
Attaining Your Objective Increasing Twofold [Method of Changing Your Mindset for Positive-Thinking] part 3

Recent my blog I have been focusing on Positive-Thinking based on my experiences, which doesn’t help well, on the other hand, it does. So I wonder “Why does it happen like that?” And researched for it bit deeply.

Let’s review slightly previous lessons I wrote.
It’s been more than 20 years to research reassessing the way of “Positive-Thinking” by professor Gabriele Oettingen.
She shows by means of evidence that most of the book for self-development does not work on some ways and presents some alternate ways of thinking or how and when to use positive-thinking.

Making a double rate difference to accomplish your goals, called <WOOP>

Let’s talk about <WOOP>
It’s the technique for enhancing your goals certainly and it is an acronym...
* Wish
* Outcome
* Obstacle
* Plan

Those are the main components of <WOOP> and there have been many empirical researches already showed up. For example, for exercise habituation, a participants underwent 4 months using WOOP method and the data is here↓


Almost double result was hit than group used positive-thinking.
And more comes here ↓


This is a research for possibility to get into dietary habit, as you can see WOOP won completely. It is amazing and wonderful that many empirical researches showing up like this, isn’t it?

Shall we do <WOOP>!!

Let’s see how to do WOOP from here↓

1. Setting
WOOP is a kind of one of image training method so making sure to set up your environment quiet and peace, no intrusiveness at all like you do meditate, close your eyes and sit down. Except, if you are the person who need to move for focusing, you can do like a writing or noting down it is OK for you. Reference for taking 15 to 20 minutes to do it.

2. Wish
Imagine that your job or daily life, you have some anxieties or hope for your future in details. It’s important you should set your degree of difficulty up to like “Its surely hard to accomplish but as long as I try working out and I will.
Just be careful for making you goal not to be like “I will be millionaires for instance.” or “I will be very famous author in the world sooner.” if you do that, you will be caught in a trap of positive-thinking.
If you have many things you wish to achieve in the future, let you focus onto your most prior one.

3. Outcome
Let’s imagine for your best result from your desire and anxieties you just did before is the next step.
For example...
* Your desire: Do exercise everyday→Result: You are health and feel so good
* Anxiety: Need to pay a debts →Result: Clearing it off!!

Something like that. And what you need to imagine is as much as you can come to your mind for a components of exercise in detail and how you feel when it comes to you more specifically.

4. Obstacle
Next is let’s imagine what walls bump to you after accomplishing your goals made before in specific detail as much as you can.
For example...
* What mind get in your way?
* What movement you make getting in your way?
* What a habit or a practice gets in your way?
* What biases gets in your way?
* What an emotion gets in your way?

Could be many people come up with external problems like “I don’t have money.” or “My parents disagree with me.” But you should not do it because a step of “WISH”, you choose how hard goal you set so it does not make any sense coming up with such things, it should be more personalized.

Lastly, you go to make your plan here. It is very useful tool is <if-then planing> if you know it. Let me explain it easy way is “If X happens, then I will choose Y instead.” Something like that. You prepare before you do or go.
You just put your countermeasure specifically into <if-then planing> with thinking of how to resolve obstacles that you made before.
For example...
* When you start your PC, you will immediately open a browser for your work
* When you back to home, you will immediately start working out
* If you can’t feel like you want to do work out this time, you should remember that why you need to do it or it is helpful for in a diet

It’s be good when you habituate WOOP after waking up or before going to bed.

Here is a note showing you may want to use...


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