MCP サーバをコンテナ環境で構築して Claude デスクトップで動かす。ローカルファイルへの読み書き編
この記事は Qiita Advent Calendar 2024 / LLM・LLM活用 Advent Calendar 2024 シリーズ 2 の 6 日目記事です
前回記事で実践した Slack への接続と、今回のファイル読み書きを組み合わせて複数 MCP サーバの協働を見届ける
ひとまず Windows 環境向けに書いているけれど、Mac でも大丈夫でしょう
今回はサンプルコードの Slack 接続を流用します
Docker 環境構築
Rancher Desktop インストールしておけば OK
ここでは D ドライブに `container` を作成
`container` の中にさらに `mcp-filesystem-server` と `shared` を作成
build: .
container_name: filesystem-mcp
# Windows のローカルパスをマウント
- D:\container\shared:/app/shared
stdin_open: true # stdinを開いたままにする
tty: true # 疑似TTYを割り当てる
- mcp-network
name: filesystem-mcp-network
driver: bridge
FROM node:20-slim
# 全てのファイルを一度にコピー
COPY . .
# 依存関係のインストール
RUN npm install
# TypeScriptのビルドとdistディレクトリの作成を確認
RUN npm run build && \
if [ -d "dist" ]; then \
chmod +x dist/*.js || true; \
else \
echo "Error: dist directory was not created" && exit 1; \
# 環境変数の設定
ENV NODE_ENV=production
# sharedディレクトリの作成
RUN mkdir -p /app/shared
# コンテナ起動時のコマンド
CMD ["node", "dist/index.js", "/app/shared"]
GitHub から持ってきたものを一部書き換えているので、以下からコピペしてください
"name": "@modelcontextprotocol/server-slack",
"version": "0.5.1",
"description": "MCP server for interacting with Slack",
"license": "MIT",
"author": "Anthropic, PBC (",
"homepage": "",
"bugs": "",
"type": "module",
"scripts": {
"build": "tsc && shx chmod +x dist/*.js",
"prepare": "npm run build",
"watch": "tsc --watch",
"start": "node dist/index.js"
"dependencies": {
"@modelcontextprotocol/sdk": "0.6.0"
"devDependencies": {
"@types/node": "^22.9.3",
"shx": "^0.3.4",
"typescript": "^5.6.2"
"compilerOptions": {
"target": "ES2020",
"module": "NodeNext",
"moduleResolution": "NodeNext",
"esModuleInterop": true,
"strict": true,
"skipLibCheck": true,
"forceConsistentCasingInFileNames": true,
"outDir": "./dist",
"rootDir": "./src",
"declaration": true,
"resolveJsonModule": true
"include": [
"exclude": [
`/src/` を作成してその中に
GitHub からそのまま持ってくる
#!/usr/bin/env node
import { Server } from "@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/server/index.js";
import { StdioServerTransport } from "@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/server/stdio.js";
import {
} from "@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/types.js";
import fs from "fs/promises";
import path from "path";
import os from 'os';
import { z } from "zod";
import { zodToJsonSchema } from "zod-to-json-schema";
import { diffLines, createTwoFilesPatch } from 'diff';
// Command line argument parsing
const args = process.argv.slice(2);
if (args.length === 0) {
console.error("Usage: mcp-server-filesystem <allowed-directory> [additional-directories...]");
// Normalize all paths consistently
function normalizePath(p: string): string {
return path.normalize(p).toLowerCase();
function expandHome(filepath: string): string {
if (filepath.startsWith('~/') || filepath === '~') {
return path.join(os.homedir(), filepath.slice(1));
return filepath;
// Store allowed directories in normalized form
const allowedDirectories = =>
// Validate that all directories exist and are accessible
await Promise.all( (dir) => {
try {
const stats = await fs.stat(dir);
if (!stats.isDirectory()) {
console.error(`Error: ${dir} is not a directory`);
} catch (error) {
console.error(`Error accessing directory ${dir}:`, error);
// Security utilities
async function validatePath(requestedPath: string): Promise<string> {
const expandedPath = expandHome(requestedPath);
const absolute = path.isAbsolute(expandedPath)
? path.resolve(expandedPath)
: path.resolve(process.cwd(), expandedPath);
const normalizedRequested = normalizePath(absolute);
// Check if path is within allowed directories
const isAllowed = allowedDirectories.some(dir => normalizedRequested.startsWith(dir));
if (!isAllowed) {
throw new Error(`Access denied - path outside allowed directories: ${absolute} not in ${allowedDirectories.join(', ')}`);
// Handle symlinks by checking their real path
try {
const realPath = await fs.realpath(absolute);
const normalizedReal = normalizePath(realPath);
const isRealPathAllowed = allowedDirectories.some(dir => normalizedReal.startsWith(dir));
if (!isRealPathAllowed) {
throw new Error("Access denied - symlink target outside allowed directories");
return realPath;
} catch (error) {
// For new files that don't exist yet, verify parent directory
const parentDir = path.dirname(absolute);
try {
const realParentPath = await fs.realpath(parentDir);
const normalizedParent = normalizePath(realParentPath);
const isParentAllowed = allowedDirectories.some(dir => normalizedParent.startsWith(dir));
if (!isParentAllowed) {
throw new Error("Access denied - parent directory outside allowed directories");
return absolute;
} catch {
throw new Error(`Parent directory does not exist: ${parentDir}`);
// Schema definitions
const ReadFileArgsSchema = z.object({
path: z.string(),
const ReadMultipleFilesArgsSchema = z.object({
paths: z.array(z.string()),
const WriteFileArgsSchema = z.object({
path: z.string(),
content: z.string(),
const EditOperation = z.object({
oldText: z.string().describe('Text to search for - must match exactly'),
newText: z.string().describe('Text to replace with')
const EditFileArgsSchema = z.object({
path: z.string(),
edits: z.array(EditOperation),
dryRun: z.boolean().default(false).describe('Preview changes using git-style diff format')
const CreateDirectoryArgsSchema = z.object({
path: z.string(),
const ListDirectoryArgsSchema = z.object({
path: z.string(),
const MoveFileArgsSchema = z.object({
source: z.string(),
destination: z.string(),
const SearchFilesArgsSchema = z.object({
path: z.string(),
pattern: z.string(),
const GetFileInfoArgsSchema = z.object({
path: z.string(),
const ToolInputSchema = ToolSchema.shape.inputSchema;
type ToolInput = z.infer<typeof ToolInputSchema>;
interface FileInfo {
size: number;
created: Date;
modified: Date;
accessed: Date;
isDirectory: boolean;
isFile: boolean;
permissions: string;
// Server setup
const server = new Server(
name: "secure-filesystem-server",
version: "0.2.0",
capabilities: {
tools: {},
// Tool implementations
async function getFileStats(filePath: string): Promise<FileInfo> {
const stats = await fs.stat(filePath);
return {
size: stats.size,
created: stats.birthtime,
modified: stats.mtime,
accessed: stats.atime,
isDirectory: stats.isDirectory(),
isFile: stats.isFile(),
permissions: stats.mode.toString(8).slice(-3),
async function searchFiles(
rootPath: string,
pattern: string,
): Promise<string[]> {
const results: string[] = [];
async function search(currentPath: string) {
const entries = await fs.readdir(currentPath, { withFileTypes: true });
for (const entry of entries) {
const fullPath = path.join(currentPath,;
try {
// Validate each path before processing
await validatePath(fullPath);
if ( {
if (entry.isDirectory()) {
await search(fullPath);
} catch (error) {
// Skip invalid paths during search
await search(rootPath);
return results;
// file editing and diffing utilities
function normalizeLineEndings(text: string): string {
return text.replace(/\r\n/g, '\n');
function createUnifiedDiff(originalContent: string, newContent: string, filepath: string = 'file'): string {
// Ensure consistent line endings for diff
const normalizedOriginal = normalizeLineEndings(originalContent);
const normalizedNew = normalizeLineEndings(newContent);
return createTwoFilesPatch(
async function applyFileEdits(
filePath: string,
edits: Array<{oldText: string, newText: string}>,
dryRun = false
): Promise<string> {
// Read file content and normalize line endings
const content = normalizeLineEndings(await fs.readFile(filePath, 'utf-8'));
// Apply edits sequentially
let modifiedContent = content;
for (const edit of edits) {
const normalizedOld = normalizeLineEndings(edit.oldText);
const normalizedNew = normalizeLineEndings(edit.newText);
// If exact match exists, use it
if (modifiedContent.includes(normalizedOld)) {
modifiedContent = modifiedContent.replace(normalizedOld, normalizedNew);
// Otherwise, try line-by-line matching with flexibility for whitespace
const oldLines = normalizedOld.split('\n');
const contentLines = modifiedContent.split('\n');
let matchFound = false;
for (let i = 0; i <= contentLines.length - oldLines.length; i++) {
const potentialMatch = contentLines.slice(i, i + oldLines.length);
// Compare lines with normalized whitespace
const isMatch = oldLines.every((oldLine, j) => {
const contentLine = potentialMatch[j];
return oldLine.trim() === contentLine.trim();
if (isMatch) {
// Preserve original indentation of first line
const originalIndent = contentLines[i].match(/^\s*/)?.[0] || '';
const newLines = normalizedNew.split('\n').map((line, j) => {
if (j === 0) return originalIndent + line.trimStart();
// For subsequent lines, try to preserve relative indentation
const oldIndent = oldLines[j]?.match(/^\s*/)?.[0] || '';
const newIndent = line.match(/^\s*/)?.[0] || '';
if (oldIndent && newIndent) {
const relativeIndent = newIndent.length - oldIndent.length;
return originalIndent + ' '.repeat(Math.max(0, relativeIndent)) + line.trimStart();
return line;
contentLines.splice(i, oldLines.length, ...newLines);
modifiedContent = contentLines.join('\n');
matchFound = true;
if (!matchFound) {
throw new Error(`Could not find exact match for edit:\n${edit.oldText}`);
// Create unified diff
const diff = createUnifiedDiff(content, modifiedContent, filePath);
// Format diff with appropriate number of backticks
let numBackticks = 3;
while (diff.includes('`'.repeat(numBackticks))) {
const formattedDiff = `${'`'.repeat(numBackticks)}diff\n${diff}${'`'.repeat(numBackticks)}\n\n`;
if (!dryRun) {
await fs.writeFile(filePath, modifiedContent, 'utf-8');
return formattedDiff;
// Tool handlers
server.setRequestHandler(ListToolsRequestSchema, async () => {
return {
tools: [
name: "read_file",
"Read the complete contents of a file from the file system. " +
"Handles various text encodings and provides detailed error messages " +
"if the file cannot be read. Use this tool when you need to examine " +
"the contents of a single file. Only works within allowed directories.",
inputSchema: zodToJsonSchema(ReadFileArgsSchema) as ToolInput,
name: "read_multiple_files",
"Read the contents of multiple files simultaneously. This is more " +
"efficient than reading files one by one when you need to analyze " +
"or compare multiple files. Each file's content is returned with its " +
"path as a reference. Failed reads for individual files won't stop " +
"the entire operation. Only works within allowed directories.",
inputSchema: zodToJsonSchema(ReadMultipleFilesArgsSchema) as ToolInput,
name: "write_file",
"Create a new file or completely overwrite an existing file with new content. " +
"Use with caution as it will overwrite existing files without warning. " +
"Handles text content with proper encoding. Only works within allowed directories.",
inputSchema: zodToJsonSchema(WriteFileArgsSchema) as ToolInput,
name: "edit_file",
"Make line-based edits to a text file. Each edit replaces exact line sequences " +
"with new content. Returns a git-style diff showing the changes made. " +
"Only works within allowed directories.",
inputSchema: zodToJsonSchema(EditFileArgsSchema) as ToolInput,
name: "create_directory",
"Create a new directory or ensure a directory exists. Can create multiple " +
"nested directories in one operation. If the directory already exists, " +
"this operation will succeed silently. Perfect for setting up directory " +
"structures for projects or ensuring required paths exist. Only works within allowed directories.",
inputSchema: zodToJsonSchema(CreateDirectoryArgsSchema) as ToolInput,
name: "list_directory",
"Get a detailed listing of all files and directories in a specified path. " +
"Results clearly distinguish between files and directories with [FILE] and [DIR] " +
"prefixes. This tool is essential for understanding directory structure and " +
"finding specific files within a directory. Only works within allowed directories.",
inputSchema: zodToJsonSchema(ListDirectoryArgsSchema) as ToolInput,
name: "move_file",
"Move or rename files and directories. Can move files between directories " +
"and rename them in a single operation. If the destination exists, the " +
"operation will fail. Works across different directories and can be used " +
"for simple renaming within the same directory. Both source and destination must be within allowed directories.",
inputSchema: zodToJsonSchema(MoveFileArgsSchema) as ToolInput,
name: "search_files",
"Recursively search for files and directories matching a pattern. " +
"Searches through all subdirectories from the starting path. The search " +
"is case-insensitive and matches partial names. Returns full paths to all " +
"matching items. Great for finding files when you don't know their exact location. " +
"Only searches within allowed directories.",
inputSchema: zodToJsonSchema(SearchFilesArgsSchema) as ToolInput,
name: "get_file_info",
"Retrieve detailed metadata about a file or directory. Returns comprehensive " +
"information including size, creation time, last modified time, permissions, " +
"and type. This tool is perfect for understanding file characteristics " +
"without reading the actual content. Only works within allowed directories.",
inputSchema: zodToJsonSchema(GetFileInfoArgsSchema) as ToolInput,
name: "list_allowed_directories",
"Returns the list of directories that this server is allowed to access. " +
"Use this to understand which directories are available before trying to access files.",
inputSchema: {
type: "object",
properties: {},
required: [],
server.setRequestHandler(CallToolRequestSchema, async (request) => {
try {
const { name, arguments: args } = request.params;
switch (name) {
case "read_file": {
const parsed = ReadFileArgsSchema.safeParse(args);
if (!parsed.success) {
throw new Error(`Invalid arguments for read_file: ${parsed.error}`);
const validPath = await validatePath(;
const content = await fs.readFile(validPath, "utf-8");
return {
content: [{ type: "text", text: content }],
case "read_multiple_files": {
const parsed = ReadMultipleFilesArgsSchema.safeParse(args);
if (!parsed.success) {
throw new Error(`Invalid arguments for read_multiple_files: ${parsed.error}`);
const results = await Promise.all( (filePath: string) => {
try {
const validPath = await validatePath(filePath);
const content = await fs.readFile(validPath, "utf-8");
return `${filePath}:\n${content}\n`;
} catch (error) {
const errorMessage = error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error);
return `${filePath}: Error - ${errorMessage}`;
return {
content: [{ type: "text", text: results.join("\n---\n") }],
case "write_file": {
const parsed = WriteFileArgsSchema.safeParse(args);
if (!parsed.success) {
throw new Error(`Invalid arguments for write_file: ${parsed.error}`);
const validPath = await validatePath(;
await fs.writeFile(validPath,, "utf-8");
return {
content: [{ type: "text", text: `Successfully wrote to ${}` }],
case "edit_file": {
const parsed = EditFileArgsSchema.safeParse(args);
if (!parsed.success) {
throw new Error(`Invalid arguments for edit_file: ${parsed.error}`);
const validPath = await validatePath(;
const result = await applyFileEdits(validPath,,;
return {
content: [{ type: "text", text: result }],
case "create_directory": {
const parsed = CreateDirectoryArgsSchema.safeParse(args);
if (!parsed.success) {
throw new Error(`Invalid arguments for create_directory: ${parsed.error}`);
const validPath = await validatePath(;
await fs.mkdir(validPath, { recursive: true });
return {
content: [{ type: "text", text: `Successfully created directory ${}` }],
case "list_directory": {
const parsed = ListDirectoryArgsSchema.safeParse(args);
if (!parsed.success) {
throw new Error(`Invalid arguments for list_directory: ${parsed.error}`);
const validPath = await validatePath(;
const entries = await fs.readdir(validPath, { withFileTypes: true });
const formatted = entries
.map((entry) => `${entry.isDirectory() ? "[DIR]" : "[FILE]"} ${}`)
return {
content: [{ type: "text", text: formatted }],
case "move_file": {
const parsed = MoveFileArgsSchema.safeParse(args);
if (!parsed.success) {
throw new Error(`Invalid arguments for move_file: ${parsed.error}`);
const validSourcePath = await validatePath(;
const validDestPath = await validatePath(;
await fs.rename(validSourcePath, validDestPath);
return {
content: [{ type: "text", text: `Successfully moved ${} to ${}` }],
case "search_files": {
const parsed = SearchFilesArgsSchema.safeParse(args);
if (!parsed.success) {
throw new Error(`Invalid arguments for search_files: ${parsed.error}`);
const validPath = await validatePath(;
const results = await searchFiles(validPath,;
return {
content: [{ type: "text", text: results.length > 0 ? results.join("\n") : "No matches found" }],
case "get_file_info": {
const parsed = GetFileInfoArgsSchema.safeParse(args);
if (!parsed.success) {
throw new Error(`Invalid arguments for get_file_info: ${parsed.error}`);
const validPath = await validatePath(;
const info = await getFileStats(validPath);
return {
content: [{ type: "text", text: Object.entries(info)
.map(([key, value]) => `${key}: ${value}`)
.join("\n") }],
case "list_allowed_directories": {
return {
content: [{
type: "text",
text: `Allowed directories:\n${allowedDirectories.join('\n')}`
throw new Error(`Unknown tool: ${name}`);
} catch (error) {
const errorMessage = error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error);
return {
content: [{ type: "text", text: `Error: ${errorMessage}` }],
isError: true,
// Start server
async function runServer() {
const transport = new StdioServerTransport();
await server.connect(transport);
console.error("Secure MCP Filesystem Server running on stdio");
console.error("Allowed directories:", allowedDirectories);
runServer().catch((error) => {
console.error("Fatal error running server:", error);
Windows なら Powershell
docker compose up -d
エラーが出なければ OK
`docker ps` コマンドで動作中のコンテナを確認できるし Rancher Desktop でもコンテナが動作していることが分かる
Claude デスクトップにコンフィグ設定
`claude_desktop_config.json` で設定しているので、そこを開くために Settings から移動
Developer から Edit Config ボタンを押すと `claude_desktop_config.json` がエクスプローラー等で表示されるので、それをエディタで開いて以下のように設定
`-f` オプションで指定している `docker-compose.yml` への path は自身の環境に合わせて書き換えること
前回記事で Slack の設定をおこなっていることが前提になっているので、下に追記されるかたちです
"mcpServers": {
"slack": {
"command": "docker",
"args": [
"filesystem": {
"command": "docker",
"args": [
上記保存したら Claude デスクトップアプリを再起動
単に × などで閉じるだけだと、バックグラウンドで常駐して再起動されないので、ちゃんとプロセスを終了して再起動させること!
再起動後、Settings -> Developer で以下のように slack が表示されていれば OK
Claude Projects 設定
このまま使うのもよろしいですが Claude Projects を使うと、面倒な補足指示を諸々省くことができるようになります
`execute_mcp` という Project を作成
- 日本語で回答
- 特段の指示が無ければ MCP を用いないようにすること
- `MCP を用いて` と言われたら、指示に応じてそれぞれの MCP サーバを適切に使い分け出力すること
ナレッジとして `` を作成
# execute_mcp README
## filesystem
### default directory
- /app/shared/
- 読み込み/書き込み権限を所有している
## slack
### username
- 以下はユーザ id とユーザ名の対照表である。ユーザ id をユーザ名へ置換して出力すること
- U083FM0MHA5 : Hi_Noguchi
- U074RTSFTMF : Bot
以下 Claude Projects についての参考記事
では動作確認! 正しく実行されたようです
Claude Projects でのナレッジを参照してくれているので、記載の指示通りに user id が名前に置き換えられていますね
ちなみに Claude 3.5 Sonnet 限定というわけでなく Claude 3 Haiku でも動きます
おめでとう! さらなる良き MCP サーバ on コンテナ ライフを🎉
MCP であっても素の Claude でなくて Projects 使った方がやっぱり強力ですねーということが確認できました
次回は Supabase か TiDB あたりへの接続をやってみますか
野口 啓之 / Hiroyuki Noguchi
株式会社 きみより 代表
LLM も使いつつ 10 年超の CTO / CIO 経験をもとに DX 推進のための顧問などなどやっております