




From heat to cold until the equinox:September 19th(Tuesday)

This year's autumnal equinox falls on September 20th. The actual autumn equinox occurs on September 23rd, which is known as "Chuunichi" in Japanese and the period following it is called "Higan," lasting until September 26th. This concept is rooted in Buddhist philosophy, where "Higan" represents the world of enlightenment reached by crossing the sea of life and death, while "Shigan" refers to the current world filled with worldly desires and confusion. It is believed that by offering prayers and performing rituals during this period, one can attain rebirth in the Pure Land.

In the 7th century, the Chinese Pure Land Buddhist text "Kanmuryojyukyosho" by Master Zendo contained the description, "The sun rises in the true east and sets in the true west, and the land of Amida Buddha is situated in the far west beyond a hundred thousand kotis of worlds." This passage influenced Honen Shonin of the Jodo Shu and Shinran Shonin of the Jodo Shinshu sects, contributing to the roots of the Higan tradition.

The phrase "From heat to cold until the equinox" has its roots in astronomical principles.