

Agree or disagree: Gender inequality will never be eliminated



1 Although there are barriers between men and women in terms of biological differences, gender differences can be solved by recognizing each sexual medical character.

2 At least in income level, gender equality has been boosted in recent years by way of thinking with SDGs.

3 The number of women who work in executive positions is growing drastically.

1 男性と女性の間には生物学的な違いの障壁がありますが、性差はそれぞれの性医学的特徴を認識することで解決できます。

2 少なくとも所得レベルでは、ジェンダー平等は近年、SDGs の考え方に浸透して後押しされています。

3 管理職に就く女性の数は劇的に増加しています。

     I believe that gender inequality can be eliminated in the future. The main evidence of this is SDGs. All people in the world have started to realize that gender equality is one of the significant issues to be achieved for human beings.


     Primary, although there are barriers between men and women in terms of biological differences, gender differences can be solved by recognizing each sexual medical character. Gender is determined by society, in other words, it can be fixed if people changed their perspective of recognizing each other. For example, cooking used to be seen women's responsibility, but nowadays this stereotype is vanishing, and many men have started to cook dishes.


     Second, at least income level, gender equality has been boosted in recent years and permeated by thinking with SDGs. Until 2030, all humans share a goal "let's make gender inequality fade away". Many local municipals have installed the same income level between men and women. This current may be accelerated by the government in this decade.

  第二に、少なくとも所得水準では、ジェンダー平等は近年、SDGs の考え方に浸透して後押しされています。 2030年まで、人類は「ジェンダーの不平等をなくそう」という目標を共有しています。多くの地方自治体は、男女間で同じ所得水準を設定しています。この流れは、この 10 年間で政府によって加速される可能性があります。

     Last, the number of women who work in executive positions is growing drastically. Some researchers have shown that the number of women who worked for high salaries and responsibility is by doubled from thirty years ago. This fact indicates that women leaders who can guess women’s feelings can change the workplace into a wonderful environment for themselves especially after having children.

  最後に、管理職に就く女性の数は劇的に増加しています。一部の研究者は、高給と責任のために働く女性の数が 30 年前の 2 倍になっていることを示しています。この事実は、女性の気持ちを察知できる女性リーダーが生まれ、特に出産後の職場を女性たちにとって素晴らしい環境に変えることができることを示しています。

     For the reasons I mentioned above, more and more women will begin to participate in social construction as workers. I believe that gender inequality can be eliminated in the future.

