




参考2)3兆円超の為替介入か、11日夜の円急騰 日銀当預予想が示唆




参考3)日経平均株価 1033円34銭値下がり ことしに入って最大の下げ幅


参考4)米国株式市場=ナスダック急落、エヌビディア株安など重し 中小型株は上昇





参考5)「日銀ぜひ利上げを」 現在は「超円安」―同友会・新浪氏




次。純粋な円資産での運用目的で円買いが入るだろう、説。これもっと不思議なんだけど、誰が買うんだろう、円をw でも確実に買う連中はいるんだな。外人で。ヘッジファンドの皆さんです。デリバティブとか為替のヘッジファンドね。円を売り買いするのが仕事だからね。あるいは、株式機関投資家の皆さんは、買いますね。だって、円を買わないと日本株買えないから。で、だ。彼らは、日銀が利回りを上昇させたら、更に円を買うのか?買うわけ無いだろ。だって、日本株を買う時に円をロングするわけだから、同額為替ヘッジを普通はします・円買い/ドル売りの反対、つまり円売り/ドル買いのポジションを持ちます。その時、金利が上がっていたら?そう、スプレッド取られますね。円売るからね。金利が高ければスプレッド取られる額も上がるよね。それって、円売りの抑制になるよね。だから円は買われる?買われないよね。シンプルに、『為替ヘッジコストが上がるんだったらわざわざ日本株なんて買わねえよ馬鹿』、となって、外人勢は日本株市場から手を引くよね。そして、株価は下がるよね。あるいは下がりやすくなるよね。結果、円買いの需要は、生まれないよね。もう一度聞きます。『利回りが上がれば円高になるんだ』、というおじさんたち、その根拠を教えてくれ。何故、利回りが低いままでは円買いが走らないのか、何故、利回りが高くなると円買いが走るのか。日本の金融機関が安心して日本国債を持てると、日本円が円高になるのか?本当かそれ?騙されてんじゃないの?騙されてるよね多分。頭悪いと騙されるからね。気をつけましょうね皆様。













ただ、あれだけ重かった、史上最高値の41,000円以上定着を、未だに継続しているわけだから、あの高値が大天井だって可能性は流石に低いと思うんですよね。アイランドリバーサルだけどね。取り残された高値だけどねw でも、あれが大天井だとは思えないんだよな。マジで。







ドルが短期的な保全通貨としては優れていたとて、そのうちドルも破綻するのならば、ビットコインしか買える安全資産はない。だって、発行総数が限られていて、既に大半のホルダーはフィックスしていて(大株主が変動しない上場企業と同じ)、大半の既存ホルダーにデメリットのある発行枚数調整などなされるはずがありえないから、一枚辺りのビットコイン価値は上がり続けることが確定的である。絶対条件として、確定的と言える。なぜなら、35兆ドルも、借金、返せないからw 返せないとどうする?紙幣を刷る。更に刷る。紙幣をすれば?紙切れとしての金の価値は減る。物価は?上がる。金利は?上がるに決まっている。つまり、日米金利差は永久に埋まらず、金利は上がり続け、インフレは止まらず、物価も上がり、最終的には1,000万円札が出来る(嘘です。出来ないでくれww)


参考7)Who Owns the Most Bitcoin in 2024?








【 2018年8月23日発売!ブロックチェーン、仮想通貨をテーマにした松田元新著がKKロングセラーさんから出版されました】
「いい人がお金に困らない 仮想通貨 新時代のルール 」

そして今、ICO(Initial Coin Offering:イニシャル・コイン・オファリング/新規仮想通貨公開)という仕組みが稼働を始め、ビジネスの世界も大きな変革が始まっています。

Episode 667:Breaking Nikkei Average, the sudden currency intervention's assault will slightly change the market rhythm

This recent currency intervention was completely unexpected. With the resignation of Finance Minister Kanda already decided and not much time having passed since the previous intervention, it seemed unnecessary to intervene in a market where the dollar-yen had stabilized above the significant 160.35 yen mark. Yet, it came as a sudden strike. Many people must have been caught off guard. The Bank of Japan and Ministry of Finance team did quite a job. Presumably, they must have intervened at least three times, including smaller amounts, making it four times in total.

Reference 1) USD/JPY

When you look at the 60-minute chart here, you can clearly see the footprints of the intervention.

Reference 2) Over 3 trillion yen in currency intervention? Yen's sharp rise on the night of the 11th suggests BOJ current account forecast

Since they have been intervening persistently over a short period, I feel that both the currency and stock markets might shift modes slightly. If their strategy involves intervening persistently with small amounts, including on holidays like the upcoming Monday, it could be a troublesome development for dollar-yen long position holders.

Many people might think, "Does such frequent intervention really have any effect?" The answer is no. In the long term, it has no meaning whatsoever. However, in the short term, it seems to cause the yen to appreciate, which has at least some effect in countering the media's buzzword "excessive yen depreciation."

Still, it's puzzling why Japan, which is on the currency manipulation watchlist, is so keen on intervening. Regardless of whether Japan intervenes or not, the yen's depreciation will continue, and it seems destined to eventually reach 360 yen. Is it another case of mysterious pressure from the government? I don't understand this at all. It has no benefits and no meaning.

Reference 3) Nikkei Stock Average falls by 1,033.34 yen, the largest drop this year

The Nikkei Stock Average also saw significant turmoil and a major drop before rebounding ahead of the July settlement date. In this article, I had sounded the alarm by saying, "Please pay attention to the trends in the stock market," but despite this warning, the Nikkei Stock Average surpassed its high (sorry, I missed this in the short term), and then suddenly surged by about 1,500 yen before experiencing a significant decline. This is quite a high level of difficulty... The volatility has increased. Moreover, it was a very rare pattern where only the index fell while small and individual stocks remained strong.

Reference 4) U.S. Stock Market - Nasdaq plummets, weighed down by Nvidia's decline, while small and mid-cap stocks rise

With tech stocks and NASDAQ hit, Tesla rising, and the Russell (small and mid-cap stocks) going up, it is a very rare pattern of price movement. Various hypotheses are circulating: is the semiconductor boom over, has NASDAQ's crazy rise settled down, or is it moving away from relying solely on NVIDIA? But in any case, it’s all about “exchange rates,” exchange rates. To interpret these inexplicable price movements, we must first understand exchange rates, decipher yields (interest rates), and carefully analyze the economic foundations.

So today, while reviewing the recent currency interventions, I want to clearly address questions like, "Will the dollar-yen continue to rise?" "Will Japanese stocks continue to climb?" and "Is the bubble peak in U.S. stocks finally here?" By carefully picking up on often overlooked factors, I aim to decisively predict the direction, as always. However, the overall market difficulty is increasing. It’s becoming significantly more challenging. We will work hard to analyze even the finer details. So, let's get started.

1.Will the rise of the dollar-yen (yen depreciation) end?

Let's get straight to the conclusion. It will not end. The yen depreciation will continue. The dollar appreciation will also continue for a while. The reason? It's simple. "There is no reason for the yen to appreciate." That's it. There are only reasons for the yen to depreciate.

Reference 5) "BOJ should raise rates" - Doyukai's Sinani says the current situation is "extreme yen depreciation"

Is the current administration deceiving the smart finance minister? Ineffective currency interventions are not a concern, but there is one policy that could have a significant impact on exchange rates: a rate hike by the Bank of Japan.

In essence, this policy is about moving from a world without interest rates to a world with them, gradually raising rates under the slogan "Let's return to a world with interest rates." According to extremely general principles, when interest rates rise, the cost of corporate financing increases, and as interest rates rise, the expected premium between interest rates and stock prices (the difference between the stock yield rate and interest rates) narrows, making it harder for stock prices to rise (this is just a general theory). Therefore, it is mistakenly believed that a rate hike will lead to yen appreciation. Why it is believed that the yen will appreciate is unclear. It seems to be based on the fixed idea that "zero interest rate policy leads to abundant money and yen depreciation, while interest rate hike policy leads to tightening and yen appreciation," as learned from middle school social studies textbooks. But this is not the case. Why? Because even if Japan raises interest rates, there will be no buying of yen. Without yen buying, bond prices (value) will fall, ratings will drop (yields will rise), and yen depreciation will accelerate further. In other words, even the Bank of Japan's rate hike policy, which could be the only policy significantly affecting exchange rates, is likely to lead to yen depreciation.

First, the "if rates go up, the yen will appreciate" crowd expects two major types of yen buying if a rate hike occurs. One is (1) yen buying due to the narrowing of the Japan-U.S. interest rate differential, and the other is (2) yen buying purely for the purpose of investing in yen assets. If you think about it for a moment, you'll quickly realize that even if the Bank of Japan raises rates this time, they can't suddenly raise them by 5% or 10%. At most, it would be 0.25% or 0.5%. Currently, the policy rate is around 0.1% in Japan and 5.25% to 5.5% in the U.S. Seeing this interest rate differential, how much of a rate hike do you think will be possible? It's not feasible. Even if the difference goes from 0% versus 5.5% to 0.25% versus 5.5%, will the yen appreciate? Of course not. Therefore, there will be no yen buying due to the narrowing of the Japan-U.S. interest rate differential. This topic ends here. By the way, the argument that "if the U.S. lowers rates further and Japan raises them, the Japan-U.S. interest rate differential will eventually catch up" is on the same level as the Earth being hit by an asteroid someday, so it’s not worth rebutting. It's a waste of time.

Next, the theory that yen buying will occur purely for the purpose of investing in yen assets. This is even more puzzling. Who will buy the yen? But there are definitely those who will buy it—foreigners, specifically hedge funds. Their job is to buy and sell the yen through derivatives and currency hedging. Also, institutional stock investors will buy it because they can't buy Japanese stocks without buying yen first. So, will they buy more yen if the BOJ raises yields? Of course not. When they buy Japanese stocks, they usually hedge the same amount, taking a position of yen selling/dollar buying. If interest rates are higher at that time, they will face a spread cost. Selling yen means that if the interest rates are high, the amount taken by the spread will increase. This will suppress yen selling, right? So, will the yen be bought? No, it won't. Simply put, “If the currency hedge cost increases, no one will bother to buy Japanese stocks, you fool,” and the foreigners will withdraw from the Japanese stock market. Then, stock prices will fall, or at least become more prone to falling. As a result, the demand for yen buying will not arise.
Once again, to those who say, “If yields go up, the yen will appreciate,” explain your reasoning. Why won't yen buying occur if yields remain low, and why will it occur if yields increase? If Japanese financial institutions can safely hold Japanese government bonds, will the yen appreciate? Is that really true? Aren’t you being deceived? You probably are. When you're not smart, you get deceived easily. Be careful, everyone.

From now on, it's all about yen depreciation. The reason is simple: there is no reason for the yen to appreciate. The only potential for yen appreciation could be an event-driven move by the Bank of Japan. However, as mentioned earlier, even if the BOJ raises rates, the Japan-U.S. interest rate differential will not narrow, and there will be no demand for buying yen on its own. As a result, the yen will not appreciate and will continue to depreciate. As the yen depreciates, prices will rise further, and consumers will face even more hardship.

2.So, how much will it actually go up to?

It will be 360 yen. The USD/JPY will be 360 yen. Lately, maybe because the news is talking about the economy and inflation, there's this guy in front of his TV at home who just sprouted up out of nowhere on social media, shouting about "USD/JPY" or "Nikkei" all the time. But I'm a professional, so it's different from the sudden hype. I've been predicting hyperinflation since the ultra-strong yen of over ten years ago, and I've been advising on sovereign rating risks (which means yen depreciation risks) as a public speaker even in parliament, so I'm a seasoned forex watcher. So, in the end, it will reach 360 yen. Oh, by the way, we'll eventually have 100,000 yen bills, maybe even 300,000 yen bills. Things you can buy with 10,000 yen will become limited, so there's value that money can't buy. It's a MasterCard world where you can buy things. If you want to fantasize about this future, you should go to South Korea. You'll get used to future Japanese yen units when you see things priced in millions of won. You might think, "I don't understand the unit very well" when you see 1 million won, but the same thing will happen with Japanese yen. When they introduce the 1 million yen bill, it will probably feature Nakamoto Satoshi as the model on the bill. But since his face isn't known, it'll be a logo, like for BTC. Speaking of which, if that happens, it might lead to discussions about using BTC as a settlement currency, so you won't need to hold yen anymore.

However, the issue is timing. If asked whether it will reach 360 yen next year, I don't think so. Maybe it will rise to around 180 yen by the end of this year. It feels like it will stabilize above 200 yen next year. The government likely considers a scenario where the yen gradually depreciates, possibly reaching 360 yen in the long term. As discussed in a previous column, a weaker yen allows (both for Japan and the United States) for legal debt forgiveness, and if the yen depreciates drastically, there could be huge profits from cashing in on current foreign reserves, all in yen terms (does that make sense?). Therefore, yen depreciation seems certain. However, this persistent and annoying intervention might have slightly interfered with this scenario. I intend to delve deeper into this annoying intervention separately.

3.Persistently Annoying Intervention

I've discussed the definite argument for yen depreciation, but this time, despite that, I feel a bit uneasy. Or rather, it's persistent. Too persistent. Therefore, there's a possibility it might cause some fluctuations in the overall yen depreciation trend.

First, there was a sharp drop in the exchange rate from 161 yen to 157 yen. Next, it dropped from around 159 yen to 157 yen by 2 yen, and then gradually declined further to around 157.30 yen with thin trading around 159 yen. Typically, in such a short period, the pace would involve an initial drop of about 4 yen, settling to 1-2 yen lower towards the end. Normally, I would advise, "When intervention comes, deposit cash and long dollars until bankruptcy (don't actually go bankrupt)," but this time, considering the timing and pattern of the intervention, it feels like the usual attack pattern has changed. So, intervention requires caution. We'll have to see tomorrow, though. Since tomorrow happens to be a holiday in the Japanese market, there might be intervention fools starting early in the morning. Depending on that observation, there's a non-zero possibility they could temporarily push it down close to 150 yen if they keep persistently intervening with around 2 trillion yen daily. I remember there used to be a "gentlemen's agreement" for currency interventions to be spaced out about six months, but they haven't been spaced out at all. They've just been coming in aggressively, within just 2-3 months. Moreover, the frequency of interventions divided into three parts has become very high, and the possibility of annoying interventions every day could also affect algorithmic trading patterns, so this aspect requires attention.

If, hypothetically, they intervene with a pattern similar to last time, with about three big moves and then call it quits, we could see it retreat to 159 yen, then back to 160 yen, and possibly even rise to 165 yen, all accompanied by cries of "intervention lol." However, if they continue with their pattern of intervening daily with around 2 trillion yen, lowering it by 2 yen each time, there remains a strong possibility it could be pushed down to around 150 yen. In this case, it would be difficult for the dollar-yen to enter until confirmation that the intervention has ceased. It all depends on tomorrow. It all depends on the intervention starting tomorrow. To my comrades heavily invested in dollar-yen long positions, my condolences, but if cut, persistently longing at the bottom will lead to victory in the end. At that time, let's raise a toast to the birth of the 1 million yen bill.

4.The fiercely challenging Nikkei Average Stock Price

To summarize the discussion so far:

・The Bank of Japan will likely implement a rate hike policy in the near future
・Temporarily, there may be a yen appreciation accompanying the rate hike, but in the medium to long term, yen depreciation is expected to continue
・If persistent daily currency interventions continue, there is an increased likelihood of temporary yen appreciation
・If yen appreciation were to persist, the Nikkei Average Stock Price would likely suffer a downturn

In brief, the movement of the Nikkei Average Stock Price is incredibly complex and challenging. Seriously, this is tricky stuff. When it broke through 41,000 yen and reached its high, you might have thought, "Oops, sorry for the caution," and gone long, only to see it crash due to currency intervention after surpassing 1,500 yen, pretending to be the strongest Nikkei Average Stock Price. This is really tough.

However, considering that it managed to sustain above the historically heavy milestone of 41,000 yen, I find it unlikely that it's simply hit a major peak. It might be an island reversal, a stranded high, but I just can't see it as the ultimate peak. Seriously.

In this article, I seem to be fixated on the semi-permanent yen depreciation mindset, so I tend to lean towards the theory that "accelerating yen depreciation = Nikkei 100,000 yen is a passing point = ultimately, Japanese stocks haven't grown when viewed in dollar terms." Nevertheless, I still don't think that recent high is a near-term peak. I expect it will reach higher levels eventually, but for now, whether it's due for a correction or just appears to be a peak but turns out to be the top, it's hard to say. It's complicated. This is definitely a challenging time.

Looking at the U.S. market, with the rise in the Russell and the selling pressure on tech stocks, I have a feeling the turn of momentum might come for speculative stocks. In Japan, this could be growth stocks. When growth stocks surge and a bubble forms in mid-cap stocks, it often leads to a sharp decline along with the indices, which seems like the usual pattern.

I think if it weren't for the sudden drop in the exchange rate, the Nikkei Stock Average would have flirted with 45,000 yen around the July settlement. So, whether that intervention was conducted under Japan-US agreement or not, it was seriously a perfectly timed annoyance (or a triumph for those handling the intervention). Basically, as long as yen depreciation continues, the bargain sale for Japanese companies will never end, money will keep flowing into Japanese stocks, and Japanese stocks should keep rising. Therefore, these days I'm eager to use the slogan "Anyone not buying Japanese stocks isn't human" to stir up excitement with everyone. However, I still harbor the cautionary note in my heart that "Beware of the stock market," which may or may not have been dispelled by the recent decline following the intervention, and the conclusion is still pending.

5.With yen depreciation confirmed, if you're buying, there's only Bitcoin to consider

There is a stark reality in the world where there is $35 trillion in unresolved debt, and economies resort to forcibly issuing dollars to mask this debt, engaging in currency hedging. It seems inevitable that such economies will eventually collapse; it's just a matter of time.

Reference 6) The rise of Japanese stocks and the decline of the yen reminiscent of the Weimar era

Even though the dollar has been excellent as a short-term safe haven currency, if even the dollar eventually collapses, there will be no safe asset to buy except Bitcoin. Because its total supply is limited, and the majority of holders are already fixed (similar to stable shareholders of publicly listed companies), adjustments to the issuance volume that would disadvantage existing holders are unlikely, making it certain that the value of each Bitcoin will continue to rise. This is an absolute condition, one that can be stated with certainty. Why? Because $35 trillion in debt cannot be repaid, so what happens? Printing more money. And more. What does more printing of paper money do? It reduces the value of gold as a piece of paper. What about prices? They rise. And interest rates? They rise, too. Thus, the interest rate differential between Japan and the U.S. will never close permanently, interest rates will continue to rise, inflation will not stop, prices will rise, and eventually, we might even see a 10 million yen note (just kidding, please don't!).

Both the U.S. and Japan are engulfed in irreversible schemes of massive paper money issuance. The only way to escape from these schemes of massive paper money issuance is to hold Bitcoin, whether it's one or two coins, even 0.1 or 0.2 coins. In any case, owning Bitcoin, even in small amounts, is the only option. Indeed, Bitcoin has become like Noah's Ark, the ark for our times.

Reference 7)Who Owns the Most Bitcoin in 2024?

I might have covered this before, but owning just one Bitcoin instantly places you in the top 2% of Bitcoin holders worldwide. This means that by holding even one of the 21 million Bitcoins that exist, you're considered part of the global elite, within the wealthiest 2%. If the era of Bitcoin dominance arrives, and it will.

Being among the top 2% of the world's wealthy is quite remarkable. It means you're one of the 420,000 wealthy individuals out of the 21 million Bitcoins available. That's no small feat. The fact that it only takes around 9 million yen to achieve this is truly mind-boggling. Or rather, finding such anomalies and trading on them is what speculators do, so for those attuned to such opportunities, there still exists a significant chance.
Writing openly about how "the yen has become worthless, but so will the dollar, so you better have some Bitcoin" doesn't lead to charges of public indecency. People might just think, "Is that guy stupid?" So, not everyone owns Bitcoin. Not yet. That's why there's still time.

When the dollar crashes or the yen is destroyed, Bitcoin has already surged to tens of millions or even billions of yen. So, even if you buy at that time, it's already too late. In fact, I think there will probably be a shortage, and on exchanges, you might only be able to buy fractions like 0.1 or 0.01 Bitcoin. I've mentioned before about a future where access to Bitcoin might disappear, and I think that's likely to happen. So, instead of talking about forex or stocks, there's really no time for that; it's just "quietly buy Bitcoin." But that would be boring, so I interpret the financial markets from various perspectives as a living witness to record how existing capitalism collapses and Bitcoin takes dominance.

There's really no way the yen depreciation will stop, and it's a certainty that it will go from worthless paper to scraps, and further to toilet paper. Yet, I'm still amazed and baffled by the existence of "Mr. Strong Yen due to Rate Hike" types. Most of these types have shifted the majority of their assets into dollars or only hold foreign currency assets. It makes no sense for the yen to strengthen with a rate hike. What are they even talking about, seriously? Compare the Consumer Price Index between the dollar, which has seen over 5% rate hikes, and Bitcoin. Which one is stronger? If the theory that rate hikes lead to yen appreciation were correct, then a 5% rate-hiked dollar shouldn't be underperforming Bitcoin in terms of the CPI. But it is. It's massively underperforming. Why? That's the real question. Everyone doesn't understand, can't see the crucial things.

If you've read this far, you should also be able to analyze stock prices with precision. However, recently, stock prices have been really challenging. To put it plainly, "It's inevitable that the Nikkei Stock Average will surpass 100,000 yen eventually. That will happen within the next few years (maximum 5 years). It will definitely reach highs of 45,000 yen and 75,000 yen in that order. But in the short term, I have a bad feeling." That's about as clear as I can write it. I think it will turn out to be accurate, though. Clearly stating and hitting the mark is the motto of this manuscript, but it's regrettable how difficult it is to read stock prices compared to forex and Bitcoin. However, that's precisely because there are so many fluctuating factors affecting stock prices. Stocks are the last line of defense, to defend against fiat currency collapse. That's why algorithms, AI, governments, and nations all come scrambling to support stock prices. It's definitely complicated. We'll know clearly whether they'll rise further or undergo a temporary correction based on the movements from tomorrow onwards. Please pardon the somewhat tentative writing style for now; I'll provide a precise analysis very soon.

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