
Self-Acceptance 3(Metaphor)

This time, I will explain you specific techniques that you may need to know for improving or boosting “Self-Acceptance”.
*Take which of those would be better to you before decided.

* Mindfulness Metaphor
Make any allegories to understand mindfulness.
Well, if you don’t know about “Mindfulness” is...
It is a methods that when something pop up in your mind, do not make any judgement for it, just know, hear, see, or feel it.

So here are 10 Metaphors, can be useful...

1. Fish Metaphor
Imagine you were a fish swimming in the river.
When you swim, a skilled fisherman giving looks very delicious food in your way.
You can’t stop wanting it.
However, you just need to keep going what’re you want to go, ignoring the food you are faced.

2. River Metaphor
There were strong wind beside the river and you stood there and one leaf came along with the river.
That leaf is your “thoughts” or “feelings”.
There could be surrounded any distractions such as, old shopping bag, or piece of woods.
However, you only need to look at the leaf flowing the river.

3. Commentary Metaphor
You’d watch your favorite movie by DVD but when you pushed a Play button, somewhat there’d be distracted with many comments by an actors or a director, that’s way you couldn’t enjoy it.
However, it is what you do in your daily life. Even any fun, you create your own comments on your mind to distract yourself not to enjoy full of your life.

4. Mountain Metaphor
Imaging you were a big mountain.
Mountain weather is changeable like, heavy rain, lighting, heavy snow, bushfire, or a flowers blooming in profusion lovely...
However, there is nothing on the mountain. Even how a weathers(your thoughts) get wild, the mountain itself is standing with no change at all.

5. Beach ball Metaphor
Imaging you’d bring beach with air in it and get into a pool.
When you face to your thoughts and feelings, it’s like you sank that beach ball into water. The effort you try sinking the ball, the more increasing resistance that ball come up to the surface.
Otherwise, enjoy sunlights and water itself, just keep the ball there, doing such meaningless things.

6. Cloud Metaphor
It is like looking at the clouds in the sky. There is any good or bad for the clouds, you just look at them flowing at the sky.
Your thoughts and feelings is that clouds itself.

7. A4 paper Metaphor
Imaging that you’d have A4 paper.
Instantly, your sights’d be covered by papers completely so can’t see anything.
The life events are likely those papers. A thoughts and feelings happen because those are “something” that is too close to you whose be suffering yourself.
Mindfulness is like keeping away from a papers in front of you, even you tried to catch it at first.
It does not mean that the paper is disappeared at all but you see many things you have not right before.



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