

Should genetically modify crops be banned?



1 In these few decades, food shortages can be occurred by popularity boosting.

2 Efficient food production process is one of the most significant issues

3 As technology grows, more and more crops are estimated that can be produced safely and freely.


1 この数十年間、人気の高まりによって食料不足が発生する可能性があります。

2 効率的な食料生産プロセスは、最も重要な問題の 1 つです

3 技術が進歩するにつれて、安全かつ自由に生産できると推定される作物がますます増えています。

I believe that the use of genetically modified crops should not be banned because of population boosting, food production processes, and food supplies can be more safely and freely. Genetically modified crops benefit all citizens in the long-term prosperity.


Primary, in these few decades, food shortages can be occurred by population boosting. Some researchers have shown that the world's popularity is estimated that will have reached 10 billion by 2050, but we are now ready to supply food for only 9 billion people. This fast suggests that we should have a way to produce crops more efficiently. Then GMO foods can be one solution to this problem.

    第一に、この数十年間で、人口増加によって食糧不足が発生する可能性があります。一部の研究者は、世界の人気は 2050 年までに 100 億人に達すると推定されていることを示していますが、現在、私たちはわずか 90 億人分の食料を供給する準備ができています。これは、作物をより効率的に生産する方法が必要であることを示唆しています。遺伝子組み換え食品は、この問題の解決策の1つです。

Second, efficiency is the most significant issue to protect the world environment and economy. Nowadays, some disasters have attacked crops and huge damage occur. GMO foods solve this problem because they can make crops stronger for disasters such as insects and typhoons. GMO foods alleviate the problem of disasters.


Last, as technology grows, more and more crops can be produced safely and freely. Now, GMO technology is used for limited crops because their safety is not proven. However, some statistics have shown that GMO foods are becoming safe because more farmers have started to use them. This current is estimated to last unless technology stops its development.

     最後に、技術の進歩に伴い、より多くの作物を安全かつ自由に生産できるようになりました。現在、安全性が証明されていないため、GMO技術は限られた作物に使用されています.しかし、一部の統計では、より多くの農家が GMO 食品を使用し始めたため、GMO 食品が安全になっていることが示されています。この流れは、技術がその発展を止めない限り持続すると推定されています。

In the past decades, people have already developed in terms of biotechnology. Simultaneously, its population has been boosted, but the rates of the aging population are higher in developed countries. In this situation, I believe that the use of genetically modified crops should not be banned unless people can find another way of food production.

