
To a new phase

I’m excited to mention that we have updated Wowoo project’s overall structure:


As you may all know, we, Wowoo have been promoting and educating about Blockchain technology mainly in the form of ICO. The story behind this update is that we strongly felt the necessity of leading Wowoo project to a higher stage in consideration of the future society needs, and most importantly, to give back not only to our token holders but people whose been supporting us for long time.

It is often said that, a precise management and quality product and service are also important in business, but the shortcut in success within the internet society is rather how to spread your brand’s name and image to the society. In another words, how to create a meme out of your business.
This is because majority of people does not fancy too much in the effort or technology behind the product/service, but rather fancies in the brand image. For an extreme example, if you were to see that “WWB is adopted by a national currency of a country” or “Donald Trump is an advisor of Wowoo”, you could imagine that this project has a high possibility in success. Not to mention that if the project is empty inside regardless, then that is a scam, but the point is that gaining attention is an advantage in any business.

So how about in Blockchain space? I think that this space tends to evaluate fairly on the tech itself as well as the branding, and it is quite interesting to see the space contains a bit of movement type of mindset to change the ungrateful society structure. However, if a branded service produced by a revolutionist were to assure a project, since we are still human after all and at the end of the day there is a need of constructing a cash point as a business (not a charity), regardless of the corporate size, people will see the project as promising. (Binance is a great example)

With this said, I think Wowoo is a very lucky project. As mentioned in the announce, we have not been able to achieve a prouded result in terms of token price which majority sees as priority, I still have faith that we haven’t made a mistake in choices. The culture of appreciating token increase itself may change over time, but if you see the space from a business point of view, the ones that are succeeding are so called Platform business which bridges the individual protocols and users. An exchange bridges the trading access between the users and assets, while an educational institution bridges knowledge of Blockchain engineering over developers.

Although capitalism is beginning to collapse, the fundamental is that someone shall operate a business and create value, and Wowoo must follow this rule too. We must secure a profitable business, and the service offered through business should function to accelerate the tokens and projects.

Ever since we were founded, our idea was to bridge people with good deed (and are paid less or none rewards for) and cryptocurrencies (incentives). I can relate the branding story at the beginning to my own experience too, that in environmental businesses, regardless of how logically possible or how incredible the solution may be to solve pollutions, it is very unlikely to success when the project has no fame. Even though that it cannot be said a direct solution to these problems, Wowoo project has initially began to seek through the development of token economy via ICOs, by introducing blockchain to projects whom had unique ideas. The contents of the announcement is so to explain that we will continue to support ICO solutions as well as constructing a token economy as a business, which will have less dependency on fiat currency in the future. If you have not yet checked of the announcement, the attached PDF in the announcements will help you to understand better with infographics.

Our project vision that has been highlighted from the beginning of our activities, has gradually been established in the market. (Special thanks to all our great partners!)
What is being questioned to us now is that, by having a sympathetic message, suitable vision with the society and developing a technology to support them as preconditions, how far can we leverage Wowoo with our brand.
There has been nothing wasted along the way of our course, so we will be heading straight towards with our quality partners to realize our visions.

The market in which we are challenging as business is the Capitalism itself.
We have many problems in our society, large or small, and thousands of complicated matters to consist them, so it is impossible to achieve world peace with just a sole solution.
However, what can be said is that Capitalist society does create disparities, and is one of the cause which why many do not have a space to find and care of what is really important because of constantly running after or from money.
My intention is not to oppose of the system, but it’s also true that many in this space received the excitement the outbreak of Bitcoin, because it could be the clue in finding new possibilities to people. By promoting the Token Economy, I believe that I could contribute to the society by being help of people to secure more personal spaces.

I’ve recently heard from my Japanese friend that Japanese are panicked because their FSA announced that their citizens are likely to be short on cash after their retirement, and also another tragic child abuse case had gone viral. These two cases seems to have no direct relations but I thought that there are similar cause underlying in both cases where we simply lack of caring about others. (Rest in Peace to the poor baby girl.)

It is once again an extreme example but if the whole people on earth were to be given 10k USD monthly and enough necessities of life, what would the people want? I assume most will do whatever they like for certain period of time, but what happens next after they get tired of that? But hey, we are talking about AI and robots taking over our jobs in real life.

I want to create an environment where people would be able to choose, accept, give and spend on their own will (without looking through a given colored glasses from the society) through Wowoo.
Support and choose the things you like, and be incented from that even. Most of the necessities can be taken care with Tokens, therefore will create more ease in our hearts and can spend our fiat currencies like cash on other self-fulfillments. In result I hope that it could lead us towards world peace, and it is our responsibility to hand that kind of possibilities to our child and many generations ahead.

Enough of envisioning at this point, as I am aware that only an action and result is expected in the end. Do look forward as we will continue to develop the lead to Mooning our related tokens and projects through our new use cases.















