
Cat’s Plate

The difference between antiques and junks was only a little. Even if the stuff was valuable for me, it was worthless for others. I had huge collections of antiques. There were plates and vintage pots that were made hundreds of years ago. My collections occupied the entire space in one of the rooms of my house. However, my wife completely disliked them. She thought these kinds of stuff were junk. Thus, my wife ordered me to throw away my collections.

I could not resist her because her opinion was right. My collections might not be valuable for her. However, if I could sell them for an expensive price, she would change her mind and understand my hobbies. Thus, I decided to sell all of them because I was convinced that those items were authentic, not imitations.
One day, I went and brought them to the antique shop elatedly, though. The shop staff said what I did not expect.
“All of them will be $100.”
I was shocked. I resisted as I thought he made a mistake. However, he replied calmly.
“This is because all of them are imitations.” The staff felt sorry.
I had no choice. I sold them with disappointment.

I could not go home directly. I wanted to kill time because I had to consider what I should say to her. As I was worried about it, I thought about getting some refreshments. I saw a small traditional coffee shop across the street and I entered the cafe. I ordered a cup of black coffee. All of a sudden, a stray cat rubbed its head against my foot. I ignored it since I do not like cats.
“If I even get money, I could keep up appearances.” I thought to myself, and I added. “But, I wonder if money has fallen somewhere” I muttered.
The cafe’s owner came out of the kitchen and brought a cat’s food. He served it to the cat. It started to eat food on the plate. It seemed like the cat was thoroughly enjoying its meal.
At the time, I was surprised because I realized that I had seen the cat’s plate in one of the antique auction featured on the internet. It was an antique plate which was made in China hundreds of years ago.
I looked for the owner. He was washing the dishes in the kitchen, so he looked like he had not known about the value.
I drew near the cat and confirmed the plate’s authenticity. I made sure that it was an antique plate.
“It’s so cute. Sir, what is her name?” I asked the owner loudly so he can hear my voice. Soon, he came out of the kitchen and he replied kindly. “The cat does not have a name.”
I smeared the food intentionally on my clothes through his guard. The cat jumped to me as I thought.
“Oh, stop, stop,” The owner yelled at the cat.
“No problem. I like cats.” I made sure the plate was a real thing while I was carrying the cat. And then, I asked the owner. “Sir, could you sell the cat to me?”
“What do you mean?"
“I like it. Of course, I will pay you. $50, No, $100. Please sell it to me for this price.”
“Wait, wait. It’s a mongrel cat. It’s not a pedigreed cat.” The owner was confused.
“I know it but the cat looks like my child. It is so cute”
He sighed. “OK, I understand. I will sell it to you.”
“Thank you!” I paid for him quickly.
He said. “Please take care of the cat.”
“Of course” As I caressed the cat. Right away, I asked the owner as if I just came up with a thought. “Anyway, I am afraid that it’s not a good idea for the cat to change its environment. it always eats food on that plate, doesn’t it? … Could you give me this plate?” I asked him while pointing at the plate.
“No, I cannot” He answered right away.
“Why?” I was surprised.
“You may not know about that plate.” The owner said as if he was an authenticator. “It is a very valuable plate. I heard that it was made in China during the Qin Dynasty. It is so expensive.”
“Why, why do you use it for the cat?” I was so upset.
“I’m not sure why, though. As I served cat’s foods with the plate, “ The owner said, “I could sell the cat.”
