Tuesday, September 5th, 2023

•As soon as I got to the school yesterday, one of the cleaners who usually cleans up our school spoke to me to ask me a favour. After she said could you ask me a favour?, she asked me if I was able to understand English. I got really mad at her saying at the time. I felt like being looked down and underestimated. Of course I’m not satisfied at my English and also need to improve mine but I wasn’t able to forgive what she said then.
•We made documents for improving my Microsoft Word skills during class yesterday. While it is the middle of learning basics of usage of Microsoft Word, it isn’t too difficult for me to struggle to keep up with the class. Most of them are skills that I used to use when I was an elementary school teacher. I’m making use of the experience.

• When I got to school yesterday, one of the janitors who usually cleans our school approached me and asked for a favor. She started by saying, "Can I ask you something?" and then inquired if I could understand English. I got pretty annoyed at her in that moment. It felt like she was looking down on me and underestimating my abilities. While I know my English isn't perfect and I have room to improve, I just couldn't let her comment slide.
• In class yesterday, we worked on creating documents to boost my Microsoft Word skills. Even though we're in the middle of learning the basics of Microsoft Word, I didn't find it too tough to keep up. Most of these skills are things I used a lot when I was an elementary school teacher, so I'm tapping into that experience.

Janitor 用務員
Ask for 〜 〜を頼む
Start by ing ingから始める
Inquire if =ask if
In that moment その瞬間
Look down on 人 人を舐める、見下す
Underestimate 舐める
Let 人、モノ do
Slide 流す
Work on 〜に取り組む
Boost 引き上げる、高める
find it + 形容詞 + to + 動詞の原形「(動詞)するのは(形容詞)だと思う」「(動詞)するのは(形容詞)だとわかる」
Keep up ついていく
Tap into 〔資金・情報・知識・経験などをうまく〕利用[活用]する
