
めちゃくちゃ多い!技術・人文知識・国際業務の在留資格 Many have this status! Engineer/Specialist in Humanities/International Services

 In this article, I will talk about the status of residence of Engineer/Specialist in Humanities/International Services. As the name of this qualification is long, I beleive that not many people, even holders of this qualification, know it by heart. This status is one of the work-related statuses, and as the length of the name indicates, a wide variety of occupations fall under this status. In fact, according to the statistics of the Immigration Service Agency, "Number of foreigners residing in Japan as of the end of 2022," the approximately 3.07 million foreigners currently residing in Japan, those residing under the status of "Engineer/Specialist in Humanities/International Services" are the third most numerous, accounting for approximately 10% of the total, following "Permanent Residents," the most numerous, and "Technical Training," the second most frequent. Now, let's see the characteristics of this status of residence.

What kind of work does fall under this category?

I will explain at length later, but in short, if (1) you have a college degree or other educational background and (2) your work requires specialized skills, academic or systematic knowledge, or international work, you are fit for this qualification. Since it covers a wide range of fields, there are many holders of this qualification.

This qualification is classified into three categories: "Engineer," "Specialist in Humanities," and "International services".

(1) First, work that falls under the category of "Engineer" must be "work requiring technology in the fields of science, engineering, or other natural sciences" and require specialized skills or knowledge. Examples include System engineers and programmers requiring technology and knowledge in information engineering; design and development of precision machinery and appliances, engineering and construction machinery, etc.; aircraft maintenance requiring technology and knowledge in aeronautical engineering; CAD/CAE system analysis; and automotive technology development, etc…

(2) Next, work that falls under the category of "Specialist in Humanities" must be work that requires knowledge in "the fields of law, economics, sociology, or other knowledge in the humanities" and requires academic and systematic knowledge. This is the so-called "Humanities" field, which broadly includes the social sciences. Examples of applicable work are as follows Accounting work related to trade with home country companies in overseas business departments, negotiation and partnership work with foreign airlines, marketing support work such as import/export trend research and sales management, consulting work in business transactions with IT-related companies in home country, and various other sales and clerical work.

Finally, with regard to "International Services," the applicable work is "work that requires thought or sense based on foreign culture. This means work that is rooted in a culture unique to a foreign country and requires a way of thinking or sensitivity that ordinary Japanese people do not have. These tasks must require a certain level of expertise based on ideas and sensibilities cultivated in the society, history, and traditions of the foreign country. Examples of applicable work include the following Airport passenger services utilizing language skills, chartering and operating foreign vessels, interpreting and translating for import and sales

2.The requirements to obtain this qualification are as follows
(1) There is a connection between the job and the major at the university,
(2) The applicant has enough academic background or work experience,
(3) There is a contract between the company and the foreigner,
(4) The company is in stable business condition,
(5) The foreigner receives remuneration that is not less than what a Japanese national would receive for comparable work, and
(6) The foreigner himself/herself has no criminal record.
Even if these requirements are met, there may be cases where the application will not be approved. For example, if it is determined that there is no need to hire additionally a foreigner considering the company's business volume. To avoid such a situation, you may request a Immigration lawyer to apply for status of residence. A Immigration lawyer can prepare not only the mandatory documents required by the immigration authorities, but also optional additional documents to justify the acquisition of status of residence.

行政書士 藤原 陽一
Yoichi Fujiwara, Immigration Lawyer
Tel: 050-6865-7633
E-mail: info@law-fujiwara.com 
〒141-0032 東京都品川区大崎3-5-2 エステージ大崎ビル6階
