
No Keigo Fridays!


"No keigo in my section next year!" Koji said. We were talking about how to reduce communication barriers and I asked the simple question: is keigo necessary? Our English discussions flowed freely and openly, but this didn't extend to the rest of the company.

年功序列は日本の文化の大きな部分を占めており、社会の可能性を狭めているように感じます。「No Keigo Friday」ですべての問題が解決するわけではありませんが、みんながオープンなコミュニケーションに一歩でも近づけるのであれば、それは進歩だと思います。Kojiの実験の結果がとても気になります。

Seniority is a big part of Japanese culture and I feel like it limits the potential of society. "No keigo Fridays" is not going to fix all of the problems, but if it brings everyone 1 step closer to open communication, that's progress. I'm really interested in the results of Koji's experiment.
