
Achievement in English learning.

p 559-566まで

I asked my chat GPT English Grammary question today.
I wanna show you how to ask the question.


Please be my English teacher, I am native Japanese speaker. Please answer my question below. The correct sentense is


Of course, I'd be happy to help you with your English questions. Please go ahead and ask your question, and I'll do my best to provide you with the correct sentence and explanations.

What are the language spoken in Canada? But I think What is the language spoken in Canada? Please ask me the reason why using 'are' not 'is'


You're correct that the sentence "What are the languages spoken in Canada?" is the correct way to phrase the question. Here's the reason why "are" is used instead of "is":

In this question, you are asking about multiple languages spoken in Canada, not just one. Canada is a diverse and multicultural country with two official languages, English and French, and numerous other languages spoken by its residents due to its multicultural makeup. When you're asking about multiple items or things (in this case, multiple languages), you use the plural form of the verb, which is "are" in English.

So, to summarize:

  • "What are the languages spoken in Canada?" is correct because you are asking about multiple languages.

  • "What is the language spoken in Canada?" would be correct if you were specifically asking about one primary language, such as English or French, but it wouldn't encompass the diversity of languages spoken in Canada.

