



 そこで,為替レートや物価上昇率の変化による影響を比較的に受けない指標として,国際通貨基金(IMF)は「購買力平価ベースのGDP」を推計して公表している。購買力平価(PPP:Purchasing Power Parity)とは,「一物一価」の法則が成立すると仮定した場合の為替相場のことをいう。有名な例が,マクドナルドのビックマック指数(BMI)であり,この例では世界のどの国でも同じ価格でビックマックを購入できるとした場合のその国の対ドル為替相場である。


Japan drops to 4th place in the world in terms of nominal Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in US dollars:February 18th(Sunday)

There were reports that Japan's nominal Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in US dollars for 2023 fell from 3rd to 4th place in the world, surpassed by Germany. How should we interpret this?

GDP of each country is estimated in their respective national currencies. Looking at the size of GDP when converted to US dollars based on the average annual exchange rate against the dollar for 2023 (although it is preliminary data), Japan's GDP was $4.21 trillion, while Germany's was $4.46 trillion. The average exchange rate for 2023 saw the yen depreciate by 7.87% against the dollar, and the euro appreciate by 3.64% against the dollar. In other words, when converted to dollars, Japan's GDP decreased, while Germany's GDP increased. Additionally, there is a difference in the inflation rate. The GDP deflator inflation rate for Germany in 2023 exceeded 6% (preliminary data), while Japan's GDP deflator inflation rate remained at 3.7% (preliminary data). This means that the nominal value of Germany's GDP, which became more expensive due to inflation, also increased significantly.

Therefore, to assess the impact relatively unaffected by changes in exchange rates and inflation rates, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) calculates and publishes the "GDP at Purchasing Power Parity (PPP)" as an indicator. Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) assumes an exchange rate where the "law of one price" holds. A well-known example is the Big Mac Index (BMI) by McDonald's, which represents the country's exchange rate against the US dollar where one can buy a Big Mac at the same price worldwide.

According to the IMF, in terms of GDP at Purchasing Power Parity in 2022, China ranked 1st, the United States 2nd, India 3rd, Japan 4th, Germany 5th, and Russia 6th. The GDP at Purchasing Power Parity for 2023 has not been publicly disclosed at the current moment.