




Energy Resources Theory:April 8th (Monday)

Today marks the beginning of classes, and we conducted the first session of "Energy Resources Theory A," targeting students in their third year or above. This year, the number of registered students is 315, and there seems to be a growing interest among students in decarbonization and achieving carbon neutrality.

Moreover, there is an impression that many students are taking the class quite seriously. However, it is unfortunate that there is a certain proportion of students who seem to experience aversion or tension when explaining factor decomposition using the equations of total differentials to discuss the potential of policy mixes for reducing carbon dioxide emissions with the use of the Kaya formula.

In any case, since the goal is for students to become the mainstay of society in 2050, 26 years from now, with the aim of achieving "carbon neutrality," it is important for them to seriously consider it, not as something distant, but as something relevant to their own lives.