

Recent Green River Bat Fossils

by Frank Sherwin, D.Sc. (Hon.) | Aug. 5, 2024

There’s nothing more fascinating in the evening sky than the erratic flight of what looks like a bird but is actually a ravenous, feeding bat. Using their amazing sonar,1 they effortlessly capture their fill of insects in the dark.

The evolutionary explanation for bat origins is nonexistent. The fossil record contains no fossils documenting a non-bat ancestor becoming a bat. Paleontologists find only complete and fully-formed bats in the sedimentary rocks.2

Sacha Pare writing in Live Science describes the discovery of two new fossil bats in the Green River Formation in Wyoming.
 Sacha Pare氏は Live Science に、ワイオミング州のグリーンリバー層で発見された 2 匹の新しいコウモリの化石について書いています。

To determine the evolutionary history, or phylogeny of the bats, the researchers compared the new fossils with intact skeletons from six Eocene [claimed to be about 54 to 33 million years ago] bat species, as well as with isolated teeth from two other extinct species and with skeletons of living bats. Their results indicated that the newly discovered bat skeletons belong to a never-before-seen species of Icaronycteris...3

Regardless, these are all bats, whether a new species, extinct species, or living species. The evolutionary ancestors of these marvelous flying mammals are not known.

Evolutionists previously posited bats originated “50 million years ago.”4 But this latest discovery has moved bat origins back two million years to 52 million years ago. Pare went on to say this new “discovery has sparked a reshuffle in the bat family tree.”3 But incomplete evolutionary trees are infamous for their subjectivity and unreliability.5

Many creationists see the Green River Formation as being deposited by the Genesis Flood. It is 2,000 feet thick and spread across 20,000 square miles of southwestern Wyoming.6 Its numerous, thin layers, sometimes called varves (alleged “annual” sedimentary deposits), that the formation is famous for contain these bat fossils and a whole lot more, including horses, crocodiles, birds, and millions of fossil fish. The complete fossils within these layers point to a rapid depositional process best explained by the global Flood. And these strata can just as easily be interpreted as being thousands of years old. Indeed, fossils have been found in the Green River Formation that have original soft tissue preserved, indicating they are not millions of years old.7
 多くの創造論者は、グリーンリバー層は創世記の洪水によって堆積したと考えています。この層は厚さ 2,000 フィート(約610m)で、ワイオミング州南西部の 20,000 平方マイル(約51800km²)に広がっています。この層は、コウモリの化石や、馬、ワニ、鳥、数百万匹の魚の化石など、その他多くの化石で有名で、時には年層 (「年間」堆積物と呼ばれることもある) と呼ばれる多数の薄い層でできています。これらの層に含まれる完全な化石は、地球規模の洪水によって最もよく説明される急速な堆積過程を示しています。また、これらの地層は、数千年前のものと解釈することもできます。実際、グリーンリバー層では、元の軟組織が保存された化石が発見されており、数百万年前のものではないことを示しているのです。

The late president of ICR, geologist Dr. John Morris, stated,
 ICRの故会長で地質学者のJohn Morris博士は次のように述べています:
The real question is, does each varve unequivocally represent one year? Definitely not, for several reasons. Studies have shown that varve counts vary between individual locations in modern glacial lakes. Sometimes, the number of laminae covering a historically dated level was more than the elapsed years....“All” researchers now recognize that sometime more than one varve can form in a single year.8
 「本当の疑問は、各年層が 1 年をはっきりと表しているか、ということです。いくつかの理由から、絶対にそうではありません。研究により、年層の数は現代の氷河湖の個々の場所によって異なることがわかっています。時には、歴史的に年代測定された地層を覆っている薄板の数が、経過年数よりも多いこともありました...「すべての」研究者は、1 年に複数の年層が形成されることがあることを認識しているのです。」

Paleontologist Tim Rietbergen of the Naturalis Biodiversity Center in Leiden, Netherlands, stated in regard to the Green River Formation, “Because they [the two newfound bat species] are found lower in the stratigraphy [sediment layers] compared to other fossil bats, they represent the oldest skeletons.”3 This isn’t a particularly scientific explanation as to why these would be the oldest skeletons. Even evolutionists would agree that a series of local flood events could bury the bats, and they could very possibly be the same age as those bats buried above them.
 オランダのライデンにあるナチュラリス生物多様性センターの古生物学者Tim Rietbergen氏は、グリーンリバー層について、「彼ら(今回発見された2種のコウモリ)は、他のコウモリの化石と比較して、層序(堆積層)の下のほうで見つかっているため、最古の骨格を表しています」と述べています。これは、これらが最古の骨格である理由について、特に科学的な説明ではありません。進化論者でさえ、一連の局所的な洪水によってコウモリが埋もれた可能性があることに同意するでしょうし、それらはおそらく、その上に埋もれたコウモリと同じ年代である可能性があります。

To conclude, the “two stunningly preserved, 52 million-year-old bat skeletons”3 found in the Green River sediments are 100% bats. They appear in the rock record fully formed and functional, with no ancestors below. They were rapidly entombed in the thinly layered but thick Green River deposits during the devastating Genesis Flood. Geologist Dr. Morris stated,

..numerous examples of catastrophic deposits, hurricane debris, 90 mph mudflows at Mount St. Helens, and laboratory experiments, have documented rapid formation of multitudes of “varves.” A detailed understanding of past, unobserved events is hard to construct, but in general, the Green River varved deposits support the global Flood of Noah’s day model much better than the uniformitarian, long age model.8
 「... 壊滅的な堆積物、ハリケーンの残骸、セントヘレンズ山の時速 90マイル(約145km)の泥流、そして実験室実験など、数多くの例から、多数の「年層」が急速に形成されたことが記録されています。過去の観測されていない出来事を詳細に理解することは困難ですが、一般的に、グリーンリバーの年層堆積物は、均質論の長い年月モデルよりも、ノアの時代の世界的な洪水モデルをはるかによく裏付けています。」

No suggestion of evolutionary change in bats (or any other creature), or deep time, can be found in Genesis.
