
今回の UPDATE FAQ 読んでみました


前置き分の挨拶 (翻訳のみ)

ゴルファーの皆様、こんにちは。昨日の更新後、変更に関するたくさんの質問とフィードバックを受け取りました。 皆さんが強く関心を示され、尋ねられたポイントについて、できるだけ早く対処していきたいとおもいます。


Match start: rotation around the tee
After considering feedback on this, we have decided to change this animation and we'll be updating it in our next release.



How do I earn more practice tokens/ new customizations?
The second, major part of our update is launching on the 23rd Nov, which allows practice toke ns, vanity items and more to be earned by for free each season, through a brand- new challenge system. We'll be bringing you m ore information on this next week.



Why am I in this tournament skill tier?
We know that some Golfers were surprised when they saw their skill tiers for the upcoming Stateside Classic Tournament and we believe that t here are a few contributing factors to that:
Success at a lower level affects your tier at higher levels e.g., winning a Rookie tournament can move you up in the rankings in Pro. Ranking points earned in Rookie will affect your position in high difficulties.
Multiple weekend finishes add up: Even if you aren't coming first, if you consistently make it to the weekend round your skill tier will increase. Remember, 50% of players are knocked out of Qualifying. Another 50% are knocked out of the Opening Round; so just by reaching the Weekend Round you are beating well over 60% of total entrants.
A stat for some perspective: Looking only at the players that played all 3 of our last tournaments:
• Over 60% of are in Pro tier 1 or lower.
• Only 1.8% are in Expert Tier 3. (Some of these players might never actually play in Expert, but the ranking system considers them to be an Expert 3 player because of how many ranking points they have accumulated across the other tiers.)
We also found a bug affecting around 2000 players where they were mistakenly placed in expert tier 3 instead of tier 2. We have now rolled out a fix for those players.
Ranking systems are something that evolve over time and we will always be looking for ways to improve the system to make sure it is both fair and rewarding for all players.
次回のStateside Classic Tournamenのスキルレベルを見て驚いたゴルファーもいると思いますが、それにはいくつかの要因があると考えています。
- 60%以上のプレイヤーがプロレベル1以下です。
- エキスパート Tier3 はわずか 1.8%です。(これらのプレイヤーの中には実際にはエキスパートでプレイした事のないプレイヤーもいるかもしれませんが、ランキングシステムでは他のプレイヤーと比較してランキングポイントが多く蓄積されているため、エキスパート 3 プレイヤーとみなされます)



Why don't players in Higher skill tiers receive better rewards?
The primary reasoning is we want players to move up the levels. You ultimately have the choice. If you're in Pro 3 and want to try for better rewards then play Expert. The quality of competition will now be roughly the same regardless of the level you choose, so if you want better rewards, enter the higher difficulties. This is the case all the way up to Master, where there is currently no higher difficulty. This, amongst other reasons, is why we have chosen to restrict Masters to 1 tier, as there's nowhere to go above this, we thought it would be unfair to offer the same prizes across multiple tiers.
We accept that our previous system led to a situation where players would not want to try playing at the Level we intended. We hope that playing roughly the same quality of opponents across all Levels will mean that more players choose to select to play in a higher level where they have the opportunity to earn better rewards and more points for their clans.



Why have you added customizations to the game?
The aim of customizations is to add more variety and options to the game, for those that choose to use them. The majority of Golf Clash players use emotes and chats in their games because it's a multiplayer experience and players seem to enjoy communicating during a match. Emotes opens a wider selection of additional options for them to choose from through which to express themselves.
Hole explosions add a little more fun and self-expression to game for golfers who want them, these replace the existing star explosion which has always existed and are a quick way to add an extra flourish to an already amazing shot.
カスタマイズの目的は、それらを使いたい人が、ゲームにより多くの多様性とオプションを追加できるようにすることです。Golf Clashのプレイヤーの大半がエモートやチャットを使用していますが、これはマルチプレイヤーの醍醐味であり、試合中のコミュニケーションを楽しめていると思います。エモートを使用することで、自分自身を表現するための追加オプションの選択肢が広がります。ホールエクスプロージョンは、少々面白みと自己表現の幅をゲームに追加します。これらは既にある星のホールエクスプロージョンを置き換えることができ、簡単に素晴らしいショットに花を添える演出を追加できます。



Some of the bonuses given by the customizations are too powerful.
Balance is something that is always at the fore front of our minds when adding new content to Golf Clash. Although the Neon Lace Tee has yet to become available, some of you eagle-eyed players have noticed the perk would give a very large clan point bonus. We've seen your feedback and we agree that it gives disproportionate rewards. As a result, we have already rebalanced it. We will be especially carefully monitoring and reviewing the rest of these perks as we go forward.
Come November 23rd; Tees, emotes, chats and Hole Explosions will all be available to earn, for free, by all players.
Graphical Issues
We know that some golfers have been encountering graphical errors after updating to the latest version. We would like to assure you that fixing these issues is our highest priority at this time.
We know that this may not have answered every question that you may have about the new up date, but we hope that we have covered most of your most pressing ones.


