




He never gives quick solutions.

Today, I want to discuss the concept of mentoring. But first, what exactly is a mentor? According to our club’s document, a mentor is someone who knows a lot, has experience, and is a trusted guide. Mentors give advice, motivate, support, a

    • Positive failure

      Today, I would like to talk about power of failure. Everyone here doesn’t like failure, right? Me, too. I hate failure. The fear of judgment after a failure can be daunting. Thoughts like, “If I fail, my boss might not trust me with future

      • Q&A Diary #107: Share a recent breakthrough in science or technology.

        Internet is definitely one of the most influential technological breakthroughs in history. We can access anyone I want to connect anytime regardless where I live. I can buy anything I want at any store regardless where it’s located. Interne

        • Q&A Diary #106: Describe your views on environmental issues.

          In my view, human beings cannot solve environmental issues. People will destroy more forests and consume a lot more fossil fuels. Gradually, population of humans will drop. Then at some point, population will balance with poor environment.