Tyrannosaur's Last Meal Evidence for Catastrophic Burial
by Frank Sherwin, D.Sc. (Hon.) | Jan. 22, 2024
Tyrannosaurs were large terrestrial predators after the Fall.1 Juvenile or not, they conjure visions of terrible, fearsome creatures of the pre-Flood world when the earth was “filled with violence.”2,3 Like all dinosaurs, their origin and evolution are an enigma to evolutionists.4
ティラノサウルスは人間が堕落した後、大型の陸上捕食者となりました。幼体であろうとなかろうと、ティラノサウルスは、地球が "暴力に満ちていた "大洪水以前の世界の非常に恐ろしい生き物を思い起こさせます。他の恐竜同様、その起源と進化は進化論者にとって謎です。
Recently, Dinosaur Park Formation in Alberta, Canada, revealed a juvenile tyrannosaurid skeleton allegedly “75-million-years-old.”5 A paper by Francois Therrien of the Royal Tyrrell Museum of Palaeontology, Canada, and three other scientists describes the significance of this discovery, "Here, we describe a remarkable specimen of a juvenile Gorgosaurus libratus [a type of tyrannosaur] that preserves the articulated hindlimbs of two yearling caenagnathid dinosaurs [genus Citipes] inside its abdominal cavity. The prey were selectively dismembered and consumed in two separate feeding events."6
最近、カナダのアルバータ州にあるダイナソー・パーク地層から、「7500万年前のもの」とされるティラノサウルス類の幼体骨格が発見されました。カナダ、ロイヤル・ティレル古生物学博物館のフランソワ・テリエン(Francois Therrien)氏ら3人の科学者は、この発見の意義について次のように語っています:
The paleontologists found evidence that these tyrannosaurs significantly changed their diet, experiencing “a major ontogenetic dietary shift,” i.e., their feeding habits transitioned as they developed and grew older. The authors further stated, “This specimen represents, to our knowledge, the first instance of in situ stomach contents (i.e., preserved in proper anatomical position) for a tyrannosaur and provides direct fossil evidence of diet and feeding behavior in a young tyrannosaurid.”6
This is an admirable discovery that Therrien et al. believe contributed to the evolutionary success of tyrannosaurs, uniquely giving them a competitive advantage over other creatures. But this discovery has nothing to do with evolution. One should hardly be surprised by this ontogenetic change.
Therrien et al. also addressed and illustrated the dentition of G. libratus because such dietary shifts “are often associated with changes in craniodental morphology.”6 However, even though they spoke of “major changes in skull robusticity,”6 the ancestry and evolution of this tyrannosaurid’s dentition was not addressed.7
テリエン氏らはまた、G. libratusの歯列を取り上げ、図解しています。なぜなら、このような食性のシフトは頭蓋歯列形態の変化と関連することが多いからです。しかし、彼らは「頭蓋の堅牢性の大きな変化」については述べても、このティラノサウルス類の歯列の祖先と進化については触れていません。
Indeed, the teeth of G. libratus are what one would expect for such a creature. Therrien et al. described the teeth of the juvenile compared with those of an adult.
実際、G. libratusの歯はそのような生物に期待されるものです。テリエン氏らは、幼体の歯と成体の歯を比較しました。
Juveniles were gracile with narrow skulls, blade-like teeth, and long slender hind limbs, whereas adults were robust with massive skulls and large incrassate teeth and were capable of generating bone-crushing bites. These marked morphological changes suggest that tyrannosaurids underwent a major ontogenetic dietary shift, in which immature/juvenile and mature/adult individuals occupied different ecological niches.6
It’s interesting the researchers describe the stomach contents as “exceptionally preserved.”6 Creationists suggest the remarkable conservation is due to this dinosaur’s sudden, catastrophic, and recent burial under flood conditions.8,9
Fossils—particularly vertebrates—preserved in pristine condition are hallmarks of rapid burial and preservation expected from the catastrophic flooding that is described in Genesis.10