


 ノーベル賞がノーベル財団によって設立された経緯については,ダニエル・ヤーギン氏の著書『石油の世紀』(上)(日本放送出版協会,1991年,原著書名はThe Prize)のなかで詳しく紹介されている(ダニエル・ヤーギン,op. cit.,pp.84-94)。




The time has come for the announcement of the 2024 Nobel Prize winners: Tuesday, October 8, 2024

This year, the announcement of Nobel Prize winners began on Monday, October 7. The winner of the Physiology or Medicine Prize was announced on the 7th. The Physics Prize will be announced on the 8th, the Chemistry Prize on the 9th, the Literature Prize on the 10th, the Peace Prize on the 11th, and the Economics Prize on the 14th.

The background of how the Nobel Prize was established by the Nobel Foundation is detailed in Daniel Yergin’s book The Prize: The Epic Quest for Oil, Money, and Power (NHK Publishing, 1991, original title: The Prize) (Daniel Yergin, op. cit., pp. 84-94).

Among the Nobel brothers, sons of Swedish architect and inventor Immanuel Nobel, Alfred Nobel was the inventor of dynamite, while Ludvig Nobel was known as the “Oil King of Baku.” The Nobel Prizes, awarded by the Nobel Foundation, were established based on the will of Alfred Nobel.

It is said that there was a reason for the establishment of the Nobel Prizes. In 1888, Ludvig Nobel, the “Oil King of Baku” (present-day Azerbaijan, then part of Russia), suddenly died of a heart attack at the age of 57 on the French Riviera. Following this, a European newspaper mistakenly published an obituary for Alfred Nobel, not Ludvig, with the headline “The Dynamite King and Merchant of Death, Alfred Nobel, Has Died,” accompanied by a description stating, “He invented dynamite, which killed and injured people, and amassed a great fortune.” Reading this, Alfred Nobel realized how he would be remembered after his death and, while still alive, rewrote his will to establish the Nobel Prizes, ensuring his name would be forever associated with contributions to humanity.

The Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences was established in 1968 as part of the 300th anniversary of Sweden’s central bank, which lobbied the Nobel Foundation to create it. Even today, some argue that it is not a “true” Nobel Prize.