
Foley Stage Expansion! 〜Part 2〜 フォーリースタジオ増築の記録。

Construction records of the new foley stage at Footsteps studios, Canada.

映画効果音専用レコーディングスタジオ、「フットステップス」スタジオに、第3のステージ誕生!仕掛けがいっぱい, ワクワクの新ステージ建設の記録です。

Dig, Stack and Pour! 掘って、積んで、流し込む!

Dig and Dig, and then, stack and stack! Boy, these foam molds are very efficient! They are just like giant LEGO's. They have sound absorbing character as well so they are quite perfect. In completion, there will be two of these walls with really good extraneous noise reductions.

Part 1 からの続きです。場所を確保したところで土台の建設。セメントを流し込むための型はフレーム入りの発泡スチロール性で、まるででっかいレゴ。型に沿ってカットして、トントンとはめ込んでいきます。遮音性にも優れているので、セメント凝固後はセメントの壁の内側、外側に遮音壁ができることになります。


 PEEK inside! Youtube channel!

Random moments inside our foley studio. Often not glamorous but always passionate. Come and take a PEEK!   ↓↓↓↓↓

PEEKaFOOT! Goro Koyama Foley


The Foundation. セメントドボドボ。

The first pour.A cement truck and another truck with a long hose and an arm. That's a lot of cement!This thing is going to be solid and quiet. 




Heave! The outer walls are up!  外壁と屋根を、高く。

As the second phase, the walls above ground are going up. Going on top are the trusses pre-phabricated in another location. One by one, they get lifted and guided into place by professional beam walkers.


さて、次回 THE GREEN ROOM 3 では、


Footsteps Studios have provided exciting and intricate foley sound effects on fantastic projects. The Greatest Showman, Blade Runner 2049, The Lighthouse、Marry Poppins Returns, Cloverfield, and Alice in Wonderland to name a  few. 


