


私たちはゲームを作るサークルです。 活動目標はシンプル!とにかく作りたいゲームを作ること。そして自分たちが楽しんで作ること。 これからもずっとずっと好きなゲームだけ作り続けたら良いなと思っています。



ついつい長くなりました。 どうぞよろしくお願いします。

Game Chips のホームページへ!

Hello, we are Game Chips!

We are a game creator circle. Our goal is simple! We just want to make games that we want to make. And to have fun making them. We hope to continue making only the games we like for a long time to come.

Our games don't charge money or have advertisements. We don't like that kind of thing.

It's not that we don't need the money, but the purpose of running this circle is that you all enjoy our games anyway. That is enough to make us happy. That's how we feel.

I have rambled on for a long time.
Thank you for reading.

Go to the Game Chips homepage!
