

Hi, nice to meet you! I'm Gerard Alexis, please call me Alex.


I'm a Chef and I'm also a Sake Sommelier, International Kikisake-shi and a Sake Scholar too. I love craft sake and doburoku! It's fascinating and always a pleasure to drink. There's so many interesting and new craft sakes across Japan and I want to try them all. My wish is to share my experiences with you, and I hope to inspire people to try craft sake and doburoku too.


Happytaro Brewery in Nagahama, Shiga - 滋賀県長浜市のハッピー太郎醸造所

Why do I love craft sake? 

I think Japanese sake is a beautiful drink. Before the introduction of craft sake, I was a full-time sake maniac. I spent a lot of time learning, understanding and appreciating Japanese sake, which eventually brought me into the sake industry. I still love Japanese sake.


However, Japanese sake is merely a subset of a wider world of possibilities in alcohol fermentation. There are rules and regulations that maintain the style and content of Japanese sake, just as there are for wines, beer, and so on. As the world becomes smaller, and our cultures begin to diverge, I think it's a wonderful time that fermentation cultures can be shared and enjoyed together.


This is what craft sake means to me. Doburoku aside, craft sake embodies the freedom to explore ingredients outside the realm of regular Japanese sake. The inclusion of hops, teas, fruit, dairy, spices and so on, have the ability to connect sake to the wider world of international drinkers.


Craft sake facilitates ease of drinking and familiarity, yet, retaining a profile that inherently is sake, allowing people to enjoy gateways into the world of sake without any hesitation or worry due to barriers of culture, language or fear of the unknown.


Yet, craft sake can also be intriguing and experimental, which may appear strange or quirky, but always ends up pleasantly surprising. There's ingenuity, creativity and innovation in craft sake, which keeps it interesting and unique.


Konohanano's Hanagumori Doburoku is poured. 木花之醸造所の花曇りどぶろくを注ぐ

Next, there's doburoku! I'm a big fan of doburoku indeed. A beverage with a rich culture and history, revitalised in the modern day. A unique style of sake to appeal to the experienced sake drinkers and geeks (like me) looking for something new. A genuine, fresh creamy beverage, with the taste of all the raw materials used that showcases the depth of fermentation.


I really enjoy the texture of doburoku. It can range from a thick smooth puree to a thinner suspension of rice grains in liquid across a spectrum. That texture also creates new options for food pairing. Spicy foods can be mellowed by the creaminess of doburoku and dairy products such as butter or cream are congruent too. That texture also creates a dynamic experience for clear soups and simmered dishes, an interesting and fun experience where the texture of drink is akin to food and vice versa.


Grilled Cheese and doburoku, have you tried the combination before? 

Let's explore craft sake together!
