



堀川御池交差点 (二条城前,毛利病院前)


Attention! Be careful not to fall at the Horikawa Oike intersection:May 10th(Wednesday)

People riding bicycles in Kyoto should definitely pay attention to the Horikawa Oike intersection. Every month, someone falls off their bike at this intersection. I myself have fallen off my bike twice at the same location over the past three years and was miraculously uninjured both times thanks to the breakfall techniques I learned in compulsory judo classes in high school.

Last year, I witnessed someone who had fallen at this location being transported by ambulance. When traveling south on Higashi Horikawa Street and turning left at the Horikawa Oike intersection, there is a step up from the roadway to the sidewalk that causes the front wheel of turning bicycles to get caught and tumble over, right in front of the small step in front of Mouri Hospital.

Especially in the evening or at night, this step is extremely dangerous because it is difficult for cyclists to notice. The City of Kyoto, which is responsible for managing the road, should urgently carry out construction work to eliminate this step.