Wednesday, August 30th, 2023

•I woke up around noon. That’s why I slept too much and got 12 hours of sleep yesterday. Generally I get up around 8 o’clock naturally and then go to washroom and go to bed again so around 9 o’clock is the time when I wake up completely. However yesterday was terrible day because I repeated waking up and going to bed until around noon as well as I realized that it was the lunch time when I woke up totally. I wasted the whole day yesterday. I didn’t know for sure that I felt a little bit headache. If I had woke up early in the morning, I would have made good use of my time. From the beginning I like sleeping so I have tended to sleep a lot since I was a child.

•In this term we are learning the basics Microsoft Word usage making documents. I used to use the Word for making some documents about work when I was an elementary school teacher so it isn’t so difficult that I can use the Word easily and make documents but there are still a lot of what I don’t know how to use the Word left.


• I woke up around noon. That's why I ended up sleeping too much and got a whopping 12 hours of sleep yesterday. Usually, I naturally wake up around 8 o'clock, go to the washroom, and then go back to bed. So, I'm fully awake around 9 o'clock. However, yesterday was a bit of a disaster because I kept waking up and going back to sleep until around noon. I only realized it was lunchtime when I finally woke up completely. I basically wasted the entire day yesterday. I also had a slight headache, although I didn't realize it at the time. I've always been a fan of sleeping, so I tend to sleep a lot, even since I was a child.

• In this term, we are learning the basics of using Microsoft Word to create documents. I used to use Word to create documents for work when I was an elementary school teacher, so it's not too difficult for me to use Word and create documents. However, there are still many features of Word that I don't know how to use.

•whopping 形容詞 とてつもない、馬鹿でかい

•go back (元の人や場所に)戻る

•fully 副詞 完全に

•awake 目が覚める

•a bit of 少しだけ ちょっとした 反対の言葉 a lot of

•disaster 大失敗 災難

•basically 要するに、つまりは

•entire 形容詞 全ての

•slight 形容詞 少しの

•only 強調

•realize 気づく

•be a fan of =like

•even 強調

•feature 特徴
