landscape and national survival.
