

Should animal testing be banned?


1 people should respect other animal species’ lives to create a sustainable planet.

2 It is unknown that once materials like medicine are efficient for animals, it doesn’t prove the same result can take to humans.

3 Thanks to technological development, testing can be simulated on digital products not to take away any lives from other creations.

1 人々は、持続可能な地球を作るために、他の動物種の生命を尊重するべきです。
2 かつて動物にとって有効な薬のような材料が、同じ結果が人間に及ぶことを証明していないことは不確かです.
3 技術開発のおかげで、デジタル製品でテストをシミュレートして、他の作品から命を奪うことはありません。

I believe that animal testing should be banned. Animal testing is a bad behavior because of protecting animals’ lives, and non-evidence about health.

   動物実験は禁止されるべきだと思います。動物実験は、動物の命を守り、健康に関する証拠がないため、悪い行動の 1 つです。

Primary, as people are responsible for the environment, we should respect other animal species’ lives to create a sustainable planet. The development of civilization has been dispelling enormous species to extinction. In this situation, all animals should not be eliminated for humans’ self-satisfaction anymore.


Second, it is unknown whether animal testing surely proves its legitimacy or not. Some research shows that half of the new medicine tested on animals are unsafe for humans. If once a biochemical product is efficient and safe for animals, more surveys should be installed.


Last, thanks to technological development, clinical testing can be simulated on digital products. This can be replaced with conventional testing. With digital products, researchers obtain a mass quantity of data and combine them for simulation. Computer testing may alleviate the issue of animal testing.


Such as for SDGs, we are facing enormous issues which should be solved. Indeed, animal testing is one of the solutions that human beings have repeatedly adopted for humans, but they are only for themselves. For the reasons I mentioned above, I believe that animal testing should be banned.

     SDGsなど、解決すべき課題は山積しています。実際、動物実験は、人間が人間のために繰り返し採用してきた解決策の 1 つですが、それらは自分自身のためだけのものです。以上の理由から、私は動物実験を禁止すべきだと考えています。
