

2024年9月7日の日経速報ニュースで「死蔵再エネ、原発480基分 米欧でつながらぬ送電網」という記事が流れた。レアメタルなどの重要鉱物資源をふんだんに使用して生産された太陽光発電のパネルや風力発電の半導体等が,有効な電源に使われていないという点で,大変ショッキングな話だ。





Approximately 6 trillion yen for domestic power grid development investment and over 6 trillion yen in gasoline and other subsidies for emergency response: Friday, September 13, 2024

On September 7, 2024, Nikkei’s breaking news reported an article titled, "Stranded Renewable Energy, Equivalent to 480 Nuclear Power Plants, Due to Unconnected Power Grids in the U.S. and Europe." The fact that solar panels, wind power semiconductors, and other equipment—produced using critical mineral resources such as rare metals—are not being used as effective power sources is truly shocking.

The article is based on data from the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in the U.S., which investigated the portion of solar and wind power that has not been connected to the power grid in the U.S., and data from BloombergNEF (BNEF), which did a similar study on four major European countries. The Nikkei calculated that this unconnected renewable energy is equivalent to the generation capacity of 480 nuclear power plants.

This is not a distant problem for Japan either. The article also mentions that, according to Japan's Agency for Natural Resources and Energy, the amount of renewable energy output controlled through “output suppression” in fiscal 2024 is expected to increase by 1.4 times compared to fiscal 2023.

Japan, as an emergency response, has spent over 6 trillion yen on gasoline subsidies over the past few years to curb the rising cost of gasoline. In contrast, the planned investment for the development of Japan's domestic power grid is around 6 to 7 trillion yen, but this will be spent over a much longer period, stretching until 2050.

It makes me wonder whether there are any politicians or experts in this country who, from a comprehensive and long-term perspective, are seriously discussing energy security policies in light of Japan's current energy strategy.