
Happy Women's Map 沖縄県 日本女性初の交響曲作曲家 金井 喜久子 女史

-宮古島市総合博物館 / Miyakojima Museum

"It's because we still feel a special fondness for the lullabies we heard in our mother's arms even as grown-ups, that's why these songs from all around the world continue to be sung and passed down."

金井 喜久子 女史
Ms. Kikuko Kanei
1906 - 1986 
沖縄県宮古島市 生誕
Born in Miyakozima-city, Okinawa-ken

Mis. Kikuko Kanai is the first Japanese woman to compose and conduct a symphony. She left behind many works inspired by Okinawan folk songs and published "Ryukyu Folk Songs," a collection of notated Okinawan folk songs. Additionally, she dedicated her efforts to the construction of the Himeyuri Tower and the Okinawa Peace Memorial Museum. She also composed a festive overture for the Okinawa Reversion Ceremony. 


喜久子は沖縄県議員の父と宮古上布の生産で財産を成した母親のもとに生まれます。幼いころから琴・琵琶・ヴァイオリンに親しみ、沖縄県立第一高等女学校を卒業後、日本音楽学校に声楽を学びます。活動写真館に職を得て日々歌い続ける中で結婚。夫の支えのもと、1933年に東京音楽学校の作曲科に女性として初めて入学します。1940年には日本女性としては初の交響曲第1番を3楽章まで作曲、同年に日比谷公会堂で自身の指揮で中央交響楽団 (現・東京フィルハーモニー交響楽団) により演奏します。この作品はドイツ・ロマン派風の作品でした。1944年には日比谷公会堂で「金井喜久子第一回発表会」を開催、「琉球舞踏組曲」、交響詩曲「宇宙の詩」を発表。指揮者が前日に赤紙で応召され、急遽喜久子自身が指揮をすると、女性指揮者の登場に聴衆は驚くとともに大歓声で大成功を収めます。


 "Okinawan Symphony"
Kikuko was born to a father who was a prefectural assembly member in Okinawa and a mother who amassed wealth through the production of Miyako-jōfu textiles. From a young age, she was fond of playing the koto, biwa, and violin. After graduating from Okinawa Prefectural First High School for Girls, she studied vocal music at the Japan Music Academy. While working at a movie theater, she continued to sing and eventually got married. With the support of her husband, she became the first female student to enter the Composition Department of the Tokyo Music Academy in 1933. In 1940, she composed the first movement of her Symphony No. 1, becoming the first Japanese woman to compose a symphony. The piece was performed by the Central Symphony Orchestra (now Tokyo Philharmonic Orchestra) under her own conducting at the Hibiya Public Hall. This work was influenced by the German Romantic style. In 1944, she held the "Kikuko Kanai First Solo Concert" at Hibiya Public Hall, where she presented the "Ryukyu Dance Suite" and the symphonic poem "Poems in the Universe." With the original conductor being drafted the day before, Kikuko herself took over conducting and surprised the audience with her appearance as a female conductor, receiving great applause and achieving great success.

"From Ryukyuan Folk Songs to Okinawan Music" 
After the war, Kikuko carried a heavy recording machine to the homes of shamisen teachers and notated the shamisen parts and lyrics. She published "Ryukyu Folk Songs," a collection of notated Okinawan folk songs. In 1954, she attended the 7th International Conference of Ethnomusicology in São Paulo, Brazil, as a representative of Japan and delivered a lecture on "Japanese Music and Okinawan Music." She composed music for the American film "Chaya on the Night of August 15," depicting post-war reconstruction in Okinawa, as well as for the kabuki play "The Tale of the Takara-bune," the Takarazuka Snow Troupe's performance "The Story of Kinjen Castle," and the award-winning children's song "Jinjin." Furthermore, Kikuko repeatedly petitioned the National Diet and dedicated her efforts to the construction of the Himeyuri Tower, the Okinawa Peace Memorial Museum, and Okinawa Art University. She composed a festive overture for the Okinawa Reversion Ceremony in 1975.

-沖縄県男女参画センター Okinawa Gender Equality Center
-宮古島市総合博物館 Miyakojima Museum
-沖縄県立芸術大学 Okinawa Art University
-沖縄県平和祈念資料館 Okinawa Peace Memorial Museum

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