
Tamagoyaki Weekly

英語の勉強日誌です。 基本的に備忘録的な感じでつけていきます。


ENGLISH DIARY【2/21〜2/27】

2/21 Mon
Nothing to do

2/22 Tue
Nothing to do

2/23 Wed
English vocab

2/24 Thu
Nothing to do

2/25 Fri
Script reading

2/26 Sat
Nothing to do

2/27 Sun
Script reading

ENGLISH DIARY【2/14〜2/20】

2/14 Mon
Script reading

2/15 Tue
Script reading
; I need not only over lappinng but also shadowing.

2/16 wed
nothing to do

2/17 thu
A conversation with a teacher
; I need to pracetice for explaini


English Diary【2/7〜2/13】

2/7 Mon
Nothing to do
2/8 Tue
Nothing to do
2/9 Wed
Script reading
Conversation with a teacher
2/10 Thu
English vocab
2/11 Fri
Script reading
2/12 Sat
Script reading

Diary in English【1/31〜2/6】

Diary in English【1/31〜2/6】

1/31 Mon
Nothing to do
2/1 Tue
Script reading
TOEIC Training
; I could focus on the means taught by TOSHIN teacher to mark the answers.
2/2 Wed
Script reading
TOEIC Training
2/3 Thu
Nothing to do
